Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 864 Immortality is Not Enough to Appease Public Anger

At this time, I only heard a "boom"——

Everyone looked for the reputation and found that it was the sound of the hammer falling.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic middle-aged male voice sounded: "Quiet."

After everyone saw the person holding the gavel, there was a burst of exclamation——

"Judge Luo actually tried it himself! I remember that he only takes the most difficult cases."

"What you said, isn't Dong Yi's case difficult enough?"

"That's right, this case is not only difficult, but also perverted!"

Judge Luo in court went on to say, "Take the defendant."

Everyone got excited immediately, and each stretched their necks to look at the side door.

"I'm coming!"

"Dong Yi, he came here in handcuffs and handcuffs!"

"The death penalty is recommended."

"Chemical castration first, and then the death penalty is not too late."

"No, he should be thrown into prison first, and let the inmates play him disabled first."

In the next second, Dong Yi was escorted out by two policemen. In just a few days, he had changed a lot.

"Bah! How could you be such a crazy person?"

"Using those innocent and lovely children to make black-hearted money, you are not afraid of retribution?"

Looking into Dong Yi's tearful eyes, Wei Yu smiled calmly and said, "It's me."

Dong Yi wanted to spray him with blood, but was escorted to the dock by two policemen and locked him up.

Immediately, Judge Luo ordered someone to play the video captured by Wei Yu.

Dong Yi walked all the way, and when he heard these words, his face turned green.

But when he saw that the witness was Wei Yu who went to his place for consumption that night, and Wei Yu was still nodding at him, Dong Yi suddenly broke away from the policeman behind him, rushed up and roared: "It's you?! "

Two policemen immediately stepped forward and subdued Dong Yi.

Seeing this, Dong Yi's pupils shrank. It turned out that the problem was Wei Yu's "button"!

At this time, Judge Luo looked at him and asked, "Dong Yi, do you have any excuses for this video?"

After Dong Yi's eyes wandered for a while, he said: "This video is fake!"

The plot staged on the huge curtain was so absurd that the scene fell into silence for a while.

Dong Yi's face was ashen. That night he obviously searched Wei Yu's body and made sure that there was nothing wrong with him, so he let him into the orphanage. Why did he still take pictures of the evidence?

Seeing Dong Yi looking at him, Wei Yu deliberately raised his slender fingertips to unbutton the jacket.

Dong Yi shook his head and said: "I want to emphasize one point, if I really force the children to engage in illegal transactions, then they should hope that I will be arrested earlier, right?

But that day, when I was taken into the police car, the children ran out to see me off, and reluctantly told me to wait for Uncle Dong to go back.

Therefore, some people must be jealous of my organization, so they tried every means to frame me to achieve their own ulterior secrets! "

Judge Luo said calmly: "We have already verified this video, and there is no trace of fraud."

Dong Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Some videos are so well-made that they can be faked, please learn from them!"

Judge Luo looked at him seriously: "Are you questioning the fairness of the court?"

"...When we were first bought, as long as we were disobedient, we would be locked up by the boss in the confinement room underground. Some partners went crazy, and some... died, and the rest could only be obedient. Learn how to serve people."

"...The music, dance, and painting we learned are all just a cover, so that those beasts in clothes can invade us in the name of watching the performance..."

"... We thought about escaping, but it was too difficult, because we are all children abandoned by the world. Even if we die, no one will remember our existence, let alone rescue us from this purgatory... None of us I can't believe it."

Just when everyone thought things were turning around, Judge Luo picked up a sealed bag with a black recording pen in it, and said to everyone, "Are you sure the children are all facing you? I will release the confessions obtained from the children in the orphanage for everyone to hear."

Hearing this, Dong Yi's face changed in shock, those little bastards dared to betray him? !Don't want to make money?

As Judge Luo pressed the play button, one after another processed voices sounded——

After the recording was played, someone in the auditorium couldn't help it——

"Dong Yi, don't you still want to say that the police forced them to record these children's recordings?"

"Ha, maybe he will say that these children are not from his orphanage at all, they are actors hired temporarily."

"... After a long time, we have become numb, waiting for the day when we earn enough money to redeem ourselves, we will leave this ghostly place. We have comforted each other. Those guests are only interested in children. As long as we grow up, they will be happy." You will dislike us, just think about it, you are so happy."

There were sobs from the auditorium. Although the children's voices had been processed, the despair in them squeezed the hearts of the adults, making them cry.

Lu Wanwan pondered for a moment, she had been on the phone with Yisong these days, and learned that he had persuaded his friends to testify with him, that Yisong was the "boss" of the orphanage, and he betrayed , many children will follow him.

In the prestigious court, not everyone is as hard as Dong Yi, who continues to reverse right and wrong, only to hear a few heads of institutions stumbling and saying——

"I bought it, I bought it, but Dong Yi lied to us!"

"He said he would provide the children with a better living environment, but mine was not well managed and was facing bankruptcy. For the sake of the children's future, I reluctantly sold it to him."

These cynicism made Dong Yi unable to lift his head.

At this moment, Judge Luo raised his gavel and tapped it lightly, then said, "Bring those heads of the institution up, I have something to ask them."

After several agency leaders stood in the witness stand with downcast eyebrows, Judge Luo asked, "Did Dong Yi ever buy a child from you?"

"Your Honor, I recommend that this scumbag be sentenced to death!!"

"I agree!!"

"I agree!!"

"Your Honor, I was deceived by money and harmed my own children. I am guilty and I repent. I will donate this ill-gotten wealth and ask the court to deal with it lightly."

With their testimonies, Dong Yi knew that there was no possibility of overturning, but he still couldn't figure it out, why did he overturn when he was doing well?

Strong appeals erupted from the auditorium——

Seeing her raise her hand, Li Jingchen and Lin Yan also silently raised their hands.

As more and more hands are raised, more and more forces are dragging Dong Yi to hell.

Lu Wanwan didn't just watch, but contributed her own strength.

One hand, two hands, three hands...

Li Jingchen's influence is undoubtedly huge.

Seeing him raise his hand, the rest of the crowd who were still hesitating also raised their hands one after another. If Dong Yi is not dead, it will be difficult to appease the public anger.

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