Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1542 Let him see if the other party is a human or a ghost

Seeing Li Xuyang's disappointed expression when he mentioned the Li family, Zhuang Jing couldn't help feeling sad.

Their mother and son are all poor people who were kicked out of the Li family!

Zhuang Jing couldn't help but confirm to him: "Xuyang, do you hate Li Jingchen?"

"Of course I hate it!" Li Xuyang said without thinking.

"Then... do you want revenge?" Zhuang Jing asked again.

Li Xuyang's eyes burst out with hatred: "Of course I want to! Even in my dreams, I wish I could trample Li Jingchen under my feet and torture me severely!"

Seeing this, Zhuang Jing pursed her lips, and made a very tangled decision: "In that case, I'll take you to see Mr. Shi."

"Okay!" Li Xuyang tilted his head and smiled, trembling with excitement.

He has been pretending and showing weakness in front of Zhuang Jing for so long, and finally he can meet that Mr. Shi!

Just let him see if the other party is a human or a ghost!


In the evening of the next day, Li's house.


An An, who came home from school, came to Lu Wanwan and said, "There will be a parent-teacher meeting next Saturday, and the teacher will distribute the midterm exam papers and announce the grade ranking."

Before I knew it, An'an's new semester was over halfway, and the midterm exam was over.

Lu Wanwan responded softly: "Is it next Saturday? Mommy will be there on time."

An An's eyes fell on her stomach, and she worried: "But Mommy's stomach is already so big, it must be inconvenient to move."


Before Lu Wanwan finished speaking, An An said, "Why don't Mommy participate this time?"

Lu Wanwan wondered, "If I don't participate, what will your parents do?"

An An raised her eyes and looked towards the study upstairs: "Let that man participate, isn't he my guardian?"

Lu Wanwan was a little surprised: "You want Li Jingchen to attend your parent meeting?"

"Yeah." An An nodded, and said, "Anyway, when school started, didn't he send me to school? The head teacher even regarded him as my stepdad, so it was very appropriate for him to go for Mommy."

"Okay, then let him go instead of me." An An is willing, and Lu Wanwan will naturally not object.


Before going to bed, she told Li Jingchen the good news.

After Li Jingchen heard this, he raised his phoenix eyes from the book and asked, "What did the kid call me?"

"Ah?" Lu Wanwan said bluntly, "What do you mean?"

Li Jingchen was a little dissatisfied: "He called me 'that man' and also called me 'stepdad'."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan laughed and said: "Is your focus wrong? The point is that An An wants you to attend his parent meeting! This is a good opportunity for the whole class and parents to get to know you, you have to seize it what!"

"It's as if I've been in his favor." Li Jingchen snorted, then lowered his head to read again.

After Lu Wanwan squinted her eyes, she reached into the quilt and kneaded Li Jingchen's chest muscles!

Li Jingchen gasped, shook his fingertips, and dropped the book in his hand on the quilt.

He tilted his handsome face, and asked with burning eyes, "Why are you teasing me?"

"What teasing?" Lu Wanwan said depressedly, "I'm clearly punishing you, okay?"

"Punishment?" Li Jingchen asked suspiciously: "With your strength, I thought you were tickling me."

"..." Lu Wanwan puffed up her face out of anger.

This made her already round cheeks even more plump.

However, because of the rosy and rosy being raised by the general, her appearance made Li Jingchen take a deep breath, and slowly bent down and said: "Since Mrs. Li is so active, then I will not be polite."

"Hey, I'm going to tell you something... um!" Li Jingchen stopped Lu Wanwan from speaking later.


The next morning.

An An looked at Lu Wanwan strangely: "Mum, why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"

"Is there?" Lu Wanwan subconsciously raised her hand and touched her eyes.

"Well, did you not rest last night?" An An asked with concern.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but glance at Li Jingchen, didn't this man deliberately torment her last night?

Li Jingchen ate breakfast calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Lu Wanwan then kicked him under the table.

Li Jingchen raised his eyes, glanced at Lu Wanwan, and said to An An, "Eat your breakfast."

"I'm talking to Mommy, not you."

Having said that, An An subconsciously picked up the bread and gnawed it.

Lu Wanwan found that Li Jingchen's words were becoming more and more useful now.

After eating the bread, An An wiped her mouth and asked, "By the way, I have a parent-teacher meeting on Saturday. Did my mommy tell you?"

After Li Jingchen took a sip of coffee, he said lightly, "I said it."

"Then are you going?" An An didn't notice the expectation in her eyes.

Li Jingchen pretended to be deep: "I'll think about it again."

"...Is there still something to consider?" An An's nose was crooked.

Li Jingchen said: "Don't you need to think about it? I'm very busy. "

Although it was true, it was Saturday, Sunday!

"Do you have any important work on Saturday?" An An asked unwillingly.

After shaking the coffee cup, Li Jingchen said, "Of course."

"What?" An An asked.

"Accompany your mommy." Li Jingchen said.

"..." An An was speechless for a moment, then said in a muffled voice, "Although this matter is indeed very important, you should also pay attention to your child's study."

For the first time, Lu Wanwan felt that An An was so pitiful.

Li Jingchen glanced at him and saw that he was listless, so he changed the subject: "Who said I didn't pay attention?"

An An immediately raised her eyes and asked excitedly: "That means, you will definitely go on Saturday, right?"

"If you tease him again, I'm in a hurry with you." Lu Wanwan added next to him.

Li Jingchen felt the "threat", and immediately said: "I will go."

"Great!" Ann blurted out.

Lu Wanwan reached out and touched An An's little head: "Okay, don't worry now, no one will hold a parent-teacher meeting for you."

An An said happily, "Yeah!"

Although he had other options, such as asking Lu Zeyu, his uncle, to hold a parent-teacher meeting for him, after some consideration, An An still hoped that Li Jingchen would attend his parent-teacher meeting.

As for why?

Probably because he is used to Li Jingchen's existence, he will tell Li Jingchen the first time if there is anything that his mother can't solve, and he knows that Li Jingchen must have a way to solve it for him.

This time, too.


After Li Jingchen went to work, Lu Wanwan was idle and bored by herself, and started to play with the flowers and plants in the yard again.

At this time, the servants at home would stand nervously by the side, some would pass her chairs, some would bring her tea and water, which made Lu Wanwan a little helpless: "Don't surround me, OK?"