Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 871 He can't help thinking about it

Shi Yu's eyes sank, was he rejected?

It's just a box of candy, Lu Wanwan will reject him?

Also asked if he has a girlfriend?

For an ordinary person, it is estimated that he would have been embarrassed by being rejected.

But Shi Yu can't, even if he is extremely upset, he can still keep smiling.

This is what he learned from Li Jingchen.

At this moment, Lu Wanwan's assistant came in with two cups of coffee. When she saw the crystal candy on Lu Wanwan's desk, the assistant said "ah" in surprise, "Sister Lu, you have it too." ?”

Lu Wanwan looked at her, only to hear the assistant continue: "I thought Mr. Shi only gave me candy."

Shi Yu said: "I remember Ms. Lu said that it was your assistant who found my porcelain bottle in the cargo box, so how can I favor one over another?"

"So it's like this, I thought you..." It's interesting to me!

The assistant was ashamed about the latter words and did not continue.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan subconsciously asked, "Do you have crystal candy too?"

"Yes, but my gift box is smaller than Miss Lu's." The assistant said while putting down the coffee.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help looking at Shi Yu with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

After Shi Yu squinted his eyes, he asked, "Miss Lu, where did we talk just now?"

This time it was Lu Wanwan's turn to be embarrassed.

She asked Shi Yu just now if he had a girlfriend, and suggested that he give him crystal candies to his girlfriend. The intention was to remind him, but in the end, he was honest and gave her little assistant a box of crystal candies as well.

Just treat her as self-indulgent.

After putting down the coffee, the assistant left Lu Wanwan's office covering his face.

Lu Wanwan and Shi Yu were left to look at each other.

Seeing that Lu Wanwan didn't mention what he said just now, instead he closed the lid and put the gift box by his hand, so he accepted it.

After Shi Yu picked up the coffee gracefully, he lowered his head and tasted it while smiling slightly, he would not let himself show his feet.


But in this way, she can accept this gift with confidence.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I also forgot what I said just now, let's drink coffee."

As adults, they try their best to avoid embarrassing themselves, and so does Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan then stopped and said, "Then I won't see you off, Mr. Shi, go slowly."

"Yeah." Shi Yu smiled in satisfaction, then turned and left.

When Lu Wanwan was about to return to the office, she suddenly caught a glimpse of her assistant smiling ripplingly at Shi Yu's back.

After drinking the coffee, Shi Yu timely bid farewell to Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan straightened up and said, "I'll see you off."

But when Shi Yu walked to the door, he said to her: "I treat Miss Lu as a friend, I hope you will not always be so polite."

Seeing that she was holding the gift and not letting go, Lu Wanwan couldn't help teasing, "Are you in love?"

"Oh, Sister Lu, why don't you tell me if you see through it!" The assistant didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Mr. Shi is so handsome and such a gentleman, isn't it surprising that I'm attracted to him?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Isn't that strange, why don't I wait for him to come next time, and I'll ask him if he has a girlfriend?"

She couldn't help walking over and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

The assistant suddenly came back to his senses, and said with a blushing face, "Sister Lu, I want all the men in the world to be as gentle as Mr. Shi."

Even though she knew that Shi Yu was not interested in her, she was still very happy to receive a gift.

It was also a box of crystal candy, Lu Wanwan could resist it, but her assistant had already thought of the names of her and Shiyu's children.



She almost asked her about it just now, Lu Wanwan thought a little regretfully.

"No, no, no!" The assistant waved his hands and said, "Fate has come, and you can't stop it. If fate doesn't come, it's useless to force it. Sister Lu, let it be."

"Okay then." Lu Wanwan didn't force herself, turned around and entered the office.

Fu Shuo was slightly taken aback: "You mean Shi Yu?"

"Yes, he came to my office this afternoon."

After Fu Shuo sat down, he asked a little strangely, "When did you know him so well?"

When Lu Wanwan was about to leave work, Fu Shuo suddenly pushed the door open and said impatiently, "Wanwan, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Fu Shuo saw the gift box on her desk, and suddenly changed the topic: "What is this?"

Lu Wanwan opened the gift box casually, pushed it in front of him, and said, "This is the crystal candy from Mr. Shi, do you want it?"

"I see."

Fu Shuo said yes, but in his heart he was a bit concerned, what kind of candy did Shiyu give Wanwan?I don't know if Wan Wan has married him?

"He came to me today mainly to tell me that the porcelain vase made him 1 million yuan. As for the crystal candy, he bought it to thank me and my assistant."

Lu Wanwan said calmly: "The last time I went to the warehouse to check the goods, my assistant found a porcelain bottle from the cargo box in country Z. It was dug out by Mr. Shi's workers, but it was sent to us by mistake.

To be on the safe side, I personally sent it back to him. Do you still remember that one evening, I sent a message to tell you that I want to have dinner with a client?It is Mr. He Shi. "

Fu Shuo remembered that he had a one-sided cold war with Wan Wan in those two days, so he didn't reply to her messages, and now he was a little bit on the fence when he met her clear eyes.

Fu Shuojun said with a sullen face, "Something happened to the head office in city y, and I need to go and deal with it myself."

"What's wrong?" Lu Wanwan originally wanted to show him the divorce agreement in the past few days.

Fu Shuo said solemnly: "There was a sudden explosion in the manufacturing plant of the head office. Several employees were seriously injured and a batch of raw materials were lost."

Fu Shuo's brows relaxed when he heard the crystal candies that his assistant sometimes gave him.

It seems that he was made too sensitive by Li Jingchen. Now that he sees a male creature approaching Wanwan, he can't help but think about it.

After Lu Wanwan finished talking about herself, she asked back: "By the way, I saw that you were in a hurry when you came in. Did something happen?"

Fu Shuo raised his hand and rubbed between his brows: "Yes, now I just hope there are no casualties."

Lu Wanwan reached out and patted Fu Shuo's other hand resting on the desk to express comfort.

Fu Shuo grabbed it with his backhand without even thinking about it.

Lu Wanwan frowned: "How could this be?"

Fu Shuo said: "The report said that some employees were drunk, did not abide by the safety regulations, and operated in violation of regulations, so the accident happened."

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips: "This is too careless!"

After Lu Wanwan froze for a while, she wanted to pull her hand out.

But Fu Shuo held it firmly, and said a little tiredly: "Wan Wan, just stay with me for a while, I booked a ticket to fly to City Y tomorrow morning, I probably won't see you and An An in the next few days, by the way, don't Let An An know about this, he is still young."

Lu Wanwan said "Yes" and said, "I know."

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