Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1543 This matter must be resolved as soon as possible

The servants said in unison: "Not good."

"why not?"

One of the servants said: "Because the young master went out to explain, no matter where the young mistress goes, we have to follow."

"Then what if I go to the bathroom?" Lu Wanwan asked intentionally.

The servant replied seriously: "Then we will wait outside the bathroom."

The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched: "...Is this too exaggerated?"

The servant said earnestly: "Eldest young mistress, we have already disobeyed the order of the young master by letting you out to play in the yard. His original words were to let you play at home."

Anyway, there is enough space in the house.

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips: "How can there be fresh air outside at home? Besides, I also want to exercise, otherwise it will be difficult in the future..." Produced.

Under the nervous gaze of the servants, Lu Wanwan changed her words in time: "Uh...I mean exercising can help you conceive, you young masters don't understand."

"Young Mistress, you scared us to death just now." The servant was afraid that she might say something unlucky.

Lu Wanwan comforted: "Okay, I was wrong, you can surround me if you want, alas."

As she said that, she continued to play with the flowers and plants, just asking them to get out of the way from time to time so that they don't get in her way.


When Lu Wanwan returned to the living room to drink water, her mobile phone suddenly lit up. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from the mountainous area in the north, so she swiped the answer button immediately.

"Hi, it's me, Lu Wanwan."

"Miss Lu! It's me, Old Wu from the northern mountains!"

"Secretary Wu?" Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Long time no see, how are you all?"

Wu Zhishu was the project leader when Lu Wanwan went to bid in the northern mountains, and he once warmly entertained Lu Wanwan.

Therefore, Lu Wanwan has a feeling for the simple and enthusiastic villagers in the northern mountains.

"Miss Lu, thanks to you, we invested in a large-scale raw material processing factory in the mountainous area to the north, and paid us wages on a regular basis. .”

After Lu Wanwan heard this, her smile deepened: "Isn't this great, everyone's life will get better and better."

In the end, Wu Zhishu faltered and said: "No, I won't..."

Lu Wanwan asked: "Why not?"

"Fu's branch suddenly stopped our wages for some reason this month, and that's fine, all other projects under construction and pending construction have all stopped!

I, I don't know what happened, so I tried to contact Fu's branch, but no matter how many calls I made, the other party would shirk that Mr. Fu was busy and didn't have time to answer.

After I asked, I found out that you actually resigned from Fu's branch. Although it is very presumptuous, can Miss Lu tell me what happened in the middle? "

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip, she didn't expect that the capital chain in the northern mountainous area would be completely broken!

It must have been made by Fu Xing.

But this is the project that Fu Shuo nodded to at the beginning, and it is also the management and development right approved by Mayor Zhou himself. It is related to the key to helping the villagers in the northern mountainous area get rid of poverty and become rich. How could Fu Xing do this? !

Secretary Wu sighed, and said anxiously: "Now the villagers are asking me whether the supermarket and the hospital will be built or not. I can't answer, so I can only ask you, Miss Lu!"

Lu Wanwan sat down on the sofa heavily, and said, "Secretary Wu, listen to me, the current 'Boss Fu' is not Fu Shuo, but Fu Xing."

Secretary Wu asked blankly, "Fu Xing? Who is Fu Xing?"

Branch Secretary Wu has lived in a mountain village for a long time, so he has no information for sure. He probably doesn't even know that Fu Shuo has abdicated and returned to City Y.

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to explain one by one: "Fu Xing is Fu Shuo's biological sister. Fu's head office in city y had some problems. Fu Shuo went back to take charge of the overall situation. The branch office sent Fu Xing to appoint me. She also resigned from the day she took office, and I don't know anything about Fu's branch stopping your project this month."

But ignorance does not mean that Lu Wanwan is not responsible.

At the beginning, it was Lu Wanwan who signed the contract with the northern mountains, and it was her promise in front of all the villagers that she would respond to Mayor Zhou's call and lead them out of poverty and become rich!

Now it has become like this...

Lu Wanwan grasped the phone with five fingers, unknowingly tightening it up.

She even heard the cries of women from Wu Zhishu's side.

Anger took over her reason, and she said unconsciously: "Secretary Wu! I will ask you clearly!"

"Miss Lu, you have already resigned. I'd better not bother you. The purpose of my call today is to find out what happened to Fu's branch. To be honest, I thought Fu's There was an accident in the branch, so we couldn’t even pay our salaries, but it doesn’t sound like this now? It’s the new Fu Xing who wants to abandon us, right?”

Although this is cruel, there is a high probability that as Wu Zhishu said, Fu Xing wanted to break the contract, so he deliberately stopped all projects and refused to pay wages.

As for the reason?

it's actually really easy.

It will take another two or three years for the initial investment in the northern mountainous area to start to bear fruit, and even longer due to insufficient publicity in the early stage. Therefore, it is normal for Fu Xing to make such a decision in order to save money.

In addition, during this period of time, Li Jingchen has been cracking down on the business of Fu's branch. Take Jinxi Beauty Salon as an example. The recent business has suffered a severe blow. Fu Xing is probably having a headache with the cash flow.

However, no matter how many reasons Fu Xing has, it is not an excuse for her to break the contract for Fu Shuo!

This neither respects the northern mountains nor Fu Shuo's original decision!

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan said mercilessly: "Secretary Wu, Fu Xing is breaking the contract."

Apparently, Party Secretary Wu was also aware of this: "Yes, so I plan to take a bus to the city tomorrow and ask to see Mayor Zhou, and ask Mayor Zhou to be the master for us!"

"You want to see Mayor Zhou?" Lu Wanwan asked.

Secretary Wu decided: "Yes! This is related to the livelihood of the villagers in the northern mountainous area. I have to do this!"

After Lu Wanwan pondered for a while, she said: "That's fine, if everything is signed in black and white, it will have legal effect. Maybe Mayor Zhou can decide for you. How about it? I'll give Mayor Zhou a call." , make an appointment for you to meet, do you think it’s okay, Secretary Wu?"

Wu Zhishu moved and said: "Miss Lu, I really saw you right at the beginning, you are indeed a good person! Then I will thank you first!"

"You're welcome, wait for my message." After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan called Mayor Zhou without any hesitation.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. The longer it drags on, the harder life will be for the villagers in the northern mountainous area.