Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1538 It seems that she has really become squeamish

"Little boy, I'm your grandfather." Lu Hongye said in a coaxing tone.

Lu Wanwan saw Lu Hongye's white hair, which was exposed as he lowered his head.

"Dad..." Her voice was slightly hoarse.

"What's the matter?" Lu Hongye raised his head to look at her, with the ridiculous expression of teasing a child still on his face.

In a daze, Lu Wanwan seemed to see Lu Hongye coaxing their three children like this when he was young.

Now time flies, Lu Hongye has gray hair and started to coax her children.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I haven't had much time to see you since I got pregnant."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Hongye saw her talking, his eyes were still red, and he couldn't help joking: "No wonder Li Jingchen told me on the phone that you became squeamish after pregnancy. I thought he was talking about you Bad words, I didn’t expect it to be true.”

"Pfft!" Lu Wanwan couldn't help bursting into laughter: "You two are behind my back, what did you say secretly?"

Lu Hongye said with emotion: "We talked a lot, but in the end we couldn't avoid you, kid."

Lu Wanwan had a sore nose and wanted to cry again.

She quickly looked away, pretending to be calm and said: "It seems that I have really become squeamish, Dad."

"It's good to be delicate, my precious daughter, you should be more delicate!"

In the past, Wanwan wasn't squeamish because she didn't have the qualifications to be squeamish, because Lu Weiwei was so radiant that she took away her parents' favor.

Now, Wanwan has become squeamish, but Lu Hongye feels very relieved.

It means that Wanwan has found someone who is willing to pamper her and pamper her!

Thinking of this, Lu Hongye suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help raising his cuffs and secretly wiped the corners of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan looked back at this moment.

The father and daughter looked at each other, and found that each other's eyes were red, and they almost cried, and it was a little funny.

"Dad, aren't we stupid for doing this?"

"Well, fortunately they are not here, otherwise they will be laughed at."

As Lu Hongye said, he wiped away Lu Wanwan's tears with the cuff on the other side.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help wrapping her arms around him, and said from the bottom of her heart, "Dad, I'm very happy now, an unprecedented happiness."

Looking at the people I value the most, from being hostile to each other in the past, to finally getting together for the same thing...

Lu Wanwan felt happy from the bottom of her heart, and even rejoiced in her heart that the arrival of this child was so timely.

"Dad knows." Lu Hongye patted the back of her hand, and said happily for her: "You have come here after all the hard work, you must cherish it, you know? Your sister... No, it is Lu Weiwei who doesn't know how to cherish, so she came to the Now this step."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help raising her head, and asked softly, "Dad, do you miss her?"

Lu Hongye quickly denied, "Dad didn't think about her."

"But you mentioned her."

"That's to give you a negative example, understand?"


It's been a long time since Lu Wanwan asked how Lu Weiwei was doing.

Is she still in rehab?Or in prison, torturing each other with Liang Zhen?

Lu Wanwan didn't know anything.

Because now she is surrounded by love, she has no time to think about those people and things that hurt her...


Lu Hongye stayed with Lu Wanwan until the evening.

"Grandpa!" An An came back from school, saw Lu Hongye at a glance, and ran over immediately.

"Good grandson!" Lu Hongye opened his arms and caught An An.

"I miss you so much." An An rubbed Lu Hongye's neck with her soft face.

Only then did Lu Hongye realize that An An had grown taller again, and he couldn't help but sighed, "In two years, you will be taller than the sitting grandpa."

An'an said sweetly: "But grandpa is still very mighty when he stands up."

Lu Hongye's eyes lit up: "Really? Do you really think grandpa is mighty?"

"Yeah!" An An said sincerely.

Especially when grandpa criticizes Li Jingchen, don't mention how mighty he looks like that!

Lu Hongye couldn't help but rub An An into his arms, he liked it so much that he didn't know what to do!

In the end, Lu Hongye decided in his heart that after his death, he would leave all his inheritance to his precious grandson!

As for Lu Zeyu, he already owns Lu's company, what more bicycles do he need?



After Lu Wanwan persuaded him to stay, Lu Hongye finally decided not to stay overnight.

Lu Wanwan knew that he was worried that if he wasn't around, his eldest brother would trouble Jin Shu again, so he didn't want to keep him.

Outside the courtyard, Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen stood side by side, An An stood in front of him, and said to Lu Hongye, "Dad, you must be careful when you go back so late."

"Don't worry, Dad has a driver, but you, go in quickly." Lu Hongye said, looking at Li Jingchen.

"Take care of her."

Li Jingchen said, "Definitely."

"As soon as Wanwan's stomach moves, you must call me as soon as possible!"

Lu Hongye was afraid that he would miss witnessing the arrival of his second grandson.

Li Jingchen said: "I will, Dad."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and opened the car door for Lu Hongye with his own hands.

After Lu Hongye sat in the car satisfied, he waved to the family of three, and then told the driver: "Drive."

When the car was far away, Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen and said with satisfaction: "Mr. Li, I found that you want to do it, but you can do it very well."

Li Jingchen glanced at her, with a bit of a bewitching taste at the end of his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Lu Wanwan's answer to this was that she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek: "That's what I mean."

Li Jingchen, who was kissed off guard, raised his hand to touch his cheek.

After that, Lu Wanwan held An An's hand and said with a smile, "Let's go in, baby."

During the process, An An asked: "Why did Mommy take the initiative to kiss him?"

"Because he behaved well."

"Then am I not doing well?"

"Of course you're fine."

"Then can I get Mommy's reward?"

"Yes you can……"

As the mother and son entered the room, the conversation gradually died down.

After being praised for his good performance, Li Jingchen slightly curled his lips. It seemed that he had made no mistake in bowing his head to Lu Hongye and taking the initiative to show his favor to him.


The next morning.

Lu Wanwan was awakened by a phone call.

She reached out to touch it, then held the phone in front of her eyes, and found that it was Lu Hongye calling.

Li Jingchen's hoarse voice came from behind her: "Who is it?"

"My dad, I don't know what's going on when you call me so early." Lu Wanwan wondered.

After sliding the answer button, she called out: "Dad?"

"Late, late!"

The rapid breathing on the other side made Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Hongye panicked: "It's not good! It's not good... Wanwan!"

Lu Wanwan comforted her: "What's the matter, please speak slowly."

After Lu Hongye took a deep breath, he roared, "Lu Weiwei ran out of the drug rehabilitation center!"