Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 862 Spending too much energy on him

"Are you the owner?" Mr. Jin said in surprise, "I bought this house from an intermediary for 7000 million yuan. The intermediary said that the seller was an old man named Li."

"No, I am the owner of this place! I have no intention of selling this villa, you can't occupy the magpie's nest."

Bai Qingluo's words made Mr. Jin's face darken in displeasure: "I can't do anything about it. I spent the money. My name is now on the real estate certificate. If you have any questions, go to the agent."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jin turned around and was about to enter the house.

Bai Qingluo grabbed his arm subconsciously, and said anxiously: "This is my house! Give it back to me quickly!"

Seeing this, Mr. Jin's wife rushed down, raised her hand and "slapped", "slapped", and slapped Bai Qingluo twice.

Mr. Jin's wife was still not satisfied, and said to several movers: "You throw her out for me first, and then come back and move!"

After several moving masters looked at each other in blank dismay, they walked towards Bai Qingluo based on the principle of doing things with money.

Bai Qingluo was surrounded by them and did not dare to act rashly again.

Bai Qingluo was so beaten that she almost lost her footing.

Then, Mr. Jin's wife said to her husband, "Go back and take off your coat and burn it."

"Yes, yes." Mr. Jin nodded his wife's nose, and said dotingly: "Don't be jealous, she is old and ugly, how can she compare to you?"

Two moving masters then stepped forward, one of them lifted Bai Qingluo with one arm, lifted her up, and threw her outside the door of Xiangyu Water Bank.

When Bai Qingluo fell, her skirt was lifted up, revealing her panties!

And there were people coming and going outside the door of Xiangyu Waterfront, and many people saw the scene of her disappearing!

"You guys... are deceiving people too much!" Bai Qingluo decided not to suffer the immediate loss: "I will come back!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around quickly, but turned too fast, her high-heeled shoes got stuck in the crevice of the stone and sprained.

Mr. Jin's wife said coolly: "Don't you hurry up and help her?"


And Lu Wanwan, who didn't know anything about it, was waiting outside Nankai Primary School to pick up An'an from school.

When she saw An An came out with Li Xiuqi, Lu Wanwan got out of the car in surprise and walked towards them.

Facing everyone's pointing and pointing, Bai Qingluo pulled up her skirt, stood up in shame and anger, covered her face with her hands, and escaped from everyone's sight.

But she didn't even have a direction.

She is completely homeless.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuqi's eyes darkened, feeling ashamed to face Lu Wanwan.

He tightened the shoulder strap of his schoolbag, turned his head and said, "Hui'an, I'm going back first."

"Yeah." An An waved at him and said, "See you tomorrow~"

"Mummy!" An An called out as soon as she saw her.

Li Xiuqi was a little dazed, seeing Lu Wanwan again after a few days, but his perception of her changed drastically!

But he couldn't call her "big aunt", nor could he call An An "brother", it was all because of his parents, they broke up his uncle's family!As a result, my uncle still can't recognize An An!

An An said with a full face: "It's okay, we're alright, Xiu Qi doesn't even call me by my first name now, but Huai'an."

"Really?" Lu Wanwan looked surprised. Why didn't Li Xiuqi alienate An An, but became close to him instead?


When Li Xiuqi passed by Lu Wanwan's side, he paused invisibly, and said softly, "See you tomorrow."

I don't know if I'm answering An'an or talking to Lu Wanwan.

After Li Xiuqi left, Lu Wanwan asked with concern: "An'an, are you and Li Xiuqi okay?"

Lu Wanwan said: "It's like this, Li Xiuqi him..."

Li Jingchen's voice sank quickly: "Try to mention him again."

Lu Wanwan said helplessly, "What I want to ask is a serious matter."

After returning to Mingyuan, Lu Wanwan couldn't help calling Li Jingchen because she was puzzled.

After a while, the call was connected.

Li Jingchen's voice carried a little smile and looked very sexy: "Wanwan, why don't you take the initiative to contact me today when you have time?"

After Lu Wanwan was suffocated, she straightened up and asked, "You mean, Li Xiuqi knew about our relationship back then? He also knew that An'an is our flesh and blood?!"

Li Jingchen said: "Well, Li Xiuqi begged Li Yuanzhong to tell him everything, including his life experience."

No wonder, Li Xiuqi no longer called An An "Fu Huai'an", because he knew that An An was a child of the Li family, and even if he wanted to, he should be called "Li Huai'an"!

Li Jingchen said angrily: "You spend too much energy on him!"

Lu Wanwan explained: "I'm doing this for An An, you don't know, when I went to pick An An up today, I found out that Li Xiuqi came out with An An, and his name was An An, I remember that before him, even The one with the last name is An An, you said his sudden change is weird?"

Li Jingchen Shi Shiran said: "The reason why Li Xiuqi is weird is because he learned the truth from Li Yuanzhong."

After a few seconds, Lu Wanwan suddenly thought of something and asked, "Wait, don't you think Li Xiuqi is an experimental product?"

First, take Li Xiuqi away from Bai Qingluo, and then use Li Yuanzhong to tell Li Xiuqi the truth about the past, to see if he can bear it, and finally use the experimental results to convince her that if Li Xiuqi can do it, An An will definitely do it too!

Maybe, Li Jingchen also planned to use Li Xiuqi to tell An An's life experience.

"Why did your grandfather tell him this? He's still so young, what if he doesn't make a decision and slips up in front of An An?" Lu Wanwan walked around the room anxiously.

But Li Jingchen chuckled and said, "Wanwan, why don't you think about it, Li Xiuqi, who is cowardly by nature, can survive after learning the truth back then, why can't our An An? They all have the blood of the Li family. blood, and An An's mind is stronger than Li Xiuqi, do you think he will lose to Li Xiuqi?"

Lu Wanwan's mind was shocked, and she felt that Li Jingchen's words made some sense.

Li Jingchen said slowly: "I hate him, just like I hated Li Qingling and Li Xuyang back then, but I'm not going to use a child to achieve my goal, understand?"

After Lu Wanwan was silent, she said, "It's my villainous heart."

Indeed, Li Qingling and Li Xuyang are Li Jingchen's half-siblings, when did he trip them up?

Ahhh!This man is really too scheming!

"Where are you thinking?" At this moment, Li Jingchen's voice came, seemingly helpless: "Am I that bad?"

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses and muttered, "Didn't you always hate Li Xiuqi?"

Lu Wanwan said sincerely, "I'm sorry."

Not to mention, Li Xiuqi is a younger generation.

Li Jingchen snorted: "Apologize."

On the contrary, Li Jingchen also provided them with schooling, helped them become talents, and silently fulfilled the duties of the eldest brother.

Li Jingchen made an inch of it: "coax me."

Lu Wanwan held back her shame: "You are the best."

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