Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1431 The first step is so difficult

In the corner, Li Xiuqi said softly: "Huai'an, great-grandfather said just now that Uncle Cai was let in... Do you think this is good? Let's let him put all the presents outside the courtyard, and then invite him in, so that we won't violate the law. Great-grandfather's order will not offend Uncle Cai."

But An An said: "Xiu Qi, although your idea is good, but this man surnamed Cai is too cunning, after Uncle Bai Fei found out the bank card from his bag, he can still say without a change of expression that he accidentally dropped it." What if he 'accidentally' dropped his bank card into the gap in the sofa after we invited him in?"

Li Xiuqi opened his mouth: "But his grandfather is an old acquaintance of his great-grandfather. Isn't it impolite for us not to let him in?"

An An said: "Since it's an old acquaintance, he should know more about your great-grandfather! Xiu Qi, do you think your great-grandfather liked to accept expensive gifts from others?"

Li Xiuqi glanced at An An, and it was impossible for him to say the word "like" out of emotion and reason.

Because he knew that once he said that, Huai'an's impression of his great-grandfather would be even worse.

"Great-grandfather is an upright man, so he doesn't like to accept gifts casually."

"That's it. If you let this kind of person in, it will only make things difficult for your great-grandfather."

As a result, Li Xiuqi couldn't think of any reason to dissuade him.

He gave up the idea of ​​lobbying An An, and said, "Then I will listen to you, Huai An."

"Well, but Xiu Qi, what you said is also reasonable. In order to prevent me from misunderstanding him, it's better for me to ask him in the past." An An said, walked to the man outside the courtyard again, and said, "What's the matter with you, you can talk about it." If you say it squarely, we will pass it on for you."

Because Li Xiuqi acquiesced to An An's actions, he just quietly came to his side and also looked at the man outside the courtyard.

The man gritted his molars at them, he really wanted to ask, when will it be the turn of the two little kids in the Li family? !

But I saw that these two children looked very delicate, like a pair of golden and jade boys, and one of them was Li Yuanzhong's great-grandson.

The only difference is that the kid on the left is a little weaker and looks more in control. It's not difficult to trick him into opening the door for him.

But the bad thing is that the kid on the right has bright eyes, answers fluently, and let him smash the Maotai wine to prove his innocence. It is not so easy to deceive him.

Seeing that the man didn't speak, Li Xiuqi couldn't help reminding: "Uncle Cai, if your grandfather has something to say to my great-grandfather, you tell me, and I will tell my great-grandfather exactly."

Look, how innocent is the kid on the left?Believe whatever he says!Not at all wary.

This is what a child should do!

The man surnamed Cai looked back and forth between An An and Li Xiuqi, frantically comparing something.

As soon as Li Xiuqi finished speaking, An An answered, "Uncle Cai, you have to think it over before you say it. If his great-grandfather still can't remember your grandfather after hearing this, then you'll be a fool to deceive him." The crime of the old man."

This sentence is like a reminder, but also like a threat.

This man surnamed Cai is indeed here to build a relationship, and his grandfather did know Li Yuanzhong, but it is far from being an old acquaintance. It can only be said that he had a relationship when he was young. Can Li Yuanzhong remember his grandfather now? Two said.

However, in order to meet a big man like Li Yuanzhong, many people would like to check the genealogy of their ancestors to see if there is anyone who can be related to Li Yuanzhong. This man surnamed Cai is the same, holding a chicken feather as an arrow , the purpose is only to meet Li Yuanzhong, and then offer a generous gift, begging him to do something.

It's just that he didn't expect that the first step would be so difficult, he couldn't even see Li Yuanzhong's face, and was blocked by two children!

If the word spreads, how can he mess around in the future!

Time passed by, An An said: "Xiu Qi, look, he can't say anything at all, which means that I didn't wrong him, he just came to bribe, let's not waste time with him, go back to the room .”

"En." Li Xiuqi nodded, and when he was about to turn around, a big hand suddenly came in through the gap in the iron door and grabbed his back collar.

"What do you want!" An An snarled.

The man surnamed Cai didn't know why a child's aura was so strong, after letting go of Li Xiuqi embarrassingly, he said: "You two children, to be honest,

Our bureau manages a piece of land called 'Beixi Natural Park'. I am here today, not only to greet Mr. Li, but also to ask him to find some time to talk to Mr. Li and see what Mr. Li thinks about this land. Are you interested? If you are interested, we can give him a cheap price! "

Li Xiuqi asked ignorantly: "Uncle Cai, what land did you just say?"

As soon as the business was mentioned, the man immediately crackled and said like pouring beans: "It's the land of 'Beixi Natural Park'!

An open park was built there in the early days, and tickets have not been sold to tourists. When our bureau held a meeting at the end of the year, we re-planned it. We felt that a place like S City, where every inch of land is so expensive, could allow an unprofitable park to occupy it for a long time. How about going to such a big place?So we thought it over and decided to come to the old man. "

Li Xiuqi was completely stunned. After all, he didn't know anything about business at the moment, and it was the first time he faced such an unfamiliar routine. It was normal not to know how to deal with it.

But An An has seen a lot. In the past, people always came to the house to look for Fu Shuo under the pretense of knowing Fu Shuo.

At that time, An An had foolishly let someone in, but it turned out that Fu Shuo didn't know the other party at all, but the other party stalked him.

In the end, even the good-tempered Fu Shuo had to call his servants to drive him out.

So facing this kind of person, An An chose to ask sharply: "Then why don't you go directly to Li Jingchen?"

The man surnamed Cai opened his eyes wide: "You kid! Is it easy to see Mr. Li? Even the mayor needs to make an appointment to see him!"

An An said slowly: "Then you make an appointment."

The man surnamed Cai sighed, and said helplessly, "Isn't this the Chinese New Year? Even if I make an appointment, I have to wait until after the Chinese New Year to see Mr. Li. Our chief is not so patient... Wait, I will tell you What are you talking about?"

The man surnamed Cai was afraid that he would talk too much, so he slammed on the brakes and scanned Li Xiuqi and An An vigilantly.

An An rested his chin and thought for a while, then said: "You Land Management Bureau, don't you just want to sell a piece of land that has no economic output at present? As long as it is not illegal, you can negotiate with nothing .”