Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 873 What are you doing!trying to take credit for me

When Xinrui and Yisong were standing in the dark watching An An, Lu Wanwan suddenly looked over the children and looked at them.

Xinrui immediately gave her a flattering smile.

Yi Song held up a piece of paper and shook it towards her.

is the list.

After Lu Wanwan looked away, she lowered her head and said to An An: "An An, you are here to meet your brothers and sisters. Mommy is going to do something, and I have to leave for a while."

"It's okay, Mommy, just go." An An said sensible.

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan smiled, then walked towards Yisong and Xinrui.

And An An was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic brothers and sisters.

Xinrui pretended to be curious and asked: "Sister in charge, is that your son?"

When Lu Wanwan turned around, Yi Song suddenly said to Xin Rui: "It's a pity not to become an actor with such superb acting skills." <.97xiaoshuo. net

Inside Xie Rou's office.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Well, his name is An An, and this is the first time I've brought him here."

"Then can I go over and say hello to him later?" Xinrui looked at Lu Wanwan and said sadly: "An'an looks like a good friend of mine before. When I saw him, I couldn't bear to see him." I can't help but think of my good friend."

Lu Wanwan bent down and touched her little head: "Of course, you can come to the office with me first."

At this time, whoever is the first to show the list to Lu Wanwan will be more valuable.

Seeing that Xinrui wanted to give Lu Wanwan the list and let her look at his own first, Yi Song sneered, then suddenly took away Xinrui's list, not letting her give it to Lu Wanwan.

Seeing this, Xinrui said angrily: "What are you doing! Do you want to take credit for me?"

Yi Song unfolded the half-folded paper in his hand, and said, "This is a list of all the clients I have contacted with Dong Yi these years, with their names and mobile phone numbers on it."

Not to be outdone, Xinrui took out a list and said, "I have one too, and I know more customers! The sister in charge looks at mine first!"

Yisong and Xinrui have been with Dong Yi for many years, and there must be overlapping clients in their lists.

Lu Wanwan said calmly, "I will hand over this list to the police and ask them to make up a reason."

Yi Song asked: "What reason?"

"For example, before Dong Yi was executed, his conscience suddenly discovered that he confessed the names of these beasts in your hands? By then, there will be no proof, so you will be fine?"

Yisong ignored her, but looked at Lu Wanwan: "What are you going to do so that people don't suspect us?"

Hearing this, Xinrui couldn't care less about being angry for a while, and looked at Lu Wanwan.

After all, their act of selling out their customers' privacy is already a big taboo in the industry. If the news gets out one day, they will face cruel revenge.

At this point, Lu Wanwan got two lists, and she couldn't help saying to them: "You have done a good job, I guarantee that none of the people on the list will escape."

Hearing this, Yi Song smiled shortly, and quickly returned to indifference.

After Lu Wanwan collected the list, she started chatting with them: "Are you still used to living here these two days?"

As she said that, Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand towards Yisong and asked, "Give it to me?"

"En." Yi Song finally felt relieved and handed the list to her.

"And mine!" Xinrui reminded from the side.

Lu Wanwan asked, "What do you want to learn?"

Yi Song said: "I want to learn mixed martial arts and weapon fighting."

He wants to learn hand-to-hand combat and firearms?

Xinrui said quickly: "I like this place very much. Everyone takes good care of me. If I could meet the sister in charge earlier, Ruirui wouldn't have to suffer so much."

Regardless of whether what Xinrui said was true or not, Lu Wanwan nodded and looked towards Yisong.

"I'm okay." Yi Song said, "But apart from homework, can you teach me something else?"

"I know it will cost a lot of money, and I can pay for it myself."

When Yi Song left Dong Yi Orphanage, he took some cash with him, which was his "blood money". As for the excess, he couldn't take it with him, because it was seized by the police.

"It's not about money." Lu Wanwan said, "Can you tell me first, what kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?"

But he is still so young, only 10 years old.

After Lu Wanwan was slightly taken aback, she began to think.

Yisong's personal experience and logical thinking cannot be measured like ordinary children. He has been bullied for too long and wants to learn these things to protect himself. Lu Wanwan can understand.

After a pause, Yi Song said again: "Like your son, he is very precious at first glance. If I learn the skills, I can be his bodyguard when I grow up and protect his safety personally. What do you think?"

Xinrui's expression cracked, this guy Yisong is too good at hugging his thighs without making a sound!

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked Xin Rui: "What about you, is there anything you want to learn?"

If Yi Song wants to be a good person, then she doesn't mind him learning guns, but if he wants to learn these to take revenge on society, then she can only refuse.

She will never grow evil flowers in the soil of the treatment center.

Yi Song replied: "I just want to learn a skill. When I grow up, I can be a criminal police officer or be a bodyguard for others."

Xinrui lowered her head and pointed her fingers shyly: "Dancers and artists, this is all secondary."

Lu Wanwan said "Oh?" and asked with great interest, "Then what is the main thing?"

Only to hear Xinrui continue: "I mainly want to be your son's wife."

After Xinrui glanced at Yisong, she said that she must not lose!

"Sister in charge, can I, can I continue to learn dancing and painting?"

Dancing and painting can cultivate a girl's temperament. Lu Wanwan couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so she said, "Yes, when you grow up, do you want to be a dancer or an artist?"

At this time, Ding Nuo's voice sounded from outside the office: "Wanwan, Mr. Zong and Miss Zhou are here, do you want to go out and meet them?"

Zong Qi and Zhou Mo?

They dated alone?

Hey, look how good she is!Yisong's ambition is to be Fu Huai'an's bodyguard, but her ambition is to be Fu Huai'an's wife, and she will always be Yisong's leader!

Lu Wanwan: "..."

Yi Song: "..."

Yisong and Xinrui nodded together.

Lu Wanwan continued: "If it's okay, you all go out."

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan said to Yi Song and the two: "Okay, I have already understood your thoughts, give me some time, and I will make arrangements for you, okay?"

Moreover, they came here together...

Could it be that Zong Qi had already confessed everything to Sister Mo?

"Okay." Yi Song and Xin Rui left.

Immediately, Lu Wanwan straightened up and went to see Zong Qi and Zhou Mo.

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