Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1544 Deliberately not answering her call Chapter [-]


No one answered the phone?

After Lu Wanwan waited for 1 minute, the system indicated that no one answered the phone.

She had no choice but to be patient, sitting on the sofa and waiting.

Another hour later, Lu Wanwan called Mayor Zhou again, and this time he finally got through——

"Hey, godfather!"

As soon as she spoke, she heard a polite and young voice from the opposite side: "Hi, I'm Mayor Zhou's secretary, what can I do for you?"

Lu Wanwan said with some embarrassment: "Oh, I'm looking for Mayor Zhou, where did he go?"

"Mayor Zhou is in a meeting. If you have anything to do, you can tell me, and I will pass it on for you."

Although the secretary's voice was very polite, Lu Wanwan always felt that something was weird.

This is Mayor Zhou's personal phone, how could it be handed over to a secretary?

She wanted to think about it, but Lu Wanwan still said, "Then please tell Mayor Zhou that something happened in the northern mountain area. The branch secretary there wants to see Mayor Zhou. Can you please take time to meet him?"

The secretary said: "The mountainous area in the north? If it is not too important, I think Mayor Zhou may not be able to help you deal with it immediately."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but sullenly said: "The northern mountainous area is a very poor place, and it is also the place where Mayor Zhou devoted himself to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich last year! Do you think it's important?"

Under the silence of the other party, Lu Wanwan continued: "Also, this is not for me, but for every villager in the northern mountainous area! Do you understand?"

The other party was no longer silent: "...I know, I will tell you."

"En." Lu Wanwan answered and ended the call.

Probably because her emotions were too revealing, the servant at the side said in fear: "Eldest young mistress, who made you angry?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head at them, indicating that she was fine.

But her brows did not loosen.

Until the evening, when Li Jingchen came home from get off work, he heard the maid report secretly to him: "Young Master, Young Mistress is angry today, please coax her."

"Angry?" Li Jingchen turned his stern eyes around them and asked, "Which one of you made her angry?"

The maids shook their heads like rattles—

"The eldest young mistress seems to be angry after calling Mayor Zhou."

"We were afraid that the eldest and youngest mistress would get pregnant, so we hurriedly told you."

Mayor Zhou?

Li Jingchen hung his suit jacket on his arm and asked, "Where is Wanwan now?"

The maid replied, "It's in the room."

Li Jingchen took a big step, went upstairs, and said as usual: "Wanwan, I'm back."

Lu Wanwan, who was sitting in a daze on the beanbag sofa in front of the window, looked at him after hearing the words, and asked belatedly, "Are you back?"

"En." Li Jingchen walked in and sat down on the beanbag opposite her.

These two beanbags were brought to her by the teachers of the treatment center two days ago.

Ding Nuo, acting as the dean, said that she was pregnant, and they couldn't give nothing away, so they carefully selected a pair of beanbag sofas, one pink and one blue, so that she could relax as much as she wanted. Relax.

After Lu Wanwan accepted it emotionally, she put them in the small room between herself and Li Jingchen in a blink of an eye.

Every morning, when Lu Wanwan opens the curtains, the first rays of sunlight will fall on the beanbag sofa. Lu Wanwan always likes to sit there, or even lie down.

But Li Jingchen never used it once.

Lu Wanwan asked him why?

He said he didn't want to be a lazy pig.

Lu Wanwan was so angry that she pulled down his arm and took a bite.

At this time, seeing Li Jingchen sitting on the opposite side of her, in a posture of lying down, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Are you tired today?"

"Not tired." Li Jingchen looked at her and said, "I just want to accompany you and lie down here."

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on them, half of Lu Wanwan's face was hidden behind the curtain, and half of her face was shrouded in deep red, making it difficult to understand.

"What happened?" Li Jingchen couldn't help asking when she saw that her expression was not right.

Lu Wanwan knew that the maid at home must have said something to him, so she didn't hide anything, and said, "I received a call today from the mountainous area in the north."

Mountains to the north?

Li Jingchen's eyes froze slightly.

"Do you remember Secretary Wu?" Lu Wanwan asked.

"I remember that when his son was climbing the mountain to collect medicinal materials, he accidentally caused a landslide, and we were buried together in the soil at that time."

At that time, Li Jingchen thought that he was going to "spend the rest of his life together" in the soil with Wanwan, and even had the idea of ​​"that's fine", because in this way, Wanwan would always stay by his side.

"Yes, it seems that you still remember Xiao Wu."

Lu Wanwan still remembered seeing him, so he went on to say: "Today, Party Secretary Wu called me and told me about the construction in the northern mountainous area, and that the airport had been built. I was still happy for them at first. Thinking of Party Secretary Wu, he changed the subject, saying that Fu's branch company stopped paying their salaries starting this month, and also stopped all remaining projects..."

After listening, Li Jingchen rubbed his fingers on the lazy sofa: "Fu's branch wants to break the contract?"

"Well, I thought so too, and I told Party Secretary Wu that, but Party Secretary Wu got very angry and said that he wanted to come to the city tomorrow to find Mayor Zhou. After all, it was Mayor Zhou who led the northern mountains out of poverty and became rich. I brought it up, and I thought Wu Zhishu's actions were reasonable, so I offered to make an appointment for him, but Mayor Zhou didn't answer my call."

After a pause, Lu Wanwan added: "Later, it was his secretary who answered the phone. I was surprised at the time. How could a mighty mayor, with so much confidential information in his phone, let his subordinates touch him?" Mobile phone? Then, I found that the other party's attitude was perfunctory, and said that if it wasn't something important, Mayor Zhou might not be able to deal with it for me right away."

"He doesn't have time to deal with it for you?" Li Jingchen looked thoughtful.

You know, on the day An An was tied to the bomb box, Mayor Zhou immediately came to support Wan Wan as soon as he received a call for help. Would he have no time to help Wan Wan with a small matter?

Besides, Mayor Zhou is indeed a busy man, but he never delays in serious business. He has always been a good mayor and a pillar in the hearts of the citizens.

"You also find it unbelievable, don't you? Don't say that I am the goddaughter of Mayor Zhou. The secretary can't use such an understatement to perfuse me with the matter of the northern mountain area alone! The only possibility is that Mayor Zhou did it on purpose. Don't answer my calls."