Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 846 Impossible, He's a Good Man

Xia Zhi couldn't help asking: "Could it be that sir told young mistress that he changed your pajamas?"

This made Xia Zhi very unhappy. Last night she tried her best to protect the innocence of the young mistress, but Fu Shuo turned around and lied to the young mistress that he changed the pajamas, so the young mistress must not be angry with her!

This man, thanks to her feeling last night that he cared about her by asking about the injury on her hand, turned out to provoke the young mistress and her feelings today.

Also moved her!

Seeing that Xia Zhi was so angry, Lu Wanwan gave Fu Shuo a bold look and said, "An An misunderstood."

Of course, Fu Shuo also induced her to deepen this misunderstanding.

Hearing this, Xia Zhi then looked back and said: "Last night, my husband and I went in front and back to take care of you. It's normal for the young master to misunderstand you, but you don't need to worry about the young lady. I stayed in your room for a long time last night until I left at night."

She didn't expect that Fu Shuo, who is a good man, would have such a childish side.

As everyone knows, when facing the opposite sex he likes, no matter how serious a man is, there will be times when he wants to tease him.

So late, please forgive me.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Thank you."

At this time, Fu Shuo's voice came: "Wanwan, what are you talking about? If you don't eat, it will be cold."

When Lu Wanwan heard this, she looked at him and saw that the corners of his mouth were upturned, smiling as if he had succeeded in a prank, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

Dong Yi's implication is that I am a philanthropist, which is equivalent to a good person. In addition, there is no money for you to fish here. Did you come to the wrong place?

It wasn't until these police officers searched the orphanage that it was as small as a flower and a tree, and Dong Yi's smiling expression changed.

After hearing the movement, Dong Yi's wife walked over worriedly and asked, "Husband, which police station is this? Why are there so many police officers?"

Fu Shuo thought to himself.

On this day, Mingyuan was calm and peaceful, but Dong Yi's orphanage was in a state of chaos.

At the beginning, Dong Yi didn't know the seriousness of the matter, so he yelled at the intruding policemen: "Dear policemen, I am a welfare institution here, responsible for providing a place for homeless children to live in. You I don't know what you can do to visit me here?"

Dong Yi walked towards the policemen and said with a smile on his face: "Comrades, please speak up if you have something to say, you will frighten our children by messing around like this. By the way, I don't know which policeman you are. Bureau? I will visit in person some other day..."

Dong Yi is used to this method in other places, but he doesn't know that in S City, the difficulty factor for him to fish in troubled waters is sss level!

Because the more open and inclusive the city is, the denser the population is, so the more perfect laws and fair systems are needed, if the law is not strictly enforced, sooner or later there will be chaos.

Dong Yi said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, you go and let the teacher take care of the children, so that nothing goes wrong."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. If it doesn't work, I'd better send them away in the old way."

After finishing speaking, Dong Yi's wife hurried to work.

Hearing this, one of the policemen stopped and held up a document to Dong Yi with a cold voice: "This is a search warrant. We have the right to search your orphanage with this warrant. I hope you know."

"This... is this a search warrant?" Dong Yi took a closer look and saw that it was stamped with the seal of a Chief Prosecutor Wang, and he couldn't help muttering: "Who is the Chief Prosecutor Wang? Why do you search my orphanage?" , I did not break the law!"

Dong Yi's tone of "great conscience" yelled so much that he almost believed it himself.

Seeing a lot of police officers passing him unceremoniously and walking towards the house, Dong Yi's face froze, and he chased after him and said, "Everyone, the children are in class, and if you rush in like this, it will affect them. How about it? I'll take you to my office, what's the matter, let's sit down and discuss it slowly until you are satisfied, okay?"

As a result, the policemen quickly left Dong Yi behind with their long legs.

Seeing that they didn't talk about human kindness at all, Dong Yi couldn't help but feel a little furious: "Are you bullying me, a foreigner? Who knows if you are a policeman or a bandit under your skin? How dare you break into someone else's house!"

Dong Yi righteously said: "Who ran to your place to report indiscriminately? I, Dong Yi, have been running the orphanage for ten years. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. This person will be punished!!"

After frowning in disgust, a policewoman stepped forward and said, "I think the one who will be punished is you! We have already got your criminal evidence, so don't pretend anymore."

Dong Yi still killed him: Impossible, he is a good man!Someone must have messed with him on purpose!

The police didn't intend to go around in circles with him: "Someone reported your orphanage, buying and selling children, and forcing them to engage in illegal trade."

"This... this is impossible!!!"

Dong Yi's eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't know whether he was saying that it was impossible for his orphanage to engage in such a thing, or it was impossible for someone to report his orphanage.

Seeing this, Dong Yi forced himself to calm down. It was daytime, not the time for the children to pick up guests.

So even if these policemen rushed in, they would only see the children in class, dancing, and painting...

It's just that he now has to find a way to cancel tonight's "party".

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin." After looking away, the female policeman said to the female colleague beside her, "Come on, let's ask the children here and see what they say."

This female police officer and her female colleagues are all psychological counselors. They came today to get in touch with the children of Dong Yi Orphanage, so as to obtain useful information.

As for Dong Yi, he has been watched, no matter which way he moves, there will be police watching him.

Dong Yi's lips trembled. If these policemen were guarding here until night, how would he explain why those guests who came here to visit the children chose to come in the middle of the night?

Then, Dong Yi found out that these policemen seemed to have been here hundreds of times, and they couldn't help being horrified.

It shouldn't be, he has always done a good job of keeping secrets, and all the regular customers he receives are like mud in a stinky ditch, and he is all in a mess, so he dares to report him for no reason!

However, as soon as Dong Yi took out the phone, it was confiscated.

Dong Yi asked in disbelief: "Can't I even look at my phone? Are there still human rights?"

The policeman who confiscated his mobile phone said uprightly, "There must be important information in your mobile phone, and our police will keep it on your behalf."

Of course Dong Yi didn't know, the police had played back the video Wei Yu took many times, so they naturally knew the route like the back of their hands.

15 minutes later--

The children studying in each classroom were brought together into the hall, while the teachers stood behind them and looked at Dong Yi with a guilty expression.

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