Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 847 You must come quickly

However, Dong Yi himself was in a panic, so he couldn't care about the feelings of the teachers.

At this moment, the policeman who led the team asked, "Are all the children here?"

"Captain, we've searched everywhere we can, and that's all." The police officer on the side said.

Hearing this, Dong Yi's eyes flashed, and he thought that the confinement room had not been searched.

For those newcomers who refuse to obey discipline and try to escape, Dong Yi will lock them up until they are honest and then release them.

As for the confinement room, it was in the basement. No matter how the children cried, the people above couldn't hear them.

A few days ago, there was a little boy who wanted to escape, but was bumped into by Lu Wanwan, who came here to visit, and was locked into a confinement room by the teacher afterward.

That is to say, in the video provided by Wei Yu, the small map of the "confinement room" was not highlighted, so the police would not be able to know this place.

The children present were all well-educated, so Dong Yi didn't have to worry at all, they would expose themselves.

The confinement room is not open to guests.

Because there are some bad kids inside, Dong Yi is afraid that they will spoil the interest of the guests, so only their insiders can touch the core of this area.

"What's your name?"

The selected girl said: "My name is Xinrui."

While the police were questioning the children, Dong Yi could calm down and think about who was messing with him.

At the same time, two female police officers and psychological counselors were finding a boy and a girl from the pile of children, and asked in a gentle tone——

As for Yisong, it is also recorded in Wei Yu's video that the child was carried away in an ambiguous manner by a fat-headed and pig-eared guest.

It can be said that they are children who have been victimized recently. At this time, the psychological defense line should be in jeopardy. It is easier to obtain useful information by choosing them for questioning.

The selected boy said: "My name is Yisong."

The policewoman's eyes flickered, she remembered that Xinrui was the "heroine" in Wei Yu's video.

The female policeman earnestly and kindly asked: "Then is there any course here that you don't want to learn, but the teacher forces you to learn?"

Xinrui said sweetly: "No, Uncle Dong said, as long as we study hard and become a well-behaved and sensible boy, one day we will be adopted by kind people and live a life loved by our parents. "

While the policewoman was thinking about it, she asked gently: "Xinrui, Yisong, can you tell my sister what you are learning here?"

Xinrui said naturally: "We learn all the courses in general schools, and singing, dancing, musical instruments, painting and so on... are all our hobbies. By the way, we also have etiquette classes, teachers Determined to train us to be good children with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor."

"Hmm..." Of course there is.

Some customers would treat Xinrui roughly, as if they were treating a rag doll, causing her to almost die.

The word "love" stings the police's eardrums, and the "love" these children suffer here makes them feel sick to the stomach.

The policewoman held Xinrui's little hand, and asked softly: "Has Xinrui ever met an adopter that she doesn't like? What will they do to you?"

At this moment, Yi Song calmly replied from the side: "No, the adopters are all very good, it's just that they didn't like me. Uncle Dong also comforted me by saying that it's because my fate with the adopters didn't come true."

Hearing this, Xinrui quickly woke up and said: "Yi Song is right, Uncle Dong is fine, even if the adopted child is not me, he will comfort me with a smile and cheer me up."

The shadow left in her body can't deceive anyone, even though Xinrui tried her best to overcome it, her little hand still trembled reflexively.

The policewoman felt it, she thought there was something going on!

After Dong Yi smiled complacently in his heart, he said aggrievedly on his face: "Comrade police, you have all heard that I have been dedicated to the education of children, and I want to train them to be as good as children with family conditions." , to pave the way for their future, but you treat me as a lawbreaker, is this appropriate?"

The female policemen said: "We haven't finished asking, what are you in a hurry for?"

"!" The two policewomen couldn't help but look at each other.

These two children have almost no flaws!

Instead of prying open their hearts, the policewomen closed them even tighter.

The corners of Dong Yi's mouth almost curled up triumphantly. Xinrui and Yisong are his two smartest children. The policewomen were destined to make a bad start when they chose them for questioning.

Dong Yi pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Then you can continue to ask."

But with Xinrui and Yisong as their role models, the other children spoke in unison when faced with the policewomen's questioning.

One of the policewomen said: "We have finished asking about the children for the time being."

After Dong Yi nodded, he asked solemnly: "Very well, now please allow me to ask, who reported me blindly, I demand to confront the other party face to face!"

After a long time, Dong Yi stomped his sore feet and asked lazily, "Do you have any questions?"

The police were silent for a while, if it wasn't for the video provided by Wei Yu, they would probably have retreated in embarrassment by now.

Hearing this, the teachers looked at Dong Yi in panic.

They usually do a lot of things to help the evildoers, so it's no wonder they aren't afraid.

He must find out this ghost!

The captain squinted at him: "The police will give you this chance, now we will arrest you and bring you to justice."

The teachers were moved and secretly vowed not to betray Dong Yi.

Seeing that Dong Yi's death was imminent, he still did not forget to win people's hearts. After squinting the cold eyes under the brim of the captain's hat, he said coldly: "Except for the child, everyone else will be tortured away!"

Seeing this, Dong Yi was afraid that they would mess up and say something they should not say, so he said righteously: "Isn't it just to cooperate with the police investigation? Okay, I will go with you, but these children need the care of the teacher, so let them Stay here."

What a good boss!

Dong Yi gritted his teeth, this is the Waterloo of his "career", if he doesn't find out the person who reported him, he will not be a human being!

So far, Dong Yi and his wife, the teacher, the aunt in the cafeteria, and the security guard at the gate have all been handcuffed and put in a police car.


Just when the car door was about to be closed, Xinrui and Yisong suddenly ran out, reluctantly looking up at Dong Yi in the car: "Uncle Dong, where are you going?"

Dong Yi stretched out his handcuffed hands and patted their heads pretending to be loving: "Uncle Dong just went to the police station to have a cup of tea, it's all right."

Xinrui sucked her reddish nose, her pretty face was full of nostalgia: "Then Uncle Dong, you must come back quickly, Ruirui and everyone are waiting for you here!"

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