Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 843 Is He Ugly

Wan Wan didn't stop him from helping An An with her homework.

So, why does he not want the good, but only the bad?

Fu Shuo opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end it disappeared between his lips.

He felt very confused.

As for Lu Wanwan, the more he tried to control him, the more he lost control.

Lu Wanwan was still looking at him. Seeing that he was silent and seemed to be preoccupied, she couldn't help giving him a step down: "Are you busy with work recently and haven't had a good rest, so you are a little irritable?"

Fu Shuo smiled wryly: "You can see it too?"

and also?

Besides her, who else saw it?

Lu Wanwan didn't think deeply, just looked at Wu Qing in front of his eyes and said: "You have dark circles."

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With such a competitor, Fu Shuo's room has men's skin care products that have never been seen before.

After shaking her head, Lu Wanwan persuaded: "You should rest early these two days, your body comes first."

But his rival in love is Li Jingchen.

The man who can attract thousands of girls to dream about him even if he doesn't show his face.

Such a good night, how can he let it go?

"Okay." After Fu Shuo responded, he asked with anticipation: "Can I cook with you tonight?"

Fu Shuo was overjoyed, thinking that Wan Wan still cared about him.

Even though he tried to kiss her forcefully in the elevator that day, said angry words to her after he failed, and was still angry with her afterwards, she still didn't change at all.

It seems that he really thinks too much.

Fu Shuo raised his hand and stroked the loose forehead hair back, exposing his forehead, and at the same time, his gloomy mood became clearer.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Okay, your cooking skills are always better than mine, it's great to be willing to help."

I didn't expect her to talk so well.

This made him very happy, and he raised his arms like lotus root to the top of his head and shouted: "Long live Daddy and Mommy!"

An An's mood was boiling like a cola bubble. After eating the maple muffin in the spoon, he said with satisfaction: "I haven't eaten the dinner made by Mommy and Daddy for a long time!"


An An ate the dinner jointly cooked by Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo.

From Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo's point of view, An An's big, dark eyes were astonishingly bright at the moment.

Fu Shuo stroked his chin and asked, "Is it too exaggerated? Is it so delicious?"

Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo looked at him together, one was gentle and the other asked gently: "Is it delicious?"

"Yeah!" An An held the spoon in her mouth, licked the maple syrup with her tongue, and nodded like pounding garlic.

Because of this kind of opportunity, there will not be too many.

She had already made up her mind to draw up the divorce agreement first, and then find a suitable opportunity to hand it over to Fu Shuo.

In An An's view, this dinner is not only delicious, but also a signal that his parents have completely reconciled. Can he be unhappy?

Lu Wanwan put a dish in An An's bowl, and said softly, "If you like it, eat more."

If Lu Wanwan had put her contributions to the Fu family and Fu's company over the years, and the protection that Fu Shuo had given her and An An over the years, on the same scale, then they would have been evenly matched before.

But now, with Fu Shuo's emotional overload, the scale began to gradually tilt towards Fu Shuo's side, that is, a so-called "imbalance" appeared, and what she had to do was to break this imbalance!

If you can't do it once, then you can do it twice, if you can't do it twice, you can do it three times. She can always convince Fu Shuo.

If Fu Shuo was still the calm, rational and calm man before, she might not be so impatient, but now it is clear that he is getting deeper and deeper.

Fu Shuo glanced at Xia Zhi unexpectedly.

Xia Zhi, however, was looking at her nose and heart, only looking at the champagne in her hand.

She couldn't give Fu Shuo the love that Fu Shuo wanted, and she couldn't give Fu Shuo the grandson that Fu Shuo's parents wanted. Breaking up was the best way.

At this time, Xia Zhi brought over an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it, and asked, "Sir, young mistress, you have prepared so many dishes, don't you plan to have a drink?"

Fu Shuo then took a look at Xia Zhi.

He knew that sometimes Lu Wanwan would listen to what Xia Zhi said.

Just as Lu Wanwan was about to refuse, she saw Fu Shuo pointing to the place next to her, and said to Xia Zhi, "Leave it here."

Lu Wanwan persuaded: "Fu Shuo, drinking will hurt your health."

Lu Wanwan looked at him in surprise: "Where did you learn all this?"

An An smiled and said, "Nian Nian told me, she said it was table manners."

Xia Zhi put the ice bucket by Fu Shuo's hand, and said to Lu Wanwan, "Miss, the alcohol content of this champagne is only 18%. Rest well at home."

An An finally finished licking the sweet maple syrup, and after putting down the spoon, she said in a sweet voice: "Yes, Daddy and Mommy must be exhausted after cooking so many dishes tonight. You should open a glass of champagne, toast each other, and reward each other."

"Yes." Xia Zhi quickly followed suit.

It's not that Xia Zhi betrayed Lu Wanwan, but that if she doesn't help them reconcile, she will have a bad day.

Lu Wanwan laughed a little, with Wei Nian as a "social sister", she didn't worry that An An would not become a "social person".

Fu Shuo said to Xia Zhi at this time: "Pour us a glass."

Lu Wanwan is a good hostess, and the young master is also very obedient and cute. She doesn't want them to leave Mingyuan.

Once they left, it would be the end for Fu Shuo, and without the restriction of the hostess and the young master, she would be drowned by the negative energy Fu Shuo radiated.

In order to prevent Fu Shuo from saying some weird things to her again, Xia Zhi came over with champagne to create an atmosphere.

Moreover, Xia Zhi also has a selfish heart.

Therefore, maintaining the status quo is the common wish of Fu Shuo, An An and Xia Zhi.

To some extent, Lu Wanwan was really helpless.

At that time, she will give up this good job and go to work elsewhere.

But can other places be her shelter?Don't forget, her father who owed a huge debt is still looking for her everywhere, waiting to send her to the creditor's bed to pay off the debt!

Xia Zhi nodded secretly from the side, it seems that the husband and the young mistress have settled their suspicions.

Lu Wanwan clinked glasses with him lightly, and acquiesced to Fu Shuo's excuse in front of An An.

At this time, Fu Shuo picked up the wine glass, smiled at Lu Wanwan, "Wanwan, I've been busy with work these days, and you've been troubled by family affairs."

Xia Zhi looked around and saw that An An was happily gnawing on a stewed pig's trotter, while a pair of smart eyes were staring at Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo. His expression was as vivid as when the old lady was still in Mingyuan, Watching the hero and heroine of the 8 o'clock TV series every night is like watching a show while eating melon seeds.

that's it……

This meal lasted for an hour.

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