Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 859 It's Better To Let Her Die

Early the next morning, outside Nankai Primary School.

When An An was about to get out of the car after carrying her schoolbag, Lu Wanwan suddenly said: "An An, you have to be careful and Li Xiuqi, you understand?"

Because of Bai Qingluo's dispute with her, Li Xiuqi was captured and committed suicide by cutting his wrist in the bedroom. It is very likely that Li Xiuqi will hate her for this. It would be bad if he attacked An'an at school.

Therefore, Lu Wanwan had to remind An An to be more careful.

An An nodded seriously: "Good mommy, I will definitely take care of classmate Li's mood, and I won't provoke him on purpose."

Seeing that he misunderstood, Lu Wanwan could only sigh and said: "Mommy means that student Li's mood is important, but if he shows hostility towards you or behaves abnormally, then You just stay away from him, or run to tell the teacher right away, you know?"

Now, it was Li Xiuqi's turn to be in a bad mood, if he ignored it, it would be too uninteresting.

Lu Wanwan looked at him dumbly. At this moment, she suddenly hoped that it was her villainous heart.

An An showed a embarrassed look, and said: "But Mommy, classmate Li is my friend, and he is in a bad mood now, so I should stay with him."

Earlier, when he was sad and lost because of the suspected relationship between his father and his mother, Li Xiuqi had been silently caring for him.

"Is it An An's mother?" The head teacher's voice sounded a little surprised: "You called me, what's the matter?"

"That's right, I would like to trouble you to watch Li Xiuqi more, can you?"

But in order to avoid anything from happening, Lu Wanwan called An An's class teacher after An An got off the car.

After a while, the call was connected.


On the other side, General Hospital.

Lu Wanwan knew that it was quite abrupt to say this. If the class teacher asked, she would say that she had a little friction with Bai Qingluo, fearing that it would affect the two children.

Unexpectedly, the head teacher said: "You mean Li Xiuqi? He called me today to ask for leave, saying that he was not feeling well and couldn't come to school."

Li Yuanzhong didn't let her die like that.

Unless he wants to give up on Li Xiuqi completely.

When Bai Qing Luoyou woke up, she found that she was lying on the hospital bed. She raised her right hand, looked at the gauze wrapped around her wrist, and then showed a sneer that succeeded.

She was right!

Therefore, Li Yuanzhong could only save her!

And Bai Qingluo just needs to wait patiently now, when Li Xiuqi makes a fuss and asks Li Yuanzhong to bring him to see her, it will be her chance to take Li Xiuqi back!

But people care about emotional devotion. Although Li Yuanzhong has not cared for Li Xiuqi these years, he is not indifferent.

If she died, then Li Xiuqi would definitely have a heart knot with the Li family, and Li Yuanzhong always wanted to train him to be a completely different person from Li Xiangchen, so how could he allow him to have a dark side?

This female doctor looked to be in her 30s, and the way she looked at Bai Qingluo at this moment was like looking at a silly woman who had gone astray.

Bai Qingluo raised tears in her eyes, and pretended to say: "Doctor, don't ask, I'm all for my son..."

At this moment, a female doctor opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Bai Qingluo woke up, the female doctor changed her a new infusion bottle and asked, "You're a pretty girl, why don't you want to commit suicide?"

Hearing this, the female doctor was filled with righteous indignation: "You are the mother of the child, and no one can deprive you of the right to raise your child! Besides, when it comes to disciplining the child, which parent can do nothing at all? I understand you."

However, Bai Qingluo shook his head and took the blame on himself: "I regret it now, if I do it all over again, I will definitely not do anything to my son, I just want to give me a chance to make up for him, I will definitely I will love him even more, and do everything according to him..."

The female doctor said freshly: "I've seen a woman who couldn't think about committing suicide because of a man, but it's the first time I've seen a woman who couldn't think about committing suicide because of her son. How disobedient your son is, can he make you so angry that you can't love him? "

Bai Qingluo explained: "No, my son is very good, and he usually studies very well. It's my fault! Yesterday I lost control and injured him in a fit of anger, causing him to be taken away by his uncle. His uncle also said If you want to deprive me of my parenting rights, I cut my wrists when I was heartbroken."

As she spoke, she covered her face and began to cry.

Seeing this, the female doctor hurriedly persuaded: "You lost a lot of blood when you were sent here, so don't get excited!"

The female doctor couldn't help being moved: "You are such a good mother, it's all like this, and you still think about your son."

Bai Qingluo's eyes darkened: "But there is no chance, his uncle will not agree to return my son, I will lose him forever..."

Unexpectedly, upon questioning, she committed suicide for her own son, which made the female doctor feel distressed.

After all, the female doctor is also a mother, but she thinks she can't do it for the child like Bai Qingluo.

When Bai Qingluo was brought here, the wound on his right wrist was seven centimeters long, and the flesh was rolled up, which hurt just looking at it.

The female doctor who was in charge of treating her thought she was hurt by love at that time, and couldn't help but despise her a little.

"You are crazy!" The female doctor quickly stopped her and said, "If you die, you will never see your son again!"

"Leave me alone! Let me die..." Bai Qingluo looked at her pleadingly.

At this time, Bai Qingluo suddenly began to tear the gauze on her right wrist, and the female doctor was so frightened that she shouted, "What are you doing?"

Bai Qingluo said emotionally: "Without a son, what's the point of my life? It's better to let me die!"

The female doctor still remembered that after the strong man dumped Bai Qing on the hospital bed last night like unloading a sack, he picked her from the doctors on duty at night and asked her to save her with a deadpan face.

At that time, the strong man's eyes were full of evil spirits, but the female doctor couldn't produce the courage to resist, so she immediately treated Bai Qingluo.

Just when the female doctor was about to press the call bell to call someone, the door was suddenly pushed open by a crutch with a dragon's head.

A calm old man walked in, followed by the strong man who sent Bai Qingluo to the hospital for treatment last night.

It was later discovered that everything was a misunderstanding.

After withdrawing her thoughts, the female doctor asked, "Old man, are you the patient's family member? Why didn't you come here until now?"

At that time, the female doctor automatically assumed that Bai Qingluo and the strong man were a couple.

Thinking of how beautiful Bai Qingluo would commit suicide because of such a vulgar person, the female doctor couldn't help but secretly scolded her several times as a "fool" when treating Bai Qingluo.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." The female doctor comforted Bai Qingluo.

Bai Qingluo has always been able to confuse people. Even when Li Yuanzhong saw her for the first time, he felt that she was a good match with Jingchen. Eye-opening.

Li Yuanzhong couldn't help but glance at the female doctor's slightly accusing words.

Seeing the female doctor's hands resting on Bai Qingluo's shoulders, with an obvious intention of defending, Li Yuanzhong suddenly looked at Bai Qingluo, and as soon as he touched his sharp eyes, Bai Qingluo shrank back immediately.

Even if he was mistaken sometimes, let alone a female doctor, Li Yuanzhong didn't blame her, he just turned his head and said to the strong man behind him: "Please go out, this doctor, I have something to talk to the patient."

"Yes." The strong man squinted his eyes at the female doctor, the threat was self-evident.

The female doctor summoned up her courage and said, "Mr., please allow me to say something more. I don't know what's going on in your family, but this is the first time I've seen a mother who can't think about her son.

I think no matter what she did to her son before, she loved her son more than herself. Now that her son has been taken away, she is emotionally unstable. I hope you can comfort her more. "

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