Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 836 She Owes Me An Explanation

Seeing this, Mayor Zhou smiled slightly.

He didn't miss the flash of panic in Jing Chen's eyes just now, as if he had discovered some secret.

Thinking of Jingchen's look of wanting to see through but still pretending to be careless when he peeked at Wan Wan, Mayor Zhou couldn't help but want to tease him.

"By the way, why don't you go and say hello to Wanwan? It's rare for her to come to the city hall today."

After a meal, Mayor Zhou said caringly: "Don't be shy, here are all my people, and I won't talk nonsense."

Li Jingchen was determined to ask Lu Wanwan to come to him, so he refused, "No."

Mayor Zhou looked at him in shock: "Why? Did you quarrel?"


Mayor Zhou was so surprised that he even put his order on hold for now: "Have you kissed Wanwan?"

Li Jingchen said "um".

Li Jingchen's black eyes were deep and deep: "She owes me an explanation."

Mayor Zhou asked with interest: "What explanation?"

After Li Jingchen took a quick look at Lu Wanwan, he paused word by word: "After taking the initiative to kiss me, do you want to explain it responsibly?"

"Not good." Li Jingchen frowned and said, "Before she showed her attitude, I was not good at all."

Instead, because of that kiss in the rain, he was thinking wildly, worrying about gain and loss.

Seeing this, Mayor Zhou asked: "What attitude do you want to express Wanwan? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

While Mayor Zhou was happy, he was also a little worried: "Then isn't she..."

Li Jingchen said first, "I know what you want to say, but she and Fu Shuo have nothing to do with each other. I am her only man."

Mayor Zhou is a smart man, he quickly understood the meaning of Li Jingchen's words, he couldn't help laughing and said, "That's great!"

In other words, is he more important to Mayor Zhou than Jiang Man and Zhou Mo?

Mayor Zhou half-jokingly, half-seriously said: "Your lifelong happiness is related to the gdp of city s. Can I help you?"

Mayor Zhou has always regarded Li Jingchen as a favorite junior, not only because Li Jingchen is excellent, but also because he understands how difficult it is for Li Jingchen to walk along the way.

Li Jingchen raised his low tone slightly: "Really?"

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

"Aren't you afraid that helping me will make your wife and daughter unhappy?"

Or, under Li Huaguang's curse, would he really become wilted day by day and spend his life doing nothing?

It wasn't until Li Jingchen used his year-over-year turnover that he refreshed Mayor Zhou's perception of him.

Li Jingchen is a ruthless person who is not moved by anything, even his biological father can't stop him from climbing up.

Many years ago, when he learned that Li Jingchen had reported on his father, Mayor Zhou began to pay attention to him secretly.

When he heard that Li Huaguang was in prison and uttered all kinds of vicious curses on Li Jingchen, Mayor Zhou had tried to figure out Li Jingchen's mood countless times.

Will he be unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion and quit the Li Group?

But a girl quietly came into Li Jingchen's life at this moment.

As they got to know each other, fell in love, and stayed together, Li Jingchen's eyes were healed, and he returned to his former vigor.

Mayor Zhou thought that Li Jingchen hadn't changed anything except for gaining a little wife. He still didn't recognize his relatives, killed decisively, and was a ruthless money-making machine.

Mayor Zhou once thought so.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen got into a car accident on the way, causing blindness in both eyes. Zhuang Jing blocked all news about him from the outside world.

Mayor Zhou is extremely regretful. With the change of ownership of the Li Group, he feels that Li Jingchen will be like this for the rest of his life...

That Li Jingchen, who can't be defeated by anyone, actually gave up building a deep-water harbor and managing the thriving Li's Group for the sake of a woman, and stayed behind closed doors all day, like a ghost!

It took Mayor Zhou several days to digest this magical reality.

Therefore, when all the insiders complained about Li Jingchen's actions, including Jiang Man, Zhou Mo, and Mayor Zhou still silently stood by Li Jingchen's side.

Until Lu Wanwan fell into the sea and died.

Li Jingchen is crazy.

At that moment, the horror in Mayor Zhou's heart could not be written in words what if!

He wanted to help Li Jingchen get Lu Wanwan back, even if it would hurt the Fu family.

But so what?

Fu Shuo is from city y, but not city s, so he is not under his jurisdiction.

It is precisely because Li Jingchen is so lonely that the only one who is loyal to him, Lu Wanwan, has become his spiritual support and everything to him.

Losing Lu Wanwan is more painful than killing Li Jingchen.

Therefore, after learning that Lu Wanwan was still alive, Mayor Zhou took advantage of his position to send a lot of information to Li Jingchen. For example, the trip to the northern mountainous area was facilitated by him.

How long has it been, can't bear it anymore?

Mayor Zhou said affirmatively, "I have a way to make Wanwan look for you, don't worry."

"En." After Li Jingchen responded, he began to order food.

Mayor Zhou thought naively.

Li Jingchen said at this time: "Give me a chance to be alone with her later, can you?"

The secretary complained from the side: "Mr. Li, didn't you say that you want to wait for Miss Lu to come to you by herself?"

Li Jingchen's expression of controlling everything made Lu Wanwan feel that this man is so omnipotent that even the mayor of a city has to rely on him.

But he would softly ask her to turn back, would create romantic surprises for her, would gently hold her lips in rainy nights, and silently say "I love you" with lingering actions.

"Late night."


I don't know how much time has passed, Lu Wanwan glanced out of the corner of her eye, and saw Li Jingchen taking a document from Mayor Zhou, leaning back in his chair, and reading it.

Mayor Zhou didn't bother him, but quietly waited for his reply.

The visitor is a guest, Jiang Man nodded: "Mr. Wei please come."

While Wei Yu was ordering, Lu Wanwan was talking to Jiang Man.

As he said this, he came to Jiang Man's twins: "I'm just waiting for Jiang Yan and Zhou Mo to get married, so that I can hold a grandson, lest I get old one day and I can't even carry it if I want to." .”

Lu Wanwan's slightly slack gaze quickly focused, and she looked at Jiang Man who called her: "...Godmother?"

Jiang Man looked at her with strange eyes, but smiled and asked, "I asked you if you are full? If not, we can add more food."

After Lu Wanwan took a sip of tea, she was about to talk, when Wei Yu asked with a smile, "Mayor, I'm not full yet, can I order two more dishes?"

Lu Wanwan said from the bottom of her heart: "No, the godmother is still so young."

"There's no time from falling in love to getting married? One of them is training recruits in the army, and the other is busy designing jewelry. They turn a blind eye to the people I introduce."

After sighing, Jiang Man went on to say, "Wanwan, if you have any high school or college classmates who haven't dated yet, just ask Jiang Yan and Zhou Mo to meet up. After all, you and them are the same age. You That said, they are easier to accept."

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