Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 870 Do You Have A Girlfriend?why don't you give it to her

After Lu Wanwan took it, she nodded, "I see, you can continue working."

"Yes." The assistant said.

Lu Wanwan pushed open the office door and walked in.

After she was seated, Lu Wanwan opened the folder and found that it was the business list of Jinxi Beauty Salon and Jinzhao Hotel for this month.

Seeing that their performance has risen sharply, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately, she put the folder aside and started working.

I don't know how much time has passed——

Just when Lu Wanwan blinked her panting eyes and wanted to stretch herself, there were two knocks on the door: "Sister Lu, can I go in?"

Lu Wanwan looked away from the computer and said, "Come in."

The assistant said, "Then it will take two cups of coffee."

Lu Wanwan asked strangely, "Two cups of coffee?"

It was her assistant who pushed the door open.

Lu Wanwan said to her: "You came just in time, pour me a cup of coffee."

What is he doing here?

Lu Wanwan was surprised, but she still said, "Please come in."

"Mr. Shi is here." The assistant said, "It's just outside."


Shi Yu said gently: "Pure coffee is fine, no need to add milk or sugar."

"Oh, yes." After the assistant smiled at him, he walked briskly towards the tea room.

"Yes." After the assistant responded, she said to Shi Yu who was standing behind her, "Mr. Shi, go in by yourself. I'll make you coffee. Do you want to add sugar and milk?"

The reason why Lu Wanwan's assistant is so considerate is because Shi Yu brought her a gift. In addition, Shi Yu is handsome and soft-spoken. As a little girl, the assistant couldn't help but have some fantasies about him. .

"No, I'm here to see you." After Shi Yu finished speaking, he looked at the chair in front of her desk and asked with a smile, "Can I sit for a meeting? Will it disturb your work?"

He has said so, even if he is really disturbed, it is difficult to criticize him.

Shi Yu raised his foot and walked into Lu Wanwan's office.

Lu Wanwan stood up and asked politely, "Mr. Shi, are you here to see Mr. Fu?"

"Really?" Lu Wanwan didn't ask how much it sold, but said, "Then congratulations, Mr. Shi."

Shi Yu looked at her with a smile: "Miss Lu is not curious about how much money you made me with this gift?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Please sit down."

After Shi Yu opened the chair and sat down, he looked at her soft face and said, "I came here this time to tell Ms. Lu that I have already found a good buyer for the porcelain vase you sent me."

She still remembered that when she and Shi Yu were having dinner at the western restaurant that night, Shi Yu told her that this porcelain vase was from the Qing Dynasty, and the initial estimate was around 1000 million, so she guessed, "500 million?"

Shi Yu shook his head and said, "One hundred million."

Lu Wanwan actually didn't care, because no matter how much the porcelain bottle was sold for, it wouldn't go into her account.

But Lu Wanwan still asked out of politeness: "Seeing Mr. Shi's relaxed appearance, you should have sold it for a very good price, right?"

Lu Wanwan subconsciously asked: "Wait, how did the imperial possessions end up in Country Z?"

Shi Yu asked back: "Miss Lu forgot what happened in the Qing Dynasty?"

Lu Wanwan was really shocked this time: "What?!"

Shi Yu took her cute look into his eyes, and he laughed too: "After many appraisals by experts, they finally confirmed that this porcelain vase is the imperial treasure, and it's the only one, so the value has risen with the tide. .”

Rao even Lu Wanwan couldn't be calm: "Mr. Shi, your luck is really great!"

Even if she worked overtime until she was blind, she would not earn [-] million yuan in this life.

Lu Wanwan remembered that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded, and the great powers wantonly snatched Chinese antiques, and this porcelain vase must be the same.

One billion.

These words sound a bit intimate, but Shi Yu's expression is very upright, as if if you think too much, it's your fault and has nothing to do with him.

Lu Wanwan sighed deliberately: "Oh, if I knew it earlier, I should have agreed to Mr. Shi's [-]-[-] split."

It's a good time, the employees of country Z can dig 1 million wherever they go.

It was probably because Lu Wanwan's eyes were too sad, Shi Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "It's also thanks to Ms. Lu, it can be seen that Ms. Lu favors me."

How is this possible?

Shi Yu is not her father.

Shi Yu's eyes lit up slightly, and he said, "Miss Lu has time to repent now."

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, what did Shi Yu mean, if she wanted it, would he really give her 5000 million?

As he said that, he took out a gift and put it in front of Lu Wanwan's desk: "If you change it to this, Ms. Lu can always accept it, right?"

Seeing that it was an exquisite gift box, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "What is it?"

"Mr. Shi, stop joking."

In order to avoid Lu Wanwan's suspicion, Shi Yuhao stopped and said, "Okay, no kidding, Miss Lu has a noble character, how can money be able to tarnish her?"

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan opened the gift box.

I saw a box of amber crystal candies, just like its name, each crystal candy is as crystal clear as amber gems, shining under the light, more beautiful than real gems.

Shi Yu said, "Miss Lu, open it and see for yourself?"

Lu Wanwan hesitated for a while, it would be impolite not to open it, so she should open it.

Shi Yu stared at her, thinking that no matter how beautiful things are, they will only be eclipsed in front of her.

"I still remember that outside the western restaurant that night, Ms. Lu gave me a handful of candies as tuition fees. I think Ms. Lu carries candies with her. She probably likes to eat them?"

Shi Yu asked softly, "Do you like it?"

Lu Wanwan raised her head and said, "They are very beautiful."

Embarrassment is spreading.

Lu Wanwan explained: "No, I couldn't offer anything better than sugar."

"I'm not afraid of Mr. Shi's jokes. I carry candies with me because my son likes sweets. In order to coax him, I have always had the habit of taking candies out." When Lu Wanwan said this, the bottom of Lu Wanwan's eyes unconsciously showed Kind of soft.

Shi Yu's smile paused slightly, and he looked a bit concerned: "So, that night, Ms. Lu really treated me like a child?"

"What a waste." Lu Wanwan stopped.

As he spoke, he pretended to bring the gift box over.

"Forget it." Shi Yu said in a helpless tone, "Since Miss Lu is not the one who loves sweets, then this gift should be thrown away."

Shi Yu made an invisible tick at the corner of his mouth, waiting for Lu Wanwan to ask for the gift on his own initiative.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan asked in the next second, "Does Mr. Shi have a girlfriend? How about giving it to her?"

Although this box of amber crystal candies is very beautiful, Lu Wanwan feels that she cannot accept it.

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