Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1434 Thank you for coming to care about me for the first time

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, An An's pupils quake immediately, and said anxiously: "You, you pervert! What did you do to my mommy!"

Li Jingchen, who heard the voice, took a step forward and looked down at him: "What did you say?"

An An tremblingly pointed at the underwear on Li Jingchen's hanger, and said, "That's my mommy's underwear! What did you and my mommy do? Wait, why are you wearing a bathrobe? Could it be that you..."

Li Jingchen raised his handsome eyebrows, of course he could explain, but he didn't: "What do you think?"

"You villain who took advantage of others! You bullied my mommy without getting married!" After An An finished speaking, even Will forgot to feed her, so she turned around and rushed back into the house.

Judging by the momentum, he should be coming straight at Li Jingchen!

After a while, there was a "dong dong dong" knock on the door. Lu Wanwan, who heard the sound, came out of the bathroom while combing her hair and opened the door.

The next second, An An rushed in. When she saw her, An An shook her arms, stood still, and called out, "Mommy!"

"What's the matter, baby?" Lu Wanwan couldn't help feeling a little strange when he saw that he was looking at her with tears in his eyes.

And An An was "desperate" at this time.

Because mommy also changed into a bathrobe!Looks like he just got out of the shower! ! !

Woohoo, his dear mommy is dirty...

It's all the fault of Li Jingchen, the big villain!

An An was so angry that she passed over Lu Wanwan, and threw a large bag of dog food in Li Jingchen's face!

Li Jingchen was still holding the clothes rail in his hand. Seeing this, he just raised his eyelids and opened the dog food flying over with the clothes rail.

An An angrily picked up the bag of dog food that had been beaten into the corner, and aimed at Li Jingchen like throwing a sandbag: "Don't hide if you have the guts!"

Li Jingchen said lightly: "Even if you don't hide, you can't hit me."

Lu Wanwan always felt that this scene looked familiar.

After thinking about it, isn't this the scene between Li Jingchen and Li Yuanzhong just now?

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan poked An An's small shoulder at night and asked, "It's fine, what's wrong with you?"

An An stared at Li Jingchen closely, and said without looking back: "Mum, he bullied you, and I'm avenging you! You stand behind me, and I will protect you!"

Lu Wanwan blinked in confusion: "He didn't bully me..."

An An muttered depressedly: "Oh, Mommy, I'm avenging you, can you stop holding me back!"

The tone of "you've broken my baby's heart" made Lu Wanwan want to laugh.

However, Lu Wanwan knew that if she laughed, An An would be more anxious.

Thinking of this, she looked at the man who might know the truth, and asked, "Li Jingchen, did you say something to An An?"

Li Jingchen looked at her with an innocent expression: "It's his own imagination, but I didn't say anything."

And just as Li Jingchen was speaking, An An saw the opportunity and fired the dog food in his hand!

In the end, Li Jingchen knocked him down again. This time, he hit the yard directly downstairs, broke the packaging bag, revealed the dog food inside, and made Will bark barking greedily.

Before An An projected himself over, Li Jingchen got up and said, "Okay, I won't play with you anymore, I'll go see how grandma and the others are preparing."

"Don't run!"

When Li Jingchen passed him by, An An still wanted to chase, but Lu Wanwan hugged him from behind.

Seeing Li Jingchen slipping away so easily, An An angrily questioned Lu Wanwan: "Mummy, why are you hugging me!"

Lu Wanwan deliberately interrupted: "I don't hold you, should I hold him?"

"He's a coward!" An An was about to smoke: "He bullied Mommy! He still dare not face me!"

Lu Wanwan wanted to ask from just now: "Why do you think he bullied me?"

An An blurted out: "You, both of you are wearing bathrobes, and he was just drying Mommy's underwear!"

At that moment, An An suddenly remembered Li Jingchen asking himself, what do you think of "brothers and sisters"?

Combined with what she saw, An An instantly thought that Li Jingchen was "bullying" his mommy in the room!

After Lu Wanwan looked down at her clothes, she said amusedly, "An'an, you misunderstood me, Li Jingchen and I were wearing nightgowns because we dirty our clothes when we were helping to clear the sewer in the kitchen.

That's why Wen Butler took us to this room to take a bath. As for Li Jingchen helping Mummy hang her underwear, that's what Mummy asked him to do. "

After An An heard this, she said "... ah?" in a daze.

Lu Wanwan thought for a while and said, "At that time, you and Xiu Qi must have been teasing Will in the yard, so I didn't know."

"Ah..." An An's expression turned awkward.

Lu Wanwan pinched the tips of his red ears, and said with a smile: "If the baby still doesn't believe it, other people can testify to Mommy."

Thinking of the scene where she was yelling at Li Jingchen in the yard and rushing into the room to settle accounts with him, An An silently covered her face, it was really embarrassing! !

Lu Wanwan pressed down her lip line and asked him, "Honey, do you have any questions?"

An An shook his head like a rattle, his head was steaming like a train.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you want to wash your face and calm down?"

"...No, no need." An An slowly put down her hands and made a final confirmation: "Mum, did he really not bully you?"

"No." Lu Wanwan said with certainty.

"That's good." An An gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going to apologize to him!"

Lu Wanwan: "Apologize?"

An An nodded: "Since I misunderstood him, I am willing to apologize to him! Mommy, I will go first, lest the apology is late, this man will come up with more tricks to punish me!"

After finishing speaking, An An ran away.

Lu Wanwan squatted down on the spot, showing a helpless smile.

Just as she was holding the comb in her hand and standing up, she suddenly saw a pale and delicate face poking through the door, looking at her worriedly.

"It's you." Lu Wanwan looked at Li Xiuqi at the door, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

After Li Xiuqi pursed his lips, he asked in a low voice, "Auntie, I heard the quarrel just now, are you... all right?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "I'm fine, I'm making you laugh, they often do this."

"As long as you're fine, I'll go down first." Li Xiuqi seemed to really just want to make sure that she was all right, and after getting an affirmative answer, he bowed to her and wanted to leave.

"Li Xiuqi, come in." Lu Wanwan suddenly stopped him.

After Li Xiuqi stood still, seeing Lu Wanwan looking at him tenderly, he boldly approached her.

"Your hair is messed up." Lu Wanwan lightly held Li Xiuqi's shoulder blades with one hand, combed his hair with a comb in the other, and said softly, "Thank you, I ran here as soon as I heard the movement Care about me."