Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 861 I am the master here

Her son said it was the last time he would see her...

He also said that when he grows up, he will make up for Lu Wanwan...

To make up for the woman who took everything from her and left her with nothing?


It must be something wrong with her hearing, it's not true!This must not be true! !

In the next second, the cold little hand that Bai Qingluo had stuck to his cheek was slowly withdrawing...

Bai Qingluo tried hard to hold it, but it finally broke free from her and returned to its owner.

Bai Qingluo's mind was blank, and she suddenly realized that she could no longer control Li Xiuqi.

With Li Jingchen, he grew wings and flew out of her palm!

"Didn't you always hope that the Li family could accept him?"

Li Yuanzhong said coldly: "You were the one who let it slip."

"When do I..."

Bai Qingluo only felt that Li Yuanzhong's words were extremely ironic. She had always hoped that Li Xiuqi could develop friendship with Li Jingchen, but now she did, but in this way of breaking with her!

Bai Qingluo tried his best to hold back his hatred, and looked at Li Yuanzhong: "Didn't you say... that you want me to keep the grievances of the year secret, and not reveal... a single bit of it to Xiu Qi?"

"Okay, since Xiu Qi has made it clear in front of you, let's make an appointment to go to the People's Court to change the guardian. If you are not free, I can order someone to do it for you."

After Bai Qingluo heard Li Yuanzhong's words, her breathing became short and her gaze became loose.

In the middle of Bai Qing's words, she suddenly remembered that she was so angry that she went crazy yesterday evening, and she seemed to have mentioned Li Xiangchen's name?

Her face suddenly turned pale, she was indeed the one who slipped the tongue, and she couldn't blame Li Yuanzhong!

Suddenly, the corner of his clothes was grabbed from behind.

Li Xiuqi turned around, only to see that Bai Qingluo let go of all her pride and begged him in tears: "Xiuqi, please don't go... Mom doesn't want to lose you!"

Li Yuanzhong then got up and said to Li Xiuqi, "Let's go."

"Yes." After Li Xiuqi answered, he followed Li Yuanzhong and turned to leave.

Does she hate Li Xiuqi?

She hated it, because not only was Li Xiuqi's father irresponsible, but if Li Yuanzhong hadn't asked Li Jingchen to choose her first when she was pregnant, she would have died!

Li Xiuqi's black pupils reflected her tears, and suddenly said: "Maybe I disappeared, but it would be easier for you."

Bai Qingluo was startled suddenly, it turned out that he knew, he always knew!

Did she ever love Li Xiuqi?

Bai Qingluo asked herself, does she love?

Therefore, she hated Wu Jiwu's treatment of Li Xiuqi, tortured him until he was skinny, inferior and cowardly, and could only live by her for the rest of his life.

"Have you ever loved me?" Li Xiuqi suddenly asked softly.

After withdrawing his gaze, Li Xiuqi walked straight towards Li Yuanzhong who was waiting at the door without looking back.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Qingluo suddenly said, "I love you."

Seeing that she was in a trance and unable to speak, Li Xiuqi immediately understood the answer.

That's good, in the future he can concentrate on staying beside his great-grandfather and great-grandmother, and he no longer needs to feel sorry for Bai Qingluo.

Bai Qingluo, who fell to the ground in a panic, beat the ground so hard that even an infusion stand was against her!

Unknowingly, the wound on her wrist burst open, and blood seeped into her gauze, but she didn't notice it.

But the ward was already empty.

She threw off the quilt in a panic and chased towards the door, but accidentally pulled down the infusion stand and fell to the ground.

This stern voice, how can there be any weak and helpless look just now?

The female doctor was frightened by the strong hatred in her eyes, and took a step back.

"What happened?" The female doctor who heard the movement ran in, saw Bai Qingluo crying pitifully on the ground, and hurried forward to help her.

But Bai Qingluo pushed her away forcefully, and said viciously, "Don't touch me!"

The female doctor looked at her inexplicably, and said, "Forget it, I was mistaken. A crazy woman like you deserves to have her son taken away!"

After finishing speaking, the female doctor left angrily, leaving Bai Qingluo trembling with anger.

"Get out!" Bai Qingluo continued to roar.

This female doctor is no longer useful to her, so she will naturally not give him a good look.

Bai Qingluo paused to read each word, and grabbed his bleeding right wrist with the other hand, his eyes were ignited with horrific hatred!

"It was you who made Li Jingchen take away my son! It was you who made Xiu Qi choose to leave me!"


"Lu! Late! Late!"


Hospital downstairs.

"It's you, it's all you!!"

"If you don't avenge this revenge, I, Bai Qing, swear not to be a human being!!!"

In Li Yuanzhong's majestic eyes, there was a hint of relief hidden: "Remember what you said today, if one day you change, then I can't protect you."


Before getting into the car, Li Yuanzhong lowered his head and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

After Li Xiuqi paused, he raised his face and said, "Well, as long as my great-grandfather doesn't dislike me, I'm willing to be with you and my great-grandmother all the time."

Now, Li Xiuqi is no longer raised by her, and Li Yuanzhong no longer needs to raise Bai Qingluo.


Early the next morning, when Bai Qingluo was still recuperating in the hospital, Li Yuanzhong had already ordered someone to sell her villa on the Xiangyu waterfront.

It was originally the property of the Li family, and Li Yuanzhong allowed Bai Qing to live here for Li Xiuqi's sake.

Bai Qing was stunned for a moment, then walked to the truck and asked, "Who are you?"

One of the moving masters took the time to reply: "We are a moving company."

When Bai Qingluo recovered from her injuries, three days had passed.

When she returned to Xiangyu Waterfront, she saw a truck parked in front of her villa, with the name of a certain moving company written on it, and several moving masters were moving in and out, busy.

Bai Qing gritted her silver teeth, and she knew that Li Yuanzhong or Li Jingchen must have sent them here!

Isn't it enough that they teamed up to snatch her son?Now come and steal her house!

Bai Qingluo's complexion changed, and he hurriedly asked, "Who told you to come?"

The moving master pouted his mouth at the villa next to him, and said, "This is the owner."

Strongly unwilling, Bai Qing said loudly: "I am the owner of this place! When did I call you? Hurry up!"

At this time, a young couple came out of the villa. Seeing that the moving master was stopped, they couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

The mover said: "Mr. Jin, this woman ran over suddenly and said that this villa belongs to her."

Bai Qingluo looked back, and saw a well-dressed man walking down the steps, and asked softly, "Who are you?"

It's been a long time since Bai Qingluo was approached by such a high-quality man, she subconsciously pulled her hair around her ears, and said: "My name is Bai Qingluo, and I am the owner of this villa."

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