Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 839 Why didn't you tell me earlier

Listening to her words, Li Jingchen's mind was spinning.

Wanwan said that her acting skills have regressed?He also said that An An noticed that there was a problem between her and Fu Shuo?

This is undoubtedly good news for him, and it even dilutes the anger in his heart.

But Lu Wanwan was different. Her pace of life was completely disrupted, and Li Jingchen, who caused all this, still misunderstood her and accused her. She still remembered: "You said in the office that day, if I don't want to take care of An'an, I can give him to you to take care of, do you know how I feel after hearing this?"

Li Jingchen froze. She agreed to go to work with Fu Shuo just to take care of An An's mood, but he accused her of not sending An An to school, which meant that she had not fulfilled her responsibility as a mother!

She knows too well how ruthless Li Jingchen is to the woman who betrayed him. After Bai Qingluo and Li Xiangchen were together, Li Jingchen abandoned him like a pair of shoes.

But now, she was labeled as "half-hearted" and "attracting bees and butterflies" by Li Jingchen, and he didn't even look at her, and even asked her to take the initiative to tell him, which made her inevitably think of Bai Qingluo, and she will never live a miserable life like Bai Qingluo, waiting for a man's pity all her life!

She would rather make it clear to Li Jingchen and make it clean.

After closing his eyes, Li Jingchen asked solemnly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

A sneer appeared on Lu Wanwan's face: "I wanted to say it, but when you saw the text message Mr. Shi sent me, you started talking nonsense again. Do I still want to stand there and be humiliated by you?" Is it? I'm not Bai Qingluo!"

Lu Wanwan almost roared out the last sentence.

Li Jingchen's eyes tightened, what did he see clearly?

Lu Wanwan suppressed her bitterness and said, "The Lu Wanwan in front of you is not the girl who only knew to hang around you six years ago. She has her own life and a precious son.

For her son, she will make a lot of sacrifices. You are no longer her only one. If you feel unbalanced, incomprehensible or even angry, then I advise you not to continue.

"I forbid you to say that!" Li Jingchen didn't want her to belittle himself with Bai Qingluo, so he said very seriously: "I never equated you with her! When you compare her with yourself and insult you, you are also humiliate me!"

"Then you said that I was half-hearted? And that I wanted to steal your company's secrets? And you said these words in front of your good brother and your secretary! What do you want them to think of me?"

After Lu Wanwan got excited, her voice gradually lowered: "Li Jingchen, if you feel guilty because you didn't choose me six years ago, so you want to pursue me again to make up for the regret, then I advise you to see clearly..."

Six years ago, she was young and pure, ignorant of world affairs, and only loved Li Jingchen.

Six years later, she is already a mother, and she still lives under the same roof with another man, acting as a loving couple from time to time.

If she were Li Jingchen, she would know which one to choose.

There are still many young girls living in the fantasy of love in this world. I believe they will revolve around you wholeheartedly. "

Li Jingchen understood the meaning of her words, and couldn't help but shudder, his throat was as heavy as a lead weight: "Do you think I love Lu Wanwan in my memory?"

"Then you are?" Lu Wanwan asked back, this answer is equally important to her.

If he really only loved her six years ago, why would he forcefully intervene knowing that she was remarried?Are you mean?

How about ignoring her completely like you did with Bai Qingluo!

After finding out the truth about her going to work with Fu Shuo, Li Jingchen said decisively: "I was confused that day, so I said a lot of nasty things. Wanwan, I apologize to you."

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said, "Li Jingchen, you shouldn't be bound by memories."

Li Jingchen's pupils shrank, what she said was exactly the same as what Lan Qin said when he was intervening psychologically with him.

But anyone can say this, except Lu Wanwan!

Lu Wanwan was sitting and he was standing. It seemed that she was the one who was shrouded in a sense of oppression, but she looked up at him calmly. Instead, it was him, walking around like a trapped animal.

He didn't stop until his calf hit the coffee table beside him.

"I'm cold and ignoring you. I want to force you to take the initiative to explain to me. Since the reunion, I have always been the one who took the initiative. Your response to me is terribly lonely. I want you to take the initiative, can't you? "Don't look at Li Jingchen yelling loudly, but his ears are tinged with red.

But his apology was met with her words: "If you really want to apologize, why wait until now?"

He doesn't look at her, ignore her, and even ignores her conversations. Is this also called an apology?

"Lu Wanwan, you really are!" Li Jingchen stood up from the sofa in a "swipe", looking very angry.

Lu Wanwan was taken aback, no wonder, when she went to his office the next day, he behaved so abnormally, and even blamed her with An'an, so he was in such a tormented mood?

"Wait, did I kiss you back that night?" Lu Wanwan asked in a daze.

"Do you dare to say?" Li Jingchen looked at her viciously, and said, "Not only did you open your mouth to let me in, but you also hooked me with the tip of your tongue in the end, causing me to lose control and kiss you so hard that I couldn't even stand up." Unsteady!"

Lu Wanwan tilted her head, a little surprised: "You seem very sure, I will take the initiative to ask you to explain?"

"Because you kissed me back the night you came out of Zhou Mo's design studio, which made me feel that you care about me." Li Jingchen sometimes said softly and sometimes angrily: "That's why I ran to Ming Yuan saw you and An An, but saw you and Fu Shuo traveling together!"

In this regard, what can he do to restrain her behavior?Only Ann!

"Now I know, I know everything!" Li Jingchen grabbed her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it, and said with certainty, "You really care about me."

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips.

Coupled with the fact that kissing has always been dominated by Li Jingchen, she will not think about it anymore.

Lu Wanwan's face turned hot, and she murmured, "Really?"

She only remembered that it rained heavily that night. Li Jingchen held an umbrella in one hand and held her waist in the other. She was confused until the back of the kiss, and didn't remember what she had done at all.

Li Jingchen continued: "Wanwan, divorce him. You don't love him. You are only with him to show An An. As An An's father, I can't let you wrong yourself like this anymore."

"Actually..." After a pause, Lu Wanwan said in a low voice, "I've already mentioned it to him."

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