Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 872 She Cooked for Him herself

Early the next morning, outside Mingyuan.

Lu Wanwan took An An's little hand and bid farewell to Fu Shuo.

An An reluctantly said: "Daddy, I will miss you."

"Daddy will miss you too." Fu Shuo knelt down and said to An An: "You have to listen to Mommy and don't make her angry, you know?"

"Got it, Daddy." An An said, leaning forward and kissing Fu Shuo's handsome face: "Goodbye, Daddy."

Satisfied, Fu Shuo straightened up and looked at Lu Wanwan, expecting that she would give him a farewell kiss or a hug like An An did.

Lu Wanwan pretended not to see the expectation in his eyes, and asked aloud, "Have you brought enough luggage?"

Fu Shuo said, "I've brought enough, what else?"

"Well, I'll be right back as soon as I'm done." After finishing speaking, Fu Shuo suddenly raised his hand and hugged Lu Wanwan and An An into his arms.

Regardless of Lu Wanwan being as stiff as a piece of wood.

Fu Shuo knew how despicable he was now, he took advantage of An An's hugging Wanwan, and for An An's sake, he didn't push him away.

Lu Wanwan said: "Have a good trip, come back early."

Hearing this, the man who had been a little lost regained his composure.

Although there was no goodbye kiss or hug, at least Wanwan hoped that he could go home early, which showed that he was still in my heart.

It seems that the divorce agreement cannot be delivered for the time being.

The next second, Lu Wanwan's hand was shaken: "Mommy, tomorrow is Saturday, do you have any plans?"

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and said, "Mommy has to go to the treatment center."

At this time, the driver's joking voice came: "Sir, I know you don't want to part with the young mistress and the young master, but if you don't leave, you will miss the flight."

Hearing this, Fu Shuo reluctantly let go of Lu Wanwan, turned around and got into the car.

Lu Wanwan looked at the leaving car, feeling a little melancholy.


The next day, Saturday.

After Lu Wanwan got up, she went downstairs to make breakfast for An An.

She made an appointment with Yi Song to go to the treatment center to get the list.

An An's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, "Then take me there with you? I haven't been there yet!"

"Yes." Lu Wanwan readily agreed.

"No." Lu Wanwan said: "It's because I haven't cooked for a long time, and I'm a little rusty. I want to pick up my cooking skills as soon as possible."

In this way, after she and Fu Shuo divorced, she could cook for An An every day.

Xia Zhi opened her mouth, and wanted to ask Lu Wanwan, why did she bring back her cooking skills when she already had servants and chefs like them?

Xia Zhi, who was busy in the kitchen, saw her and asked in surprise: "Young Mistress, I found that you often make breakfast for the Young Master recently?"

While washing rice in front of the vegetable sink, Lu Wanwan gave a soft "um" sound.

Xia Zhi asked a little anxiously: "Young Mistress, is it because what we made didn't suit Young Master's taste?"

An An slumped on the chair like a piece of melted glutinous rice cake, and said contentedly, "Mum, I used to think that Daddy's cooking is delicious, but now I find that your cooking is delicious too!"

Lu Wanwan smiled at him and said, "You like to eat, and Mommy will often make it for you in the future."

An An immediately jumped up from the chair and asked, "Really?"

At this time, Lu Wanwan's voice sounded: "Xiao Xia, can you help me take out the shrimp from the refrigerator?"

"Okay, young mistress." Xia Zhi hurried over.

For breakfast, Lu Wanwan cooked porridge, fried shrimp with green beans, roasted chicken wings with chestnuts, and steamed pumpkin with candied dates, and ate them all with An An.

After eating and drinking enough, Lu Wanwan drove An An to the treatment center.

Half an hour later——

Seeing that Lu Wanwan had stopped the car, An An immediately asked, "Mummy, are we here yet?"

Lu Wanwan nodded.

In fact, in the past, she often cooked delicious food for Li Jingchen, but later, after so many things happened, she stopped cooking for other men, and it was the same for Fu Shuo.


Lu Wanwan followed and saw that the outside of the building had been covered with moss, making it look a bit dilapidated.

Compared with the newly built orphanage, the layout is also a bit smaller. After all, it is not six years ago.

"Mommy, let's go in!"

"Well, that's it."

After An An got off the car, she looked at the building in front of her and said, "Wow, this place is much bigger than I imagined."


"Aren't you right, Mommy?"

"Yes, baby is right." Seeing An An's innocent and friendly smile, Lu Wanwan smiled from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, in the treatment center.

After Lu Wanwan led An An into the yard, she had an inexplicable sense of seeing the child back to her mother's house.

She looked at An An nervously, hoping to get his approval instead of his disgust.

The yard is not big, but An An felt that it was very warm, and said that in this way, the teachers would not have to look for the children everywhere, which is so convenient.

In the next second, Xinrui looked at Yisong who was leaning in the corner, with provocative eyes.

From the moment they set foot in the treatment center, the competition has begun.

And Xinrui felt that she had already gained the upper hand, and she was sweet-mouthed and would come to trouble again. Both the teacher and the children liked her very much, and she could have whatever she wanted.

The boys were presenting treasures in front of Xinrui, but within two days, they were all fascinated by this beautiful little girl, wishing to give her their most cherished things as tokens of love.

Xinrui accepted all the orders, and gave a sweet smile: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"Just as long as you like it!" The boys blushed.

You know, that woman has a very close relationship with Li Jingchen, as long as she can make her care about him, he can reach the sky in one step!

Calculate the time, Lu Wanwan should come too, right?They agreed that they would hand over the list to her today.

While Yi Song was thinking about it, he saw a beautiful woman walking in from the door, and she was holding a little boy who was so delicate that he didn't look like a real person, which immediately attracted the attention of others.

Yi Song sees Xin Rui's thoughts through her charming eyes, and can't help but sneer.

Xinrui is an idiot, so what if he receives gifts from everyone?These gifts are worthless.

What he really wants to please, who can bring him a qualitative change, is Lu Wanwan!

The girls were chattering and asking non-stop, and even the boys around Xinrui couldn't resist walking over curiously.

Faced with everyone's curious scrutiny, An An didn't feel nervous at all. Instead, he took a step forward and said generously, "Hi everyone, my name is Fu Huai'an. It's the first time we meet. Please give me your advice!"

"Wow, so cute!"

"Auntie Wanwan! Who is he?"

"Dean, Dean, is he the younger brother!"

"My God, he looks so good!"

"Brother is finally here!"

"We've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

On the other side, after turning her back to everyone, Xinrui pouted, walked towards Yisong, and said bitterly: "In this world, besides you, there are actually little boys who look better than me, tsk."

And as soon as she came, she snatched other people's attention from her. This was the first time Xinrui encountered such a thing.

Yisong looked at Fu Huai'an's gestures, they were all so appropriate, it was the inborn nobility that he and Xinrui couldn't learn no matter how hard they worked.

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