Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 874 They are in a confirmed relationship

At this moment, Zong Qi was sitting with Zhou Mo on the sofa in the hall, looking at An An, who stood out from the crowd of children, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

On the other hand, Zhou Mo, she had been here many times with Jiang Man before, so she was more casual than Zong Qi. She leaned on the sofa with her legs crossed and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Zong Qi looked at An An: "That kid... looks familiar."

Zhou Mo chuckled, and said: "He is Wanwan's son, his eyebrows and eyes look like Wanwan, of course you look familiar."

Zong Qi was taken aback: "Really?"

Zhou Mo asked, "Is this the first time you've seen him?"

Zong Qi said: "Yes."

"Then I'll call him over, he's so smart, you'll definitely like him." After finishing speaking, Zhou Mo put his hands in the shape of a trumpet, and put his hands on his mouth and shouted: "An'an, come here!"

"You still talk about me." Zhou Mo took An An's little hand, looked around, and then pretended to be angry and asked: "You haven't come to see me at the mayor's mansion for a long time, have you forgotten me?" gone?"

An'an said sweetly: "That's impossible, Aunt Zhou Mo is the first person I met in S city, if I forget, it is impossible for anyone to forget you."

This sound made An An look around. After seeing that it was Zhou Mo, he quickly said "Sorry" to the little friend he just met beside him, then paused the game, and trotted towards Zhou Mo.

"Aunt Zhou Mo, why are you here?" An An's eyes stopped on Zong Qi for a while, then fell on Zhou Mo, and asked enthusiastically.

"Oh my god, this is the first grader in Nankai Elementary School!"

As a transfer student, An An actually got the first grade in the best elementary school in city S, which really opened Zhou Mo's eyes.

"It's about the same." Zhou Mo wasn't really angry at first, but after hearing An An's words, she first smiled, and then asked with concern: "Are you tired from studying recently?"

"I'm not tired. I got the first grade in the monthly exam last month." An An reported to her.

After An An noticed, the generous Chao Zongqi looked at him: "Is this uncle a friend of Aunt Zhou Mo?"

Zhou Mo took Zong Qi's arm and said with a smile: "He is my boyfriend, you can call him Uncle Zong."

"Our Ann is awesome!"

Zong Qi raised his glasses from the side, and took a careful look at An An.

"Well, I..." Zong Qi wanted to speak, but Zhou Mo kept sticking to him, and he was a little dizzy from the fragrance of poppies on her body.

Seeing this, Zhou Mo smiled even wider, and said for him: "Your Uncle Zong is a scientist."

As a man of science and engineering, Zong Qi has always been in a working environment where there are more men than women, and there are basically no glamorous, fashionable and pretty women like Zhou Mo around him.

"Wow, hello Uncle Zong!" An An immediately greeted Zong Qi, looking at him curiously: "What does Uncle Zong do?"

When she laughed, she kept holding Zongqi's arm.

As her chest rose and fell, Zong Qi's arms could clearly feel the softness of her chest, which made Zong Qi's fair and handsome face blush.

"Really?" An An admired from the bottom of her heart: "Uncle Zong is amazing! However, Aunt Zhou Mo seems to be even better at being able to fall in love with scientists."

"Hahaha!" Zhou Mo laughed happily.

"Sister Mo, Mr. Zong, did you come together?"

"Yes, Wanwan, come and sit down quickly." Zhou Mo patted the sofa beside him, and smiled at Lu Wanwan: "You don't know how much your son can talk, and when he grows up, I don't know if he will be fascinated." How many little girls."

He wasn't sure, if Zhou Mo continued to post like this, would he faint due to the lack of oxygen in his head?

Fortunately, Lu Wanwan appeared and saved Zong Qi.

Soon after--

While Zhou Mo was going to the bathroom, Lu Wanwan asked softly, "Mr. Zong, have you told Sister Mo about your situation?"

Lu Wanwan noticed that Zhou Mo was holding Zong Qi's arm, did they confirm their relationship?

But can the mayor and the mayor's wife agree to them being together?

Zong Qi explained: "I want to test her reaction after seeing Xiao Mian first, and then decide whether to tell her that I want to adopt Xiao Mian."

"But you are already boyfriend and girlfriend! Do you think she would like you to hide her and test her?"

Zong Qi's glasses mirrored the light: "Not yet."

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened: "Not yet, then why did you bring her here today?"

The last time she asked me if I want to confirm the relationship first, and then break up if it is not suitable,

In order to avoid being unclear and insecure with each other, I thought it made sense, so I agreed to her. "

Lu Wanwan supported her aching forehead and asked, "By the way, when did you establish your relationship?"

Zong Qi said: "After you took me to her design studio that night, we met privately twice,

Lu Wanwan understood the meaning of Xia Zongqi's words, that is, he might not have feelings for Zhou Mo, but he just didn't hate him, and he was the type who could make do with it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved for Zhou Mo: "Sister Mo's conditions are very good, and there are many opposite sexes who pursue her. It's your turn because she has high vision and didn't like them."

After Lu Wanwan finished listening, she said: "I saw that Sister Mo was holding your hand just now, and she seems to like you quite a bit. What about you, do you like her?"

Zong Qi raised his glasses and said, "I can only say that if it's her, I'm willing to get married."

"In short, you can't play with Sister Mo's feelings, or I will regret introducing her to you. Besides, if you don't say it, I will say it myself!"

At first, Lu Wanwan took a fancy to Zong Qi's noble character. His devotion to the motherland for scientific research is enough to make people admire.

Zong Qi said calmly: "This means that I am better than the opposite sex who pursued her before, right?"

Lu Wanwan had a myocardial infarction. Her original intention was to remind Zong Qi that Zhou Mo was very hot, but unexpectedly he understood it like this!

And the premise that she introduced Zhou Mo to Zong Qi did not include his concealment of his infertility, let alone the fact that he wanted to adopt Xiao Mian!

"Don't worry, I'm sensible." Zong Qi said seriously, "After today, I will tell her everything, including my physical condition."

Thinking of such an excellent person, it would be so troublesome to adopt a daughter, she couldn't help but want to help him, so she suggested to him to form a family as soon as possible to increase the chance of adoption, and introduced Zhou Mo to him.

And all of this is based on Zongqi's great personality and dedication.

"Well, I'll take you to find her." Zong Qi said, straightening up.

At this time, Zhou Mo went to the bathroom and walked towards Zongqi with a smile: "Zongqi, didn't you say that you want to take me to meet a child here?"

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Zhou Mo did not forget to say: "That night, we will be excused first?"

"Okay." Lu Wanwan looked innocent, but she thought in her heart, if Zong Qi didn't keep her promise and continued to hide Zhou Mo's words, then let her speak.

But in this way, Lu Wanwan will be completely disappointed with Zong Qi, and he will never even think about adopting Xiao Mian.

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