Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 838 As long as someone is with you, don't be afraid

He wanted Lu Wanwan to know that he was still angry, and the way to get rid of his anger was very simple, that was to take the initiative to come to him.


She wouldn't take the initiative to find Li Jingchen and talk to him!

On the other side, Lu Wanwan was thinking while walking.

When she regained her senses, she realized that she followed Jiang Man back to Mayor Zhou's office. After picking up the bag hanging on the coat rack, she quickly offered to say goodbye to Jiang Man.

Jiang Man did not force him to stay.

When Lu Wanwan turned around and walked to the door of the office, she happened to meet Mayor Zhou, Li Jingchen, and Wei Yu who were walking towards them. She pretended to be calm and said, "Godfather, Wei Yu, I'm going back first."

Mayor Zhou lowered his face slightly, and said, "You haven't chatted with your godfather yet, are you leaving now?"

Not long after Lu Wanwan sat down next to Jiang Man, she heard Mayor Zhou say, "Man'er."

Jiang Man looked at him: "What's the matter?"

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Lu Wanwan murmured: "Next time."

Mayor Zhou said: "Who knows when the next time is? It's rare that everyone is free, so come and sit."

Just as Wei Yu thought, Mayor Zhou is the boss of the city government, and when he really wants to do something, no one can go against him.

Wei Yu answered a phone call, saying that "Wei Mansion" had urgent matters waiting for him to deal with, and left in a hurry.

Mayor Zhou said he wanted to chat with Lu Wanwan, but after a few words, he was stopped by his subordinates.

After Mayor Zhou smiled apologetically at Lu Wanwan, he got up and walked further and further away from his subordinates, so far that Lu Wanwan could no longer see him.

Jiang Man was stunned for a moment, then nodded, got up and left.

Without Jiang Man, the patron saint, Lu Wanwan suddenly seemed alone.

Li Jingchen didn't look at her or talk to her, but he exuded a strong sense of presence.

The strange thing is that Li Jingchen didn't say anything.

Oh, by the way, now in Li Jingchen's heart, she is a half-hearted woman, that's why she kissed him the night before, and went to work in Fu Shuo's car the day after.

It's normal to have nothing to say to her at this time.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen's secretary said anxiously, "President Li, I'm going to the bathroom."

After a while, only she and Li Jingchen were left in Mayor Zhou's office.

Lu Wanwan felt that it was time for her to leave, so she silently put on her bag, stood up and walked towards the door.

After figuring out the reason, Lu Wanwan turned back and turned the doorknob, but failed to open the door.

She tried several more times, but the door still wouldn't budge.

Lu Wanwan could only look back at Li Jingchen, pursed her lips, and asked hesitantly, "Do you know how to open Mayor Zhou's door?"

Lu Wanwan finished thinking with some self-mockery, and was about to leave.

At this moment, with a "bang", the office door was suddenly closed.

Lu Wanwan looked back and found that the printed curtains behind her were flying. It turned out that the window was not closed, and the wind blew in, causing the door to be closed.

Li Jingchen said coldly: "How do I know, this is the city government, not my office."

Hearing the thorn in his words, Lu Wanwan bit her lip and said, "Then I'll call Mayor Zhou and ask."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Mayor Zhou's number.

Finally willing to take the initiative to talk to him?It's not easy!

Li Jingchen sneered in his heart, then raised his eyelids, and asked coldly, "What's wrong?"

Lu Wanwan bit her head and said: "I can't open this door, you come here often, you should know what's going on?"

"Just now, my subordinate told me that there is something urgent, and I'm in the car now."

After seemingly pondering for a while, Mayor Zhou continued: "How about this, Wanwan, don't worry, I'll call you to report for repairs, is there anyone around you?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Li Jingchen."

After a while, the call was connected.

After Lu Wanwan explained the situation, Mayor Zhou said, "Suddenly the office door can't be opened? Oh, it must have been in disrepair for a long time, and it broke down."

Lu Wanwan was dumbfounded: "Then what should I do?"

Whether Lu Wanwan believes it or not, she can only do so.

I don't know when the maintenance personnel will come?

Lu Wanwan stood in front of the door, and when she was lost in thought, she heard a voice behind her: "Is the pestle there to be the door god?"

Mayor Zhou breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good to have someone to accompany you, don't be afraid."

"..." She doesn't want Li Jingchen to accompany her!

"Okay, godfather has something else to do, let's do this first." After speaking, Mayor Zhou ended the call.

"You're so yin and yang." Lu Wanwan couldn't help but said, "I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore, so you called Mayor Zhou like that, lest you say that I'm getting close to you indirectly, implying that Your intimacy with us six years ago!"

Knowing that Li Jingchen looks at her with strange eyes and looks down on her, she has consciously drawn a clear line with him, what else does he want from her?

When did he not want to have anything to do with her?

Lu Wanwan turned around subconsciously, and saw Li Jingchen sitting comfortably on the sofa and staring at herself, as if she seemed stupid.

As she walked towards the sofa, she said, "Mayor Zhou said that maintenance personnel will be sent over, let us wait."

Li Jingchen's voice became more and more weird: "You call someone godfather to your face, but you call him Mayor Zhou behind your back. Sure enough, you can only hear good things from you when this person is useful."

Lu Wanwan said complicatedly: "Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it, would you?"

Li Jingchen stared at her, and said word by word: "Believe it or not, I can make my own judgment. Now I just want you to continue talking."

Lu Wanwan remembered Jiang Man's words, if both sides are strong, it will be difficult to reach a unity.

After Li Jingchen changed his sitting position anxiously, he said forcefully, "Say what you didn't finish that day."

Lu Wanwan was in a daze.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen's expression became more and more serious: "Lu Wanwan, in my office that day, you asked me if I knew why you took Fu Shuo's car to work. If you didn't tell me, how would I know?"

Thinking of this, she sat down and confided: "An An began to suspect that there is something wrong with my relationship with Fu Shuo."

Li Jingchen was shocked.

Lu Wanwan began to express her pressure: "In front of An An, Fu Shuo and I have always performed the 'loving couple' seamlessly. He never doubted it, but recently, my acting skills seem to have regressed.

That day, An An hoped that I would go to work together in Fu Shuo's car. I knew he was very uneasy recently, so I made this point. I couldn't bear to see him disappointed, so I agreed.

Li Jingchen, this is the truth about me taking Fu Shuo's car to work, believe it or not. "

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