Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1546 Chapter Failed, We Have Other Ways

With Li Jingchen's words, Lu Wanwan felt at ease.

Before she went to bed, she called Secretary Wu back.

Wu Zhishu had obviously been standing by the phone, and when the phone rang, he immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Miss Lu!"

"Secretary Wu, listen to me. I called Mayor Zhou today. Unfortunately, he was busy and didn't answer my call."

"Is that so..." Branch Secretary Wu said nervously, "Then I don't have an appointment, can I go to see Mayor Zhou tomorrow?"

"I still have to look for it, maybe Mayor Zhou is free tomorrow?" Lu Wanwan said.

Secretary Wu anxiously said, "Okay, I'll act tomorrow morning!"

Lu Wanwan added: "By the way, Secretary Wu, don't put too much psychological pressure on your trip this time. If it doesn't work, we have other ways."

"Any other way?" Secretary Wu couldn't help asking, "What way?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Don't ask about this, anyway, you should talk to Mayor Zhou first."

"Okay, with Miss Lu's words, I feel a lot more at ease!" Wu Zhishu said.

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she ended the call.

She turned her head and said to Li Jingchen: "I hope that, as you said, Mayor Zhou just rejects answering my calls, not serving the people."

"It's useless to think so much now, let's rest." Li Jingchen comforted her.

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan obediently lay down beside him and said, "Good night."

"Good night." After Li Jingchen pressed a kiss on her forehead, he turned around and turned off the light.


The next day.

When Lu Wanwan got up late, and when he sat at the dining table to eat, he was a little absent-minded.

Li Jingchen poured her a glass of milk, put it in front of her, and asked, "Are you still worried about Secretary Wu?"

Lu Wanwan suddenly came back to her senses, and said, "Well, I don't know if he has come to S city yet?"

An An on the side asked, "Mummy, who is Branch Secretary Wu?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "He is a leader that Mommy met in the northern mountains."

"Northern mountainous area?" An An's eyes revealed memories, and she always felt that the name was very familiar.

"I remember! Mommy was there on business before! Right?"

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan nodded.

An An asked, "What happened there?"

Lu Wanwan said concisely: "Something happened."

An An asked again: "What's the matter?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "It's a long story."

An An's eyes darkened: "Isn't Mommy willing to share secrets with me now?"

Afraid that he would think too much, Lu Wanwan was about to explain when she heard Li Jingchen say, "You eat first, and I'll explain to him."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan picked up the milk and drank it.

Li Jingchen then told An An the ins and outs of the matter. As for why he told An An about it, it was just to let him know Fu Xing's true face.

Sure enough, after hearing this, An An said angrily: "How could she do this? My dad personally made the decision to develop the northern mountainous area. Why should she go back on her word? Also, how pitiful are the villagers in the northern mountainous area?" what?"

While complaining for Fu Shuo, An An sympathized with the villagers.

Then he looked at Lu Wanwan and understood: "No wonder Mommy is absent-minded, she was the one who killed her! Mommy, don't be sad, I'll settle the score with her!"

"An'an?" Lu Wanwan yelled, but An'an turned around, unzipped her schoolbag, and took out her cell phone. It looked like she was going to call Fu Xing.

"An'an..." Lu Wanwan wanted to reach out and cover his phone.

But Li Jingchen grabbed her hand and said in a low voice, "Let him hit you."

"Why?" Lu Wanwan didn't want An An to get involved in their fight with Fu Xing.

Li Jingchen said calmly: "Of course it is to let him recognize Fu Xing's true colors."

At the same time, An An was facing the phone, and shouted in a childish voice: "Hey, it's me!"

Over there, Fu Xing's tone was far from good: "I know it's you, what's the matter?"

An An growled: "Why are you doing this to the mountainous area in the north! Don't you know that this is the place my dad has worked so hard to develop and manage!"

"So you called me because of this matter?" Fu Xing's voice turned cold, and he said a little bluntly, "Don't worry about the children."

An An insisted, "Why can't I take care of my dad's affairs? You stopped the project in the northern mountain area. Does my dad know about it?"

Fu Xing said sneeringly: "Stop calling me Daddy, who doesn't know that your current Daddy's surname is Li!"

After An An glanced at Li Jingchen, Fu Xing felt angry: "I have a father now, and a father, can't I?"

"You!" Seeing that he was not ashamed but proud, Fu Xing really got angry and said, "You traitor!"

"You are the traitor!" An An shot back: "My dad asked you to manage the branch, but what did you do? You just fired my mommy, and now you don't even have my dad's project. If you dare to stop, you are the traitor of Fu's branch! The big traitor!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but exchanged glances with Li Jingchen, and whispered in a voice audible to the two of them, "When did An'an become so powerful?"

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows at her: "Isn't his fighting power very weak? Think about how he treated me before?"

"Uh..." Lu Wanwan was speechless.

"Fu Huai'an!" Fu Xing yelled from the phone, "How dare you speak to me like that?"

An An said: "Why don't I dare? You did something that I'm sorry to my father, do you still expect me to tell you well?"

Fu Xing said angrily at the other end: "You, you don't know anything at all! This northern mountainous area is a bottomless pit. It only sucks money but can't make money for me. At that time, my brother didn't know why, so he wanted to bid for this poor place! As a result, the monthly turnover of the branch has increased sharply, and I want to stop the loss, do you understand!"

"In the final analysis, isn't it because you are not capable enough that you can't make ends meet?" An An ruthlessly complained: "Why did this happen when I didn't see my father around?"

"You!" Fu Xing was half-dead in anger: "That's because Li Jingchen has been cooperating with other beauty salons to target the Jinxi Beauty Salon under the company's name, so I had to fight a price war with them! During this time, I tried my best to maintain Jinxi Beauty Salon. It is already very hard for the beauty salon to remain open and still be investigated by the police, what do you want from me?"

An An said with a serious look: "I don't want to do anything, as long as you honestly follow the contract and restart the engineering project in the northern mountainous area."

Fu Xing said without thinking: "Hehe, it's impossible!"

An An then said: "Okay, then I'll call Daddy!"

"You threatened me?" Fu Xing was furious, and said without hesitation: "Li Jingchen threatened me, and you threatened me too? Do you think I'm really afraid of you two father and son?!"