Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 865 He is a well-deserved hero

With the successful conclusion of the first trial, two policemen escorted Dong Yi, who had lost all hope, to leave.

When passing Wei Yu's position, Dong Yi couldn't help turning his eyes away, and asked hoarsely, "How did I offend you?"

He couldn't figure it out, he and Wei Yu had no grievances, why did Wei Yu want to kill himself?

Besides, there was no conflict in their business, and it was totally unreasonable for Wei Yu to engage in self-interest.

Wei Yu straightened up from his seat and said lazily, "I'm just doing justice."

Dong Yi blurted out: "You, who own a nightclub, tell me that justice is being done? Pooh!"

Wei Yu shrugged his shoulders, and said in a casual tone, "Look, if I don't tell you, you're dead for no reason, and if I tell you, you don't believe me."

Dong Yi stared at him with a ferocious face, and suddenly smiled nervously: "Wei Yu, do you think your pregnant wife will not be stimulated after the video you shot is circulated?"

Wei Yu smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, my wife is here."

Dong Yi's smile froze instantly. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

When Wei Yu forced Liang to be a prostitute, Dong Yi didn't know where he was!

Wei Yu was a little upset about this. It's really hard to be a good person. He has been rectifying the "Wei Mansion" for many years, but in the eyes of these people, he is still a nightclub owner?

Wei Yu smiled slightly and said, "If you can't figure it out, just think about it slowly. I hope you can figure it out before the execution, so that you can understand."

Hearing this, Dong Yi wanted to pounce on him and tear him alive, but was forcibly taken away by the police behind him.

Afterwards, Judge Luo knocked on the gavel and announced to everyone: "The trial is over, everyone can go back."

At this time, someone in the auditorium shouted: "Comrade police, take Dong Yi down quickly, what if he hurts a witness?"

"Yes, if Boss Wei didn't sacrifice himself, we wouldn't be able to recognize the true face of Dong Yi Orphanage. You police must protect him!"

After Dong Yi heard it, he felt it was very harsh, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth and said: "My surname is Wei, you are as black-hearted as I am, why are you here to accept praise? You are a hypocrite!"

Lin Yan's beautiful Liu Yemei frowned slightly, and asked uncomfortably, "Then do you think Dong Yi will be sentenced to death?"

Lu Wanwan subjectively said: "If the death penalty is not imposed, it will be difficult to appease the public anger, right?"

Li Jingchen analyzed objectively: "Everyone heard the recording just now. Some children were starved to death in the basement by Dong Yi. He carried his life on his back. The court will definitely sentence him to death."

In the auditorium, Lu Wanwan said, "The first trial is over."

Lin Yan asked: "Should there be no need for a second court session?"

Li Jingchen said: "No, the evidence of the first trial is conclusive, which has made Dong Yi unable to stand up, and then we only need to wait for the court to issue a verdict on him."

To be honest, Wei Yu was a little confused. Although he was used to hearing rainbow farts, he almost never heard anything as pure as today.

When he turned his gaze, he saw Lin Yan standing outside, looking at him with a smile.

Wei Yu immediately said to the surrounding crowd: "I'm sorry, let me go!"

"That's good." Lin Yan didn't say anything, but he was worried in his heart. What if Dong Yi came to seek revenge on Wei Yu after finishing his long prison life?

At this moment, after listening to Li Jingchen's words, Lin Yan straightened up immediately with relief, and walked towards Wei Yu.

And Wei Yuzheng was surrounded by people in the auditorium. Everyone admired him very much, saying that he took the risk to break into the Dong Yi Orphanage and saved those children in dire straits. He is a well-deserved hero!

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help booing.

But soon, someone noticed that Li Jingchen hadn't left yet, so he couldn't help thinking of going over to have a chat.

Li Jingchen said one step faster than them: "Wan Wan, follow me!"

When he got out of the crowd and came to Lin Yan, Lin Yan asked with a smile: "How does it feel to be called a hero?"

"Not bad." Wei Yu grinned, eyes full of her: "Honey, am I good?"

"Great!" Lin Yan stood on tiptoe, held Wei Yu's handsome face, and kissed him on the thin lips: "You are a role model for our children!"

Li Jingchen was reluctant to let go of her hand, and continued to hold it, saying, "Because I have something to ask you."

Lu Wanwan blinked and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Li Jingchen asked, "Has Bai Qingluo ever looked for you?"

After finishing speaking, he held her wrist, turned around and hurried outside.

"Hey..." Lu Wanwan was dragged away by him with a dazed expression.

When she recovered, she had been stuffed into a Rolls-Royce by Li Jingchen, and she couldn't help asking, "Why should I follow you?"

Li Jingchen explained: "It was originally, but the villa has been sold by Li Yuanzhong, just when she was hospitalized."

Lu Wanwan didn't expect things to develop like this: "Huh? Your grandfather shouldn't be short of money, right?"

Li Jingchen shook his head and said: "All these years, Li Yuanzhong has been providing for her to live and live for her. In fact, it is all for Li Xiuqi. Now that Li Xiuqi chooses to follow Li Yuanzhong, then Bai Qingluo has no value to use anymore."

Lu Wanwan said: "No, did she look for you?"

"No." Li Jingchen said: "I heard from Li Yuanzhong that she is now homeless and I don't know where she has gone."

Lu Wanwan asked strangely: "Doesn't she have a villa? How could she be homeless?"

"So that's how it is." Li Jingchen's words explained Bai Qingluo's contradictory behavior. Before that, Lu Wanwan wondered that Bai Qingluo dared to commit suicide for Li Xiuqi, which meant that he loved Li Xiuqi so badly, how could he be willing to abuse this child?

Li Jingchen said without emotion: "For her, Li Xiuqi is her gold medal for avoiding death. Everything Li Yuanzhong gave her was brought by Li Xiuqi. Without Li Xiuqi, she will lose her once superior life.

Li Jingchen sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Based on what I know about her, she is reluctant to die. The reason why she dared to commit suicide was because my people were guarding outside her room that night. She knew that when she fell to the ground, It will get my people's attention."

"But if this happens, Bai Qingluo will lose her son and house? By the way, she also committed suicide by cutting her wrists for Li Xiuqi, but she got nothing in the end. Could it be that she really can't think about it?"

Lu Wanwan wasn't worried about Bai Qingluo, but just asked whatever came to her mind.

That's why she chose to commit suicide as a desperate fight. Maybe if Li Yuan's loyalty softened, he would let Li Xiuqi back to her side, but she never expected that Li Xiuqi would leave her voluntarily. "

Lu Wanwan frowned: "Now that her plan has failed and she is homeless, will she blame us for all her mistakes?"

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