Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 844 She Really Haunts

"Xiao Xia, it's fine." Lu Wanwan stopped Xia Zhi from pouring wine for herself, a blush appeared on her originally fair cheeks, she pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, as if to relieve the discomfort, her black hair was smooth like seaweed Sliding down on the shoulders, it is weak and charming.

In front of such a beauty, Xia Zhi couldn't help but lower her voice: "Young Mistress, are you drunk?"

"1, 2, 3... hiccup!" An An, who was full of stomach, took the time to order the empty wine bottle on the table, then looked at the fourth bottle of champagne in Xia Zhi's hand, and said worriedly: "Sister Xia, you I took 4 bottles of wine for my daddy and mommy, isn't that a little over the limit?"

"I thought the young mistress had been out on social occasions, so she should have a good capacity for alcohol, so..." Xia Zhi leaned down, and asked in Lu Wanwan's ear, "Would you like to help you go back to your room to rest?"

Lu Wanwan followed the voice, raised her watery eyes, and said "hmm" to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi immediately helped Lu Wanwan's hand, and after helping her up, she said to the thoughtful Fu Shuo and the worried An An, "Sir, young master, young lady is drunk, I will take her back to the room first, Come back to serve you."

Fu Shuo on the opposite side put down his chopsticks, his handsome face was filled with anticipation.

He thought, drunk every night, as her husband, he should send her to the room to rest.

Fu Shuo frowned all of a sudden, what happened to this woman?

Didn't she get drunk all night just to help him?

Fu Shuo knew that this opportunity must not be missed, so he straightened up and said, "I'll do it."

Xia Zhi smiled and said: "Sir, you should spend more time with the young master."

"Yeah." Fu Shuo turned his head and rubbed An An's little head, then followed.


While Fu Shuo was in a daze, Xia Zhi had already helped Lu Wanwan and left.

Seeing that Fu Shuo had been staring at Lu Wanwan's back, An An couldn't help but said sweetly: "If Daddy is worried about Mommy, just go and have a look, don't worry about me."

After putting Lu Wanwan down on the bed, Xia Zhi helped Lu Wanwan untie the top button of her skirt, and took off her slippers.

During the process, Lu Wanwan only asked, "Is it Xiao Xia?"After getting Xia Zhi's affirmative answer, she lay still.

In Lu Wanwan's room.

The so-called "life once, acquaintance second", Xia Zhi once settled down with Fu Shuo who was drunk, so when facing Lu Wanwan, she appeared very skilled.

Xia Zhi turned her head to look, and saw Fu Shuo's long legs stepping into the young mistress' room, two dark fires seemed to be quenched in his eyes, and the gentle smile was no longer on his thin lips.

Xia Zhi's intuition was not very good, and she turned a corner when she wanted to close the door and go out: "Sir, didn't you say that you want to accompany the young master to do homework? Let me stay here and take care of the young mistress."

Xia Zhi couldn't help thinking that the young mistress was more cooperative than her husband, and then looked at Lu Wanwan's face, she was as quiet as a fairy in a painting.

At this time, an ordering voice sounded behind her: "Go out."

Fu Shuo felt that his heart was also ups and downs due to her breathing.

Seeing Fu Shuo's gloomy expression, Xia Zhi seemed to be hiding a sharpened sword, ready to rush over to disembowel and devour her mistress at any time, so she didn't dare to leave.

"I said, get out." Relying on his superior height, Fu Shuo's eyes passed Xia Zhi directly and locked on Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Because her head was tilted, her red lips were lightly pressed against the pillow. Every time she took a breath, the pillow surface would sink a little and quickly return to its original shape.

Therefore, at most, Xia Zhi could only help Fu Shuo and Lu Wanwan reconcile, and maintain the beautiful illusion of this family, and she could benefit from it.

But if Lu Wanwan was drunk and Fu Shuo took advantage of her, then her crime would be serious.

Xia Zhi is not stupid, she knows who is her master.

It's true that Fu Shuo was troubled by love and deserved sympathy, but the one who kept her safe was Lu Wanwan.

"You did a good job tonight." Fu Shuo said inexplicably, who knows if he was really drunk in the evening: "I made a note, you go out."

Xia Zhi took a few steps forward, came under Fu Shuo's nose, and said in a low voice, "Sir, it's bad behavior to take advantage of others."

Seeing that Xia Zhi didn't move, Fu Shuo couldn't help but turn his gaze, and looked at her coldly: "You don't want to leave, do you want a reward?"

Xia Zhi blinked in confusion, what reward?

Fu Shuo raised a finger in front of her eyes and said expressionlessly, "First of all, I am Wanwan's husband, and whatever I want to do to her is legal."

"Secondly," he raised his second finger: "You are a servant, and you are not qualified to dictate in front of me."

Fu Shuo's voice turned cold: "What did you say?"

Xia Zhi said: "I'm helping you set up the atmosphere tonight to help you reconcile with the young mistress. You can't just do some... um... weird things while the young mistress is drunk."

"Hiss—" Xia Zhi's eye circles turned red all of a sudden.

Fu Shuo was taken aback, and didn't close the door again, but he didn't apologize either.

After finishing speaking, Fu Shuo directly grabbed Xia Zhi by the collar and dragged her to the door.

Seeing that the door was about to close, Xia Zhi put her hand into the crack of the door anxiously, and was pinched forcefully by the door panel.

Xia Zhi didn't care about getting started, she just raised her head and said, "Sir, don't do things that you regret."

Fu Shuo didn't say anything, but walked towards Lu Wanwan who was beside the bed.

He didn't do it on purpose, it was the woman who stuffed her hand into the crack of the door, and she deserved it if she was caught.

The half-closed door blocked half of Fu Shuo's light, making his expression dim.

He called Wanwan a few times, but failed to wake him up, so he couldn't help but murmured: "Are you really drunk? That's fine, just rest at home with me tomorrow."

"Hmm." At this moment, Lu Wanwan moved, and Fu Shuo saw a small tuft of hair sticking to her neck, which should be hot.

Seeing that the door of the room was still half-opened, Xia Zhi thought to herself that Fu Shuo didn't seem to be planning to execute the young mistress on the spot.

After Fu Shuo came to Lu Wanwan's bedside, he moved a chair and sat down.

Lying on the bed was the woman he had been in love with so far, and he was a man of sound mind and body. If he didn't feel this way, then he should really go to become a monk.

He couldn't help stroking her hair with the other hand, looked closer at her slightly parted red lips, and asked in a low voice, "Wanwan, can I kiss you?"

He got up and went to the bathroom, wrung a wet towel for her and came back, wiped her blushing face, followed by her sweaty neck, and then the two arms that were casually draped on the quilt...

His wiping movements became slower and slower, and he stared at Lu Wanwan's lips for longer and longer.

After Lu Wanwan answered vaguely, she turned sideways and turned her back to Fu Shuo.

Fu Shuo looked at the back of her head, his eyes dimmed: "Even when I'm drunk, do you want to reject me?"

At this time, there was a sound of "dingling bang bang" outside the door.

Fu Shuo looked back, and saw Xia Zhi carrying a washbasin outside the corridor, which made him no time to mourn Chunqiu: "It really lingers!"

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