Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1540 Is it just because she is pitiful?

City t is next door to city s.

Lu Weiwei decided to go there and try to find a way.

"T City, right?" The taxi driver turned his head and confirmed to her.

Lu Weiwei lowered her head in time, and said in a muffled voice, "Yes."

Although she thought it was a bit strange for her to hide and hide, the taxi driver saw that she was a woman, so he didn't think too much about "fugitives".

After putting the watch on, the taxi driver started the car.

Lu Weiwei heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that the arrest warrant for her hadn't come out yet.

that's good...

At this time, Lu Weiwei, how could she have any idea of ​​revenge?It's great to be able to escape from City S!

Isn't it enough for her to suffer before?

What did the person who said he would save her and heal her face after using her?

Kicked her off the helicopter directly!

She almost died from it.

But what frightened Lu Weiwei even more was what was yet to come.

She didn't die, she was saved by Chu Mo!

After that, she ushered in a hellish life.

From going to jail, to being infected with drugs, to being sent to a drug rehabilitation center...

She would rather die than live!

It was hard for her to let her doctor soften her heart and help her escape. How could she still have the energy to think about revenge?

She can't take revenge on anyone!


after one day--

Li Jingchen came to the police station in person, looked at the people in the prison through the glass window in front of him, and asked, "How is the interrogation going?"

The director hurriedly said: "Boss Li, the interrogation has been made. The accomplice who helped Lu Weiwei escape is her attending doctor."

Li Jingchen said "Oh?"

The chief immediately beckoned, and the prison guard immediately lifted a man out of the prison and pushed him in front of Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen looked at the other party through the glass window.

The other party raised his crooked glasses, and some dared not look at Li Jingchen.

The director said politely from the side: "Boss Li, we hardly interrogated him, and he just said it himself."

Li Jingchen then asked, "Why did you help Lu Weiwei escape?"

The director immediately interjected: "Aren't you going to repeat your confession from yesterday completely?"

After the other party took a deep breath, he met Li Jingchen's eyes with some fear: "I am Weiwei's attending doctor in the drug rehabilitation center."

Li Jingchen leaned forward and said forcefully: "I already know this, I just want to know now, why did you help Lu Weiwei escape?"

"Because I feel sorry for her."

"You think she's pitiful?" Li Jingchen chewed on these words: "Is it just because she's pitiful?"

"Yes." The doctor showed memories: "When Weiwei was first sent to the drug rehabilitation center, she was often tied up by a lot of people. The male patients there bullied her because they saw her as a newcomer, and rarely as a woman.

Once she was almost raped, if I hadn't discovered it in time... She grabbed my sleeve and said thank you while crying. I felt sorry for her, so I would always take care of her later. "

The director at the side asked: "You don't mean to say that you just fell in love with her because you take care of her?"

"No, what I said was just to sympathize with what happened to her, that's all." The doctor corrected.

Li Jingchen looked at him coldly: "What happened next?"

The doctor said: "Later, Weiwei took the initiative to cooperate with drug rehabilitation and asked us to tie her up when she was a drug addict. As her drug addiction became less and less, I placed more and more hope in her. Big,

As a doctor and a doctor in a drug rehabilitation center, I certainly hope that my patients can recover and leave, but Wei Wei smiled and said to me that even if she succeeds in drug rehabilitation, what awaits her is an endless cage.

If possible, she would rather not leave the drug rehabilitation center, because there is me here, a doctor who really cares about her. "

What a beautiful speech.

As expected of Lu Weiwei, half of her face was ruined, but she was still able to confuse people's hearts.

The doctor looked at Li Jingchen and the others with complicated eyes and said, "Do you understand the feeling of witnessing despair? Obviously I was helping her, but in the end, I pushed her to another hell. I even think what she said right……

But one day, she was raped by those male criminals. I was very angry and blamed myself, so I promised her that I would help her escape. I broke the alarm on the wall in advance, so it didn't go off. "

The director turned to look at Li Jingchen's face.

Seeing Li Jingchen's expressionless face, the director knew that he was not satisfied with the doctor's words.

So, just hearing a "bang", the director slammed his fist on the desk in front of him, and said fiercely: "Stop making up stories! Tell me! Who is the mastermind behind the instigation to help Lu Weiwei escape?"

After being taken aback, the doctor said in confusion, "What's behind the scenes? I don't even know what you're talking about."

"I advise you not to play dumb anymore. You don't know how Lu Weiwei was imprisoned at that time, right? She is an extremely dangerous murderer! If someone helps her escape from prison, she will cause great harm to society !"

The director walked up and down in front of the glass window with his hands behind his back. To be honest, he was also very anxious.

Before the murderer who delivered the bomb box was caught, another murderer slipped away!

This is simply an open challenge to their law enforcement agencies!

"Tell me, who bought you? You let Lu Weiwei out?"

The doctor frowned and said, "I told you, no one bribed me, I was the one who wanted to let Weiwei go, what do you have to do to believe me?"

Before the director got mad, Li Jingchen asked, "Did Lu Weiwei say where she's going?"

"...No." The doctor's eyes flashed and he shook his head.

The director narrowed his eyes: "If you don't have it, you don't have it. Why are you hesitating? Do you have a ghost in your heart?"

The doctor took off his glasses and wiped them lightly with his white coat: "If I told you where Weiwei went, wouldn't you arrest her? I finally let her go, and I don't want to lose everything."

The director was furious: "Do you still think you are justified? Do you know that assisting a murderer to escape will also be punished! You will have your doctor's license revoked for 20 years because of a murderer! No, [-] years." Prison!"

The doctor's face changed slightly: "I want to go to prison for 20 years?"

"That's right!" Of course the director would not say that he was trying to scare him.

The doctor obviously didn't believe it: "This shouldn't be..."

But in the next second, he bumped into Li Jingchen's gloomy sight.

The doctor's heart tightened suddenly, this person is so obsessed with Lu Weiwei's whereabouts, if he doesn't say anything, the other party will never forgive him!

Thinking of this, the doctor let go: "I only know that Weiwei has gone to other cities. As for where, I really don't know."