Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1539 Within His Reach

After Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen in surprise, she asked, "Dad, you said Lu Weiwei ran away?"

Lu Hongye said anxiously: "That's right, the drug rehabilitation center said that according to the monitoring, she ran across the wall at 4 o'clock in the morning this morning. The alarm on the wall didn't go off at that time, so no one noticed that she ran away!"

"But why is she running away? The drug rehabilitation center is helping her. Could it be that...she has recovered from her drug addiction? That's why she ran away, so as not to be sent back to prison again?"

"I asked! The drug rehabilitation center said that her drug addiction is still not cured! Why did you say she ran out like this!" Lu Hongye said anxiously.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help frowning, and then quickly let go: "Dad, Lu Weiwei's drug addiction is still not cured, so after a long time, she must find a way to get back to drugs, and the S market is also black market and nightclubs. They sell this thing, but logically speaking, Lu Weiwei has no money to buy it, so..."

Lu Hongye hurriedly asked, "So what?"

Lu Wanwan analyzed: "So, she has only two ways to go now. One is to steal money, and then go to the black market and nightclubs to buy drugs. The black market is within Lin Yue's reach.

As for the nightclub, Wei Yu also has a source of information, so I will ask them for help and pay attention to Lu Weiwei's movements. "

"Okay! Let's do it like this!" Lu Hongye agreed without hesitation.

"By the way, Wanwan, is there another way?" Lu Hongye asked afterward.

Lu Wanwan said: "The other way is to wait until Lu Weiwei can't take it anymore and run back to the drug rehabilitation center, but this is unlikely, she ran out with great difficulty, and she won't go back until she is desperate."

"You're right, alas! What's this all about!" Lu Hongye sighed.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help comforting: "Dad, don't worry, I will help you find her."

Lu Hongye blurted out: "It's not helping me! Dad is afraid that she will go and hurt you! Wanwan!"

Lu Wanwan was startled.

She thought that Lu Hongye was so nervous because he was worried about Lu Weiwei, but she didn't expect that he was worried about her...

"I still remember that Lu Weiwei kidnapped Xie Rou last time and threatened Li Jingchen. Dad doesn't know what crazy things she will do!"

"No dad, Lu Weiwei hurt her face, it's hard to hide, it shouldn't be difficult to find her," Lu Wanwan said.

At this time, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Li Jingchen hooked his fingers at her.

Lu Wanwan leaned over and asked quietly, "What's the matter?"

"Give me your phone." Li Jingchen said.

"Oh." Lu Wanwan responded and handed him the phone.

"Dad." Li Jingchen said after answering the phone, "How did Lu Weiwei escape?"

Lu Hongye replied, "She ran over the wall."

Li Jingchen asked: "Why was she able to hide from the guards and go over the wall?"

"This, because it's 4 o'clock in the morning, it's not yet dawn, and the siren on the wall hasn't sounded yet." Lu Hongye said.

Li Jingchen asked in a deep voice, "Then why didn't the siren go off?"

"You ask me, I ask... wait, you don't mean to say that someone is helping her escape?" Lu Hongye asked guessing something.

"Yes." Li Jingchen was almost sure that if no one helped Lu Weiwei, it was impossible for her to escape.

"Then what should we do now?" Lu Hongye's voice was full of worry: "Wanwan will be fine, right?"

"Take all the people in the drug rehabilitation center to the police station and interrogate them one by one. If someone really helps Lu Weiwei escape, we must find out this person." Li Jingchen said.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Lu Hongye said incoherently: "We must not let Wanwan be in danger! Lu Weiwei must be caught! Let her outside, she will get into trouble sooner or later!"

After finishing the call, Li Jingchen put down his phone and looked at Lu Wanwan.

"How is it?" Lu Wanwan asked.

"It's okay." Li Jingchen comforted her: "I'll find a way."

"Yes." Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "The most urgent thing now is to find Lu Weiwei. If she is left alone, she may cause trouble."

"You're just like what Dad said, and he's also in favor of catching her as soon as possible."

Now that Lu Hongye agrees, things will be much easier after that.

Li Jingchen contacted Lin Yue and Wei Yu respectively and asked them to help pay attention to Lu Weiwei's news in the black market and nightclubs.

Afterwards, Li Jingchen called the Women's Prison and filed a case against Lu Weiwei's escape.

After finishing these, Li Jingchen said: "Both Lin Yue and Wei Yu have dispatched manpower to station in the black market and major nightclubs. Now we just wait for the news."

"Yeah." After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said, "It's so strange, how did Lu Weiwei escape over the wall with her weak body?"

"I guess someone is helping her."

"Help her?" Lu Wanwan looked at him in surprise: "But now Lu Weiwei, is there any value in being helped? Once we heard that she had escaped, all of us were on guard against her, she could be hurt who?

Moreover, she was addicted to drugs, and she couldn't take care of herself at all. Maybe she would be arrested in a few days. If she went back this time, she might have to be punished further. "

Li Jingchen said with deep eyes: "You are right, maybe we won't know the answer until we catch her."

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan nodded and looked out the window: "I hope it won't be too long."


And this time.

With the help of the doctor, Lu Weiwei, who escaped, was hiding in a dark alley, curled up behind the trash can.

She actually ran out!

After Lu Weiwei swallowed, a strange sense of hunger tormented her.

She couldn't help but take out the crumpled hundreds of dollars from her pocket, which was given to her by the doctor who helped her escape.

As for why he wanted to help him, it had to start with Lu Weiwei's trickery.

Although Lu Weiwei ruined her face, she was a beauty and knew what to do to make a man soften his heart.

Ever since, an image of "beautiful, strong, and miserable" was established between her and the doctor who helped her detoxify.

When Lu Weiwei was tied to the bed again and again and was tortured and bullied by other mentally ill patients, the doctor finally relented and helped her plan the escape.

Lu Weiwei ran out, but she had nowhere to go.

She still remembers that the doctor who helped her escape said that she could take the money and take a taxi to another city, maybe she could start over.

Yes, that's right!

She's going to start over...

Get away from this nightmarish place!

Thinking of this, Lu Weiwei tightly grasped the brim of her hat, mustered up her courage, and walked out from the dark alley.

She kept pressing the hat with her hands, for fear that the peaked cap on her head would disappear, so that the scar on her face would be seen.

After taking a taxi, Lu Weiwei quickly got into the car and said in a low voice, "Go to City T."