Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1545 It seems that he won't write me a letter

Speaking of this, Lu Wanwan made a bolder assumption: "The reason why Mayor Zhou is unwilling to answer my phone call is that Zong Qi's illness was known to him, what do you think? "

Li Jingchen said: "This possibility is not ruled out. This city is under the jurisdiction of Mayor Zhou. It is not difficult for him to monitor and investigate a person, unless the other party has excellent anti-investigation capabilities.

But obviously Zong Qi is a scientist who only knows how to immerse himself in research. Maybe he has been followed and investigated. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Jiang Man told Mayor Zhou the truth, so he thought you deliberately concealed the illness for Zong Qi , to the detriment of his daughter. "

Lu Wanwan's eyes darkened: "It seems that what I was worried about happened."

"But this is Zong Qi and Zhou Mo's own business. No one else has the right to interfere, including Mayor Zhou and Jiang Man."

Just like he fell in love with Wanwan, how many people opposed, obstructed, or even broke up during the period?But as long as they have each other in their hearts, then the external resistance is nothing?

Now, those who once opposed and obstructed them, the Lu family, all members of the psychotherapy center, Lin Yan, Fang Tong, and even Jiang Man, didn't they all bless them in turn?

"As long as Zhou Mo's will is firm enough, then Mayor Zhou and the others cannot say that you are harming her."

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Mr. Li, you are right, now is not the time to think about it."

She was mainly worried about the villagers in the northern mountains: "Secretary Wu is still waiting for my reply, but Mayor Zhou hasn't called me back yet. I don't know how to tell Secretary Wu."

"Wait a little longer. Public is public and private is private. I believe Mayor Zhou will not separate public and private." Li Jingchen comforted her.

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan sighed, "I hope."


At this time, the city government.

Mayor Zhou's secretary came to Mayor Zhou's desk when he was about to get off work, and said, "Mayor Zhou, do you want to listen to the caller called Lu Wanwan at noon today?"

He asked cautiously.

The main reason is that at noon today, Mayor Zhou's face immediately sank after seeing the call from "Lu Wanwan", which was really scary.

It was the first time for the secretary to see Mayor Zhou change his face. After all, he is famous for his gentle manners!

Besides, he has just been transferred this year, his foundation is not stable, and he doesn't know much about Mayor Zhou, so he has to be more careful, lest he be misunderstood by Mayor Zhou, and he is acting for that woman named Lu Wanwan Talking, thus venting his anger on him.

Then he saw Mayor Zhou just let the phone ring, with a secretive expression on his face.

An hour later, the woman named Lu Wanwan called Mayor Zhou again, this time Mayor Zhou directly instructed him to answer the phone, and went out by herself.

It was the first time the secretary saw Mayor Zhou being so impatient, so he naturally defined Lu Wanwan, who called repeatedly, as a harasser!

How about his attitude towards harassers?

Of course not.

So he deliberately perfunctory, until Lu Wanwan got angry on the phone, he suddenly realized that this woman might not be simple.

That's why he decided to take the risk and say something about Lu Wanwan in front of Mayor Zhou. The rest is up to Lu Wanwan's own luck.

At this time, Mayor Zhou was leaning on the executive chair, looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

When he heard Lu Wanwan's name, a burst of exhaustion hit him, causing him to wave his hand unconsciously, motioning for the secretary to step back.

"Okay, Mayor." Seeing that Mayor Zhou didn't even ask, what's the matter with Lu Wanwan calling, the secretary was also happy and relaxed.

After all, for Lu Wanwan, to offend his boss is extremely risky and not worth it for a newcomer.


Lu Wanwan waited until 10 o'clock in the evening, but there was still no reply from Mayor Zhou.

With the passage of time, the hope in her heart disappeared little by little. Finally, she turned around and said to Li Jingchen: "It seems that Mayor Zhou won't return my calls."

Seeing her disappointed face, Li Jingchen couldn't help saying: "Don't be sad, maybe he was really caught by something."

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said: "You don't need to comfort me, I'm not sad, I'm just a little disappointed, although I called him this time in my own name, it was because of the problem of people's living and working in peace and contentment. As a parent officer, how can you turn a blind eye?"

Li Jingchen gently held her shoulder, and said, "I believe Mayor Zhou didn't do it on purpose, so don't think too much about it, huh?"

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "It seems that you have great confidence in Mayor Zhou?"

Li Jingchen said without hesitation: "Of course, let's not mention Mayor Zhou's support for the Li Group over the years. Just because he ran to Jiuxi Tiandi to rescue An'an regardless of his own danger, it has proved that he is a man who thinks about the people." Good job."

Lu Wanwan nodded subconsciously and said: "It seems that I am too narrow-minded, maybe Mayor Zhou is really busy, so he hasn't had time to deal with this matter, or he already knows, but he just doesn't have time to go back It's just my phone, I want to think better."

"That's right." Li Jingchen looked at her pretty face with a renewed smile, and said, "Besides, we can handle this matter without relying on Mayor Zhou."

"What do you mean? Do you want to go to Fu Xing again?" Lu Wanwan couldn't help but grabbed his clothes and said, "Don't go to her, okay? We've had enough trouble with her, I don't want you Go and listen to her cynicism."

Li Jingchen laughed and said: "No, what I mean is, if Mrs. Fu doesn't pick up, Mrs. Li will pick up."

After being surprised for a while, Lu Wanwan choked up and said, "...Is this suitable?"

"Why isn't it suitable? I was the one who went with you to bid for the northern mountainous area. Originally, Branch Secretary Wu valued Li's Group more, but in the end I handed over the development and management rights of this land to Fu's branch. Now it's just a matter It’s all back to its original owner.”

After a meal, Li Jingchen stared at Lu Wanwan affectionately, and said softly, "Just like you."

Lu Wanwan's nose was sour, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

In order to prevent further embarrassment, she quickly buried her face in Li Jingchen's chest, hugged him tightly, and said, "Mr. Li, why are you being so nice to me?"

Li Jingchen patted her back reassuringly with his big palm, and said, "Because you are my wife, if I don't treat you well, who else should I treat well?"

Furthermore, he knew that Wan Wan must have thought of Fu Shuo.

That man's grand plans and great achievements in the northern mountainous area were buried in Fu Xing's hands, so he may be very disappointed.

Therefore, Wan Wan wanted to help solve this matter because she had a sense of responsibility towards Fu Shuo.

That being the case, he will make a move even more.

He said that no matter what Wanwan did with Fu Shuo, he could do it again with her to erase Fu Shuo's sense of existence!