Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 863 Does He Don't Want Face

Li Jingchen seemed to smile, but quickly put it away and said, "I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

"..." Lu Wanwan didn't want to speak, but he clearly heard it and smiled.

The two talked about something else afterward.

"Wanwan, I heard from Wei Yu that tomorrow is Dong Yi's trial day, are you going to attend the hearing?"

Lu Wanwan replied, "Of course I'm going."

Li Jingchen said softly: "Well, then I will go too."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Okay, see you tomorrow."


The next day, the Supreme People's Court of S City.

After Lu Wanwan got off the car, she found many people gathered outside the court.

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Lu Wanwan looked at the group of worried people and guessed, "Are you the heads of various charities?"

The person who spoke to Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "That's right, I'm the director of Anju Orphanage, Dong Yi bought it from me a month ago... no, I cheated a girl,

After Lu Wanwan was stunned for a while, she briefly said that she was in a psychotherapy center.

After the man heard this, he showed a friendly look: "It seems that you, like us, were tricked by Dong Yi to take away the child?"

The people next to him couldn't help echoing: "I'm the person in charge of Xinxinxiangrong Welfare Institute. A month and a half ago, Dong Yi cheated two boys from me.

Recently the court called and told me that one of the boys had been molested by a client, and my mother...what the hell is this!

As a result, a few days ago, I suddenly received a notice from the court, saying that the girl was locked up in Dong Yi's basement, and she was so hungry that she could no longer be human.

He also said that today is Dong Yi's court day, and he asked me to testify in court, hey, this is embarrassing!If I'm on TV, I won't be sprayed to death? "

And those sound facilities made me want to live in it, so I was relieved to transfer my little baby to him. "

His words resonated with many responsible persons. They all said that they were also deceived just like those children, and blamed the court for not forcing them to testify in court, for fear of affecting the image of themselves and the institution.

If I knew that bastard was a pimp, I wouldn't give him the kid at all. "

Another person interjected: "Yeah, I also visited Dong Yi's orphanage, it's so big,

Lu Wanwan shook her head calmly.

In the next second, the gate of the court was opened.

Lu Wanwan listened to their grievances, but she showed no sympathy. When Dong Yi bought children from these responsible persons with clearly marked prices, I am afraid that these people had no time to think about the lives of the children, and only counted the money. Are you soft?

Immediately, they asked Lu Wanwan: "What about you? How many children have you been deceived by Dong Yi?"

Lu Wanwan, who was not in a hurry, was squeezed to the back by them. At this time, a hand supported her arm.

Lu Wanwan looked back, and saw that the person supporting her was Wei Yu, and Lin Yan was holding Wei Yu's arm, and smiled "hi~" at her.

"You can come in," said a young judge.

The heads of these charities immediately rushed forward, begging the young judge to mosaic their faces while the show was on air.Then do a voice changer or something...

"Oh, is that so?" Lin Yan squinted at him, and said with a half-smile: "I don't know who boasted that today is his highlight moment, so that I must come?"

The corner of Wei Yu's mouth twitched, and he looked at her sadly: "Yan'er, do I want to lose face?"

"Sister Yan!" Lu Wanwan's face beamed with joy, "Why are you here?"

Wei Yu withdrew his hand and explained to her: "I told Yan'er that today is the day for me to testify in court, but she insisted on following me to admire my heroic appearance. I had no choice but to bring her here."

Lu Wanwan said: "Don't worry, he will come."

Wei Yu teased her and said, "Oh, you know so well, could it be that you guys have secretly talked on the phone?"

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips and snickered, "Then shall we go in?"

Wei Yu asked: "Don't you wait for Jingchen? Today is the day for my brother to testify in court. It would be too disrespectful for him not to come."

Lu Wanwan continued: "Let's go in first, sister Yan is pregnant, it would be bad if we get squeezed."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and made way for Lin Yan.

Lu Wanwan said calmly: "Well, we are on the phone."

Hearing this, Wei Yu opened her mouth in surprise. She thought she would either firmly deny it or evade it, but unexpectedly she admitted it so readily.

Now that Wanwan mentioned Li Jingchen, not only did she feel calmer, but also had a faint smile on her face.

"I think Wan Wan's old love for Jing Chen has rekindled. When do you think we can have their wedding wine?" Wei Yu whispered to Lin Yan excitedly.

Wei Yu whispered to his wife, "Yan'er, have you noticed?"

Lin Yan nodded to Lu Wanwan's back: "I found it."

At this time, a magnetic voice sounded from their side: "What did you forget?"

Wei Yu was taken aback, and from the corner of the eye he noticed that Li Jingchen had come to their side at some point: "It's Jingchen? You're here."

Lin Yan snorted, not wanting these men to be too complacent and said: "If you have the ability, Li Jingchen will ask Wan Wan to divorce first. If you can't do this, don't say Wan Wan loves him."

Wei Yu smiled slightly, and said, "How did I forget this?"

Li Jingchen said without changing his expression: "Wait."

Wei Yu was taken aback: "What are you waiting for?"

Li Jingchen said softly: "Are you discussing Dong Yi just now?"

"What's there to discuss with people like Dong Yi?" Wei Yu snorted and asked in a low voice, "When will you let your siblings divorce Fu Shuo?"

Lin Yan saw it clearly, Li Jingchen was clearly very confident, as if he would definitely choose to return to him in Wanwan.

Could it be that Wanwan is really going to divorce Fu Shuo?

Li Jingchen said: "Wait Wanwan to make your own decision."

Wei Yu was shocked and said, "Wow, if Wanwan chooses to spend the rest of his life with Fu Shuo in the end, wouldn't you cry to death?"

Seeing that the person sitting next to her was Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan couldn't help being surprised and said, "When did you come?"

"Just now." Li Jingchen asked politely, "Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

While thinking about it, several people walked into the court.

Lu Wanwan, Li Jingchen, and Lin Yan took their seats in the auditorium, while Wei Yu walked to the seat of the witnesses.

Lu Wanwan glanced at him: "It's useless even if I say I mind, you've already sat down."

"Indeed." Li Jingchen smiled at her.

As time passed by, more and more people came to sit in the auditorium, because Dong Yi's incident immediately aroused excitement from all walks of life after the fermentation, and countless people wanted to come to the scene to swear, even I don't mind a real PK with Dong Yi!It doesn't matter if you are locked up afterwards.

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