Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 845 She Was Really Difficult

"Didn't I say, leave it to me to take care of you every night?"

After Fu Shuo rushed to the door of the room as fast as he could, he asked Xia Zhi who was standing outside looking out.

Is his credit so low?

Besides, Xia Zhi, as Ming Yuan's servant, why is she guarding Wan Wan against his master?What she should guard against should be Li Jingchen!

Xia Zhi held the washbasin between her arms, and said naively, "I'm afraid that young mistress won't be able to take a bath when she's drunk, so I want to come and wipe her body and change into her pajamas."

Fu Shuo said simply and rudely: "Take back your crap, I've already wiped it for Wan Wan!"

At this time, Fu Shuo was alcoholic and his desire could not be relieved, so his tone was particularly irritable.

Following Xia Zhi's words, Fu Shuo's eyes fell on the washbasin she brought, and he saw that the fingers she was pressing on the edge of the washbasin were lined with red marks, which were locked in the room by him just now. The door was accidentally pinched.

Because he was concerned about Wanwan, he acted as if he hadn't seen it just now, and when he took a second look at this moment, he felt awkward.

It was still at night, and the red marks were so obvious. If it was the daytime, it would only be more conspicuous. It can be seen that he was really pinched by him just now, but even so, she still looked nonchalant.

However, Xia Zhi is already used to his irascibility: "Sir, the young mistress is a girl and should be taken care of more carefully, otherwise she will smell of alcohol when she wakes up tomorrow, and she might have a headache or something. You're bored after lying in bed all day, aren't you?" Remember the website m.97xiaoshuo. net

After Fu Shuo listened to it, did he think it made sense?

"So..." Xia Zhi puffed her chest out and raised her head, Mao then recommended herself, "Sir, let me come."

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shuo said in a low voice, "Go back and deal with it with your fingers, so as not to interfere with the mother and son tomorrow night."

Although this woman is a "little mouse" who only likes to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, and has repeatedly provoked his anger and seduced him, at least today, the advice she gave him is very practical, that is, to stay at home Facing Wanwan, if he still went out today as he did a few days ago, he would still not be able to reconcile with Wanwan.

Xia Zhi blinked and wondered in surprise, is this person caring about her?It's really going to rain red!

Forget it.

She was just worried about Wan Wan, and Fu Shuo decided to bear with someone who is so loyal to Wan Wan, even if he is a elm-headed person: "Well, you stay here to serve the young mistress, tomorrow I want to see a lively her."

"Don't worry, sir, I will!" Xia Zhi quickly promised.

Seeing this, Fu Shuo couldn't help squinting his eyes.

In fact, even without Xia Zhi, he wouldn't do anything to the unconscious Wan Wan. Instead of getting a non-responsive body, it would be better to get a ray of willing soul.

After Xia Zhi came to the bedside, seeing that Lu Wanwan hadn't been violated, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fu Shuo then turned his head to look at Lu Wanwan, and saw that her posture with her back to him hadn't changed at all, so he knew she was really asleep, so he couldn't help but said to Xia Zhi helplessly, "Take care of her."

After finishing speaking, he stepped up and walked out of Lu Wanwan's room.

Xia Zhi hurriedly stepped in, and then closed the door for fear of Fu Shuo's remorse.

The next morning, Mingyuan.

When Lu Wanwan went downstairs, she saw Fu Shuo wearing a white shirt, standing in front of the balcony with one hand in his pocket, talking on the phone.

"Mr. Yan, I'm not free today...well, I want to stay home with my wife and I have to wait until Monday to sign the contract with you."

Then, Xia Zhi scrubbed Lu Wanwan's body carefully and changed her into a set of comfortable pajamas.

After finishing these things, Xia Zhi gave herself a thumbs-up in her heart. Today, she not only helped her husband reconcile with the young mistress, but also made the young master happy, and finally kept the young mistress's innocence. She is really too It's not easy!


After An An breathed a sigh of relief, she said, "That's good. Sister Xia and Daddy took care of Mummy last night. When I finished my homework and sneaked into the room to see you, you had already changed into pajamas. It should be Daddy." Did you change the place?"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's complexion changed, and she almost immediately looked at Fu Shuo.

Fu Shuo was still standing far away on the phone at this time, and didn't notice Lu Wanwan's eyes.

Fu Shuo was tall and tall, the sun shone on his face and body, forming a soft halo, coupled with his clear and shallow voice, there was a sense of the tranquility of time.

"Mommy!" At this time, a glutinous rice ball ran towards Lu Wanwan from behind. After hugging her thigh, he raised his head and asked, "Mommy was drunk last night, is she feeling better today?"

Lu Wanwan looked back, and said softly to An'an, "Mommy is fine, let the baby worry."

Because it was Fu Shuo, Lu Wanwan only gave him a chance to explain. If it was someone else, she would have slapped him long ago.

Fu Shuo was stunned for a moment, then asked aloud, "If I say yes, what would you think?"

"Fu Shuo, you..." Lu Wanwan's fingers instantly curled up.

When he finished calling and turned around, An An had already gone to the bathroom.

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was wearing a set of pajamas with little yellow ducks printed on it, looking at him blankly, looking a little immature and cute, Fu Shuo smiled, walked towards her, and asked: "What's wrong? Looking at me like that, it's like meeting me for the first day."

Lu Wanwan stared at him intently: "An'an said, last night my pajamas... were you changing?"

After all, men are still teenagers until they die.

At this time, An An jumped into the middle of them, held one of them with her clean little hands, and said, "Daddy, Mommy, I've washed my hands, let's go eat!"


No, she needs to calm down, Fu Shuo is not the kind of villain who takes advantage of others!

But how should he explain his previous behavior of trying to kiss her forcefully in the elevator?

Lu Wanwan, who was in a tangle, did not see the temptation in Fu Shuo's eyes, nor the mischievous smile on his face.

"Then who changed my pajamas?"

Xia Zhi blurted out: "I changed your pajamas."

Fearing that Lu Wanwan would not believe it, Xia Zhi continued, "Really, I swear!"

At the dining table, after setting up the dishes, Xia Zhi noticed that Lu Wanwan's complexion was not quite right, so she couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Young Mistress, are you frowning, do you have a headache? It's all my fault, I poured so much for you last night. Drink more."

Lu Wanwan looked at her, and suddenly asked, "An An said, were you and Fu Shuo responsible for taking care of me last night?"


Lu Wanwan calmed down and said, "You don't have to swear, I trust you."

Noticing that she used "you" instead of "you", Xia Zhi couldn't help but glanced at Fu Shuo, wondering if he had said something to the young mistress?

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