Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1433 To discover the advantages of him

Isn't it fair?

If it was before, Li Jingchen would have scoffed at this statement, but now he hesitated a little, before saying: "Li Xiuqi still needs to observe, I can't take it lightly."

"I know." Lu Wanwan said: "This child, at the beginning, gave me the impression that he was a little cowardly and inferior. Since Bai Qingluo's death, his life and education have undergone great changes. I wonder if you have noticed. No, he held Will just now, if Will stood up, he would be taller than him, even An An was scared back by Will at first."

"I noticed." Li Jingchen said.

Lu Wanwan said softly: "Not only that, he also dared to talk to you. From this, it can be seen that Li Xiuqi's courage has grown, and he is becoming more and more like a member of the Li family."

Li Jingchen frowned: "Wanwan, do you want to persuade me to treat Li Xiuqi as my own child?"

Lu Wanwan said frankly: "I don't have such a big heart, and I regard the son of my enemy as my own child, but I will try my best to discover the advantages of Li Xiuqi,

Use his advantages to suppress the bad impression of his parents, I want to try to distinguish him from Li Xiangchen and Bai Qingluo, and treat them differently, do you understand what I mean? "

After being stunned, Li Jingchen said complicatedly: "I'm not as good as you about this."

It is not easy for him to tolerate Li Xiuqi's existence, let alone treat him differently. It is believed that it will be difficult for anyone to do this.

But Li Jingchen believed that Wan Wan could do it, and it was because she could do it that he seemed "stingy".

But he is such a "stingy" man who "holds grudges".

"Then I hope my words can inspire you." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she walked past him and said, "Okay, I'm going to take a bath."

Li Jingchen took advantage of the situation and sat on the wicker chair on the balcony, crossed his slender legs, and said lazily, "Well, wash slowly, I'll wait for you."

Lu Wanwan was surprised and said, "Aren't you going to accompany your grandparents?"

"No, take a break."

"Oh, okay."

Lu Wanwan thought he was tired from draining the sewer and wanted to rest in the room, but without thinking too much, she took the bathrobe and went into the bathroom.

And this time.

Tang Qiong was dragging the old housekeeper into the kitchen, and asked secretly: "Wen Zhong, let me ask you! Do Jingchen and Wanwan take a bath in the same room, or separately?"

Wen Zhong said with a smile: "After I took the eldest young master and eldest young mistress upstairs, they entered a room very naturally, chased me away, and quickly closed the door."

Hearing this, Tang Qiong covered her chest and said happily: "That's good, it means that they are not acting! To be honest, I really feel like I am dreaming today. Not only did Jingchen come to see us, but he also brought An An with us every night. Come and see us! This scene has only appeared in my dreams before..."

However, every time after waking up from the dream, the joy of reunion would be taken away and replaced by regret and emptiness, so that Tang Qiong couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream.

Wen Zhong comforted: "Lady, don't worry, I think the young master and the young mistress will remarry soon! You just wait to drink their wedding bar!"

Tang Qiong nodded, and said hopefully, "I hope so!"

After half an hour.

Lu Wanwan came out of the bathroom with a clothes basket in her arms.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen, who was basking in the sun on the balcony, instantly straightened up and walked towards her: "What are you doing with a basket in your arms?"

"Wash the clothes, let me go."

As Lu Wanwan said, avoiding Li Jingchen's hand, she came to the washing machine on the balcony, opened the round cover, and put her and Li Jingchen's dirty clothes inside.

Afterwards, add laundry detergent and start priming.

Then, she turned around and said to Li Jingchen who was standing behind him: "Wait for me a little longer, I'll wash some underwear."

After finishing speaking, she walked into the bathroom with her clothes in her arms.

She was wearing a homely peach-pink nightgown. As she walked, her black hair mischievously brushed past her fair cheeks, and finally fell on her slender neck, and then extended down to Li Jingchen's eyes. out of reach.

Li Jingchen was tickled by this naughty hair.

He came to the bathroom, supported the door frame with one hand, and looked down at the underwear in Lu Wanwan's hand. As a result, there was one in it that he was very familiar with, because it belonged to him!

Li Jingchen's heart was inexplicably agitated. He suppressed the agitation in his heart, but he couldn't hide the eagerness in his voice: "Wanwan, did you wash it for me too?"

Lu Wanwan has always had the habit of washing her underwear by hand, and Li Jingchen has always known about it, because she thinks it is more hygienic.

But he didn't expect that she would wash him too.

Lu Wanwan was making soap, when she heard that the soap slipped and fell into the washbasin, she reached out to pick it up, lowered her head and said, "Yes, yes, I'm on the way, don't look!"

Seeing that she was so shy, Li Jingchen felt pity and love for her even more: "Wanwan, you don't have to force yourself."

"I... I don't feel forced." Lu Wanwan said.

Just like what she said, she wanted to wash him off right away, without any dislike or reluctance.

For some reason, Li Jingchen suddenly wanted to kiss her.

Sensing Li Jingchen's increasingly burning eyes, Lu Wanwan couldn't help shaking her fingertips, and the soap she just scooped up slipped into the water again, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "Don't look at me with such eyes, okay?" it is good?"

Those who didn't know thought that she had made some great sacrifices for him.

Li Jingchen looked at her, with a glint in his eyes: "You know what? Only my mother can take care of this kind of thing for me."

Speaking of his mother, Li Jingchen should have been sad, but at this moment he was smiling.

"Wanwan, can I hug you?"

"No, my hands are wet."

"It's okay, I'll just hug you."

After finishing speaking, Li Jingchen gently hugged her.

Lu Wanwan held up a pair of wet hands, her eyes were dazed and at a loss.

Did she bring back Li Jingchen's sad past?

After thinking about it, Lu Wanwan touched Li Jingchen's back with her elbow, and comforted her: "Well... Although I can't replace your mother, I will take care of you, so don't be sad?"

"En." Li Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth, his heart was full of tenderness.


After finally comforting the clingy Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan speeded up and finished washing each other's intimate clothes, and then asked Li Jingchen to take them to the balcony to dry.

As the name suggests, give him a chance to perform.

Li Jingchen even had the sewer connected, let alone drying a few pieces of fabric.

And just as he was drying Lu Wanwan's underwear, An An took a bag of dog food and walked to the yard. Just as he was about to pour it for Will, he suddenly looked up and saw Li Jingchen who was drying clothes on the balcony on the second floor.