Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 860 As long as he comes to her side

Li Yuanzhong moved the corner of his mouth and slowly revealed a smile.

The female doctor inexplicably saw a bit of sarcasm in his smile, which annoyed her a little.

The woman on the bed committed suicide, but as a relative, he was still indifferent. She couldn't help turning around and saying to Bai Qingluo, "I'm right outside, call me if you have anything to do."

After the female doctor left uneasy, Li Yuanzhong sat on a chair beside him, and asked with a half-smile: "I just heard it outside the door, and you said that life is meaningless?"


Bai Qingluo raised the back of her hand and wiped her tears. With this movement, Li Yuanzhong saw the gauze on her wrist.

Because of being torn apart by her, the gauze was loose, revealing the hideous scratches inside.

"...I, I admit it." Bai Qingluo said with a bit of sourness: "Miss Lu is a collection of thousands of pets, not only you protect her, but also Li Jingchen dotes on her, and even the traitor Li Xiangchen never forgets her. I plotted against her twice, so when I saw Xiu Qi getting close to her, I couldn't help but lose control."

Li Yuanzhong said meaningfully: "You also know that it's Li Xiangchen who used insidious tricks again and again to plot Wanwan."

Bai Qing said with a sour face: "Old man, I have lost to Miss Lu so many times, I am afraid of losing! Moreover, back then, Li Xiangchen and I caused so much harm to her and caused her to fall into the sea. Now she Whether Xiu Qi will be used to take revenge on me is something I have been worried about,

"Old man, you know that ever since I was abandoned by Li Xiangchen, my parents also thought I was ashamed and cut off contact with me. Now Xiu Qi and I are left to depend on each other. I really can't lose him! Please! Old man, can you return Xiu Qi to me?"

Seeing that Li Yuanzhong didn't seem to respond, Bai Qingluo could only reflect: "I admit that I shouldn't have lost control and pinched Xiu Qi because he was sitting in Miss Lu's car outside the school yesterday evening, but I swear , I just wanted to pull Xiu Qi out of the car, I didn't mean to pinch him, when did I abuse him?"

Li Yuanzhong's gaze was ignorant: "That is to say, you did this kind of thing because you were jealous of Xiu Qi's closeness with Wan Wan?"

Bai Qingluo doesn't want it!She also pointed at Li Xiuqi for bringing her glory and wealth!Never just fall down like this!

And what she said in front of the female doctor just now was just to show Li Yuanzhong a show, otherwise she wouldn't be bothered to show good looks to outsiders.

"Old man, in view of the fact that I have worked hard to raise An An and taught him to be so well-behaved, please forgive me this time!"

So I beg the old man to understand my mood, I am not like Miss Lu, I have a happy marriage, everyone loves me, I only have one repair!If you agree with Li Jingchen to deprive me of his custody, I really don't know how to live. "

What Bai Qingluo said was true and false, she really couldn't lose Li Xiuqi, otherwise she would be lonely for the rest of her life!

Li Yuanzhong would never allow her to be with other men. She was born as Li Xiangchen's man and died as Li Xiangchen's ghost, and her parents also disliked her and refused to associate with her. She would die alone of!

"Then can I see Xiu Qi after school?" Bai Qingluo straightened up because of excitement, and asked eagerly.

"You don't have to wait for him to leave school, you can see him now." Li Yuanzhong said, and said to the strong man guarding the door: "Go and bring Li Xiuqi in."

The strong man went immediately, and after a while, he brought Li Xiuqi in.

As soon as Bai Qing finished speaking, Li Yuanzhong said: "In this case, I will give you another chance and let Xiu Qi tell you whether he wants to go back with you. If he wants, I will never stop him." .”

Bai Qingluo was stunned for a moment, feeling that happiness came too suddenly: "Old man, you, what you it true?"

Li Yuanzhong's eyes showed deep meaning, and he said, "It's absolutely true."

So, how much did Li Xiuqi hear about the past events she told Li Yuanzhong just now?

Why didn't Li Yuanzhong stop her? !

Bai Qing fell into a state of anxiety when she saw Li Xiuqi walking towards her.

When seeing Li Xiuqi, Bai Qingluo felt dizzy for a while, and almost fainted from fright.

Shouldn't he be in school right now?

Bai Qingluo thinks this way because she thinks that Li Xiuqi's homework is more important than Bai Qingluo's in Li Yuanzhong's heart, but Li Yuanzhong brought him here!

Seeing that Li Xiuqi's eyes fell on her wrist, Bai Qingluo persisted and said: "This is my mother's punishment. Mom accidentally pinched your wrist, so my mother stabbed me last night. I'm the same as Xiuqi." same location."

This is Bai Qingluo's trump card, which is equivalent to telling Li Xiuqi: Mom committed suicide because of you. If you still refuse to return to Mom, then what will Mom do next.

No one wants to bear a life at such a young age, is it his mother's?

Bai Qingluo didn't have time to think about it, she saw tears rolling down her face, and said in a second, "Xiu Qi, Mom misses you so much..."

After Li Xiuqi glanced at her, he lowered his eyes slightly and did not speak.

When he was still angry, Bai Qingluo quickly stretched out her right hand, and said softly to Li Xiuqi: "Look, son, mom is just like you now."

This time, Bai Qingluo really learned a lesson.

Before, she manipulated Li Xiuqi like her own puppet, and transferred her hatred for Li Xiangchen to him, ravaging and mistreating him, because she was sure that he was weak, and the Li family didn't love him, so she couldn't leave her.

But after experiencing what happened yesterday, Bai Qingluo suddenly realized that under Li Jingchen's strong intervention, Li Xiuqi might leave her, and she could no longer treat Li Xiuqi distortedly like before.

Even if Bai Qingluo kidnaps with morality, he will tie Li Xiuqi back.

Sure enough, Li Xiuqi's eyelashes twitched, his eye sockets flushed slightly.

Seeing his soft heart, Bai Qingluo tried to touch the back of his hand, and when she found that he didn't dodge, she was overjoyed, held his cold little hand, pressed it to her cheek, and begged: "Xiu Qi, mom is wrong!" Now, you can go back with mom, mom swears, she will treat you well in the future!"

Clinker, Li Xiuqi's next sentence was: "This is the last time I will see you."

Bai Qingluo's smile froze, and her mood was like riding a roller coaster, and it went downhill!

It's not over yet, I saw Li Xiuqi raised his eyes, the black pupils were calm and calm, but he said inexplicably and horribly: "From now on, I will stay by my great-grandfather and great-grandmother and work hard to grow up, and become a person who is close to you and my father." Different people, I will still make up for my aunt, and make atonement for you, Dad and myself."

Bai Qingluo told herself in her heart that from now on, she would get along with Li Xiuqi in a gentle way, as long as he returns to her side!

At this time, Li Xiuqi's hoarse voice sounded: "Mom."

When Bai Qingluo heard that he was still willing to call herself, she was overjoyed, as if seeing a bright future.


The roller coaster in Bai Qing's heart was completely derailed, and she fell into the dark abyss, falling to pieces! !

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