Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1432 We are actually very unfair to him

The man surnamed Cai said "Ouch", and said in a funny and angry way: "Little brother, the adult society is very complicated, if I can, I would like to do it empty-handed, but this is even more impossible! Because I don't even have a ticket."

An An said: "You gave his great-grandfather a gift, didn't you just want his great-grandfather to make it easier for you and say something nice in front of Li Jingchen? But I suggest you, instead of bringing wine and money, you might as well take a 'North The detailed information on Xixi Nature Park is more worth seeing."

These feelings are what An An felt after spending a day in Li's Group.

"Li's people" are very serious.

This truthfulness is not only for others, but also for themselves.

No matter how small a job is, they have to complete it with a critical attitude.

They can't rub the sand in their eyes. If the man in front of him sells the land of "Beixi Natural Park" to the Li Group by going through the back door, then the first reaction of the "Li Family" must be that the land of this land Where is the value?What can it be used for?Why should we buy it?

Therefore, An An replaced the "Li family" and asked the man in front of him for a copy of the detailed information of "Beixi Natural Park".

"If this piece of land has its commercial value, then I believe that even if you don't bring a gift today, Li Jingchen will notice it sooner or later. His nose is as good as a dog's. He can smell wherever there are business opportunities."

Li Xiuqi was listening to An An's miraculous comparison to Li Jingchen, and felt that it was weird. It is obviously not a good word to compare people to dogs, but he somehow heard Huai'an's admiration for his uncle?

How strange.

"I..." The man surnamed Cai was stunned speechless by a child.

He admitted that he took a shortcut, because he wanted to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors as soon as possible, so that he could be promoted and raise his salary next year, so he chose an opportunistic way.

However, the two children in front of him were roadblocks on his way to promotion and salary increase. They not only stopped him, but also tried to pierce his heart, making him ashamed!

His current behavior is not called New Year greetings, but bribery!

Even the two children understand the truth, but he is still pretending to be stupid, like a big bad wolf with malicious intentions, coaxing them to open the door for him.

"Little friend, uncle, I..." The man surnamed Cai hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "I'd better go back."

He looked shy, annoyed by failure, and ashamed that his intentions had been exposed. After picking up the two bags of gifts at his feet, he was about to get in the car when An An's voice suddenly caught up with him——

"Uncle Cai, next time you come, I hope you don't engage in such small tricks."

The man surnamed Cai paused when he got into the car, and smiled wryly: "I know kid, after I go back, I will start to prepare the detailed information of 'Beixi Natural Park', and then line up to send it to Mr. Li, but I don't know... Li I can’t see it any more.”

After finishing speaking, he drove away.

"Adults just like to beat around the bush, why not go straight like us?"

After An An shook her head, she turned to greet Li Xiuqi: "The matter is settled, let's go in!"

Li Xiuqi looked at him in surprise, and said, "Huai'an, you can actually convince him to leave by himself!"

An An said: "As long as the reasoning makes sense, he won't stand here to make fun of himself, because for him,."

Li Xiuqi was a little disappointed and said: "But I don't even know his real intention, let alone reason with him."

An An said: "That's because you have too little experience. If you live here in the future, you will meet more and more similar people. Slowly, you will learn how to solve it."

Li Xiuqi frowned slightly: "But I would rather not meet such people, they are too difficult to deal with."

"Xiu Qi, you are still too weak. You can handle it at first glance. If you learn to be tough, no one will dare to push forward!" An An said, and punched Li Xiuqi in the chest.

Li Xiuqi took a step back after being beaten, rubbed his chest, and asked, "An'an, your strength seems to have grown again?"

"Really?" An An glanced at her fist and said, "Maybe it's the result of practicing tennis recently."

Li Xiuqi couldn't help enviously saying: "That's great."

An An pursed her lips, rolled up her trouser legs and said, "What's the matter, I'm being abused by Li Jingchen every day. Look, the injury on my knee hasn't healed yet."

Seeing several scabbed wounds on An An's knees, Li Xiuqi's envy for him suddenly turned into sympathy: "My God... Uncle is really strict with you."

"Yes, he is very strict!" An An nodded and said, "But I won't lose to him! I want to learn all his moves and beat him hard!"

Hearing An An's rhetoric, Li Xiuqi couldn't help echoing in a low voice: "Yeah, Huai'an, you can do it."

Lu Wanwan, who was standing on the balcony, watched this scene and couldn't help smiling.

The next second, someone came up from behind, and the man's lazy voice rang in her ear: "Wanwan, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Wanwan turned her head and smiled at him: "I saw something interesting."

Li Jingchen couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

Lu Wanwan said: "You were taking a shower just now, so you didn't see a man visiting the old man with two bags of gifts."

Li Jingchen said: "Isn't this normal? With the old man's status in the world, many people want to curry favor with him. "

Lu Wanwan said: "But An An and Xiu Qi didn't let that man in in the end, and persuaded him to leave."

"Persuade to go away?"

"Well, because Bai Fei found two bottles of Moutai and a bank card from the man's bag."

"Bank card?" Li Jingchen frowned. Once money is involved, things will not be so simple.

Lu Wanwan succinctly recounted what she saw and heard: "Yes, a bank card, An'an felt that such a person could not be allowed in, but at Xiu Qi's suggestion, out of politeness Asking the man why he came, and then persuading him to leave with reason and evidence, I think these two children, one emotional and the other rational, seem to be in harmony and have completed an unexpected cooperation."

Li Jingchen looked downstairs: "So, are you happy for them?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "That's right, I'm glad that what I was worried about didn't happen. Li Xiuqi didn't hate An An, and An An didn't hold grudges against Li Xiuqi. The grievances of the previous generation have finally come to an end on them."

But Li Jingchen said cruelly: "Li Xiuqi still needs to observe, test, and sharpen, so that I can rest assured and keep him by An An's side."

Lu Wanwan's smile gradually disappeared: "I know, but sometimes when I think about it, we are actually very unfair to Li Xiuqi, aren't we?"