Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 837 She Has Some Regrets

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Godmother should have a good eye for people, right? Don't you think Brother Yan and Sister Mo don't like either?"

Jiang Man put his left hand lightly on his cheek, and said helplessly: "Jiang Yan has been staying in the army, and has no time to come out to meet the girl.

Zhou Mo is engaged in creation, and her vision is very picky. She is not happy with the boy I introduced to her, let alone a relationship, even a friend first. "

"Ah?" Lu Wanwan recalled that Zhou Mo hit it off with Zong Qi and agreed to visit Zong Qi's scientific research institution next time.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mo in Jiang Man's eyes would be so difficult to deal with.

Jiang Man looked at her, and said earnestly: "Look at Wanwan, the godmother is not omnipotent, you and Zhou Mo are close, if you can introduce someone to her, it will be worth it that the godmother loves you so much .”

"..." You said just now that you have nothing to ask for!

Facing Jiang Man's bright eyes, Lu Wanwan's words reached the tip of her lips, and she swallowed them again, with a wooden "hmm".

Zongqi can fork out the item about health.

Lu Wanwan tentatively asked: "Then, does the godmother have any requirements for Sister Mo's other half?"

Jiang Man said with an open tone: "As long as Zhou Mo likes it, I don't have any other requirements."

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth and was about to mention Zongqi, but she heard Jiang Man continue: "However, a boy must have the most basic health and sense of responsibility. By the way, he'd better be a little romantic." , can surprise Zhou Mo and stimulate her creative desire, what do you think, Wanwan?"

Moreover, when she remembered that Zong Qi was introduced to Zhou Mo by her, Lu Wanwan felt a little regretful.

Seeing Lu Wanwan's distressed expression, Wei Yu came out to help her out: "Mayor's wife, Wanwan fell into the sea that year. Now her high school and college classmates think she is dead, right?"

Then, how can a "dead" person introduce Zhou Mo to his high school and college classmates?

As for responsibility?Zong Qi is quite responsible for his scientific research institution, and wanted to ask Zhou Mo to meet him on the night of his duty.

Romance at the end?When Zong Qi met Zhou Mo for the first time, he gave him an electric shock bracelet...

Lu Wanwan took a look at Jiang Man and found that Zong Qi couldn't match any of her fantasies about her future son-in-law.

Jiang Man heard the words, picked up the teacup, and said politely and distantly: "Oh, so..."

After Jiang Man put down the teacup, she naturally transitioned to the next topic, neither rejecting Wei Yu nor agreeing to Wei Yu.

Regarding this, Wei Yu just smiled slightly. It seems that the prejudice has always existed, but the mayor's wife concealed it very well.

After Jiang Man was stunned for a moment, she said apologetically, "Wanwan, it's because the godmother was too impatient and didn't consider your actual situation."

Lu Wanwan shook her head, saying it was okay.

Wei Yu took over the conversation and said, "I have many single friends around me. If the mayor's wife is really anxious about your daughter's marriage, I can help you."

At this moment, Lu Wanwan suddenly regretted her sloppy behavior before. Why don't she call Zong Qi after she goes back and tell him not to contact Zhou Mo again?

However, it is Zong Qi and Zhou Mo's freedom to make friends with, and no one has the right to deprive them of it.

Maybe Zhou Mo doesn't like Jiang Man's ideal future son-in-law at all?

Lu Wanwan looked at Jiang Man's always talking and laughing, but she didn't dare to simply treat her as an amiable elder.

Jiang Man's method of retreating into advance is too difficult to deal with.

And her introduction of Zong Qi to Zhou Mo did not meet Jiang Man's requirements at all. Once Jiang Man found out, the consequences would be disastrous.

the other side.

Li Jingchen was closing the document, raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

Only then did Mayor Zhou say: "Jingchen, have you finished reading?"

Otherwise, Zhou Mo would have married and had children according to the standard template given by Jiang Man.

After thinking about it, Lu Wanwan decided to at least tell Zhou Mo about Zong Qi's physical condition.


"Okay." In terms of business, Mayor Zhou thought he was no match for Li Jingchen, so instead of asking, he just nodded in agreement.

At this time, the waiter bent down to put the dishes on their table, and said, "Mayor Zhou, President Li, the last dish has been served, please use it slowly."

Li Jingchen glanced and saw that the last dish was strawberry yam.

Li Jingchen put down his hand and said "um" softly.

Mayor Zhou unconsciously leaned forward and asked, "Is the price offered by the other party within a reasonable range?"

Li Jingchen pushed the document back with one hand: "Let them increase the profit by [-]%, and then I will meet their boss."

After Li Jingchen took it, he took a sip and put it in his mouth.

The skin of the strawberry yam is sour, but the inside is soft and delicious, which unexpectedly suits his appetite.

Just like Lu Wanwan who I haven't seen in six years.

The pastry made of yam is still smoking faintly. It should have just been taken out of the refrigerator, and it is topped with tempting strawberry jam.

Seeing that Li Jingchen's attention was attracted by this appetizing dessert, Mayor Zhou said enthusiastically, "Try it?"

The secretary at the side handed Li Jingchen a small spoon.


For Lu Wanwan's table, because Wei Yu temporarily added two more dishes, they ate very slowly.

When they finished eating, Li Jingchen's table was also over.

Every time we meet, it will give him anger, but it will inadvertently reveal a softness, which makes him want to stop and sink deeper and deeper.

Mayor Zhou asked concerned: "Is it delicious?"

Li Jingchen glanced at Lu Wanwan, and said meaningfully: "It's really beautiful and delicious, which makes your index finger move."

Li Jingchen withdrew his gaze and glanced at Wei Yu: "What do you think?"

Wei Yu spread his hands: "How do I know? You hung up on my phone and didn't reply to my message. I thought you definitely wouldn't come."

But he still came.

This caused Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan to inevitably see each other when the two tables got up and walked towards the door.

When she met Li Jingchen's deep phoenix eyes, Lu Wanwan's breathing stopped, and then she shifted her sight uncomfortably, and walked quickly towards the door.

Seeing Lu Wanwan walking fast like being chased by a dog, Wei Yu chuckled and asked Li Jingchen, "Hey, are you here for Wanwan or for the project?"

On the surface it was said that it was for the project, but only Li Jingchen knew that it was just an excuse for him to see Lu Wanwan.

The projects reserved by Mayor Zhou for Li's Group, other companies simply don't have the strength to take them away, so he can come and talk whenever he wants.

And the reason why he hung up on Wei Yu's call and didn't reply to Wei Yu's text messages was because he knew that Wei Yu and Lu Wanwan were staying together, and he didn't want Lu Wanwan to feel that he cared about her very much.

Therefore, after entering the restaurant, he didn't go over to say hello to Lu Wanwan, and only talked about work with Mayor Zhou.

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