Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1430 There will be trouble if you put this kind of person in

An An asked curiously: "Xiu Qi, who is he?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him." Li Xiuqi said, walking towards the man outside the courtyard.

"Wait a minute!" An'an took his hand and said in a low voice, "Ask who he is first, I'm afraid he's a bad guy in disguise, you see he still has two bags in his hand, who knows what's in it?" what."

"Okay, let me ask first!" Li Xiuqi stood still and raised his voice to ask, "Uncle, who are you looking for?"

The man outside the courtyard hurriedly reported his family name: "My surname is Cai, and I work in the Land Management Bureau. Today I came here specially to visit the old man. Kids, can you tell me the news for me?"

Li Xiuqi asked: "Then do you know my great-grandfather?"

The man outside the courtyard paused and said, "...I know you. My grandfather and your great-grandfather are old acquaintances. I was ordered by my grandfather to come to pay your great-grandfather New Year's greetings."

"Okay then, just wait outside and I'll pass it on for you."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiuqi entered the room with An An.

At this time, there was only Li Yuanzhong in the living room, because Tang Qiong thought he was getting in the way in the kitchen, so he resolutely drove him out.

"Great-grandfather." Li Xiuqi came to Li Yuanzhong and said, "There is an uncle outside who wants to see you. He said his surname is Cai and works in the Land Management Bureau. He also said that his grandfather was an old acquaintance with you. You want to meet him." ?"

"It's probably here to seek connections again." After Li Yuanzhong muttered, he said, "Let him come in while I'm in a good mood today."

"Yes." After Li Xiuqi answered, he said to An An, "Huai'an, you stay here with great-grandfather, and I'll just open the door."

An An blinked, wondering if Li Xiuqi was protecting him?

That being the case, then he can't let Xiu Qi have an accident.

An An said, "Although it's a bit impolite, the mercenary uncle is ambushing outside the courtyard. You ask them to check the contents of the guest's bag first, and then let him in after making sure there is no problem."

"I see." Li Xiuqi nodded and went out.

Li Yuanzhong looked at their way of getting along and smiled gratifiedly.

outside the hospital.

The man was pacing back and forth, when he saw Li Xiuqi coming out, he hurriedly asked, "Little friend, did Mr. Li agree to see me?"

Li Xiuqi nodded: "Uncle Cai, great-grandfather asked me to invite you in."


"But before going in, please ask Uncle Cai to cooperate with us in searching."

"Search?" For some reason, the man's complexion became a little ugly: "Little friend, it's okay to search outside, isn't it? Besides, I brought some local products from City A, nothing else."

Li Xiuqi reasoned with him: "Uncle Cai, there was a man-made explosion in city S recently, and wherever you go now, you have to cooperate with the body search."

The man said anxiously: "My little friend, my grandfather and your great-grandfather are old acquaintances, why can't you accommodate them?"

"If Uncle Cai disagrees, then please leave." After Li Xiuqi finished speaking, he backed away, fearing that the man in front of him was really a terrorist.

"...Okay!" The man gritted his teeth and said, "Just search!"

As a result, the mercenary searched and found two bottles of Moutai and a bank card in his two bags.

Bai Fei, who was in charge of the search, glanced at the packaging of the wine bottle, and asked playfully, "Your bottle of Moutai is worth hundreds of thousands, at least?"

"What?" Hearing this, Li Xiuqi was taken aback, thinking that there is still such an expensive wine?

The man hurriedly said: "You read it wrong! This is an ordinary Moutai, only a few hundred yuan!"

Bai Fei picked up the bank card under the bag with two fingers again, and asked, "What about this bank card?"

"Uh, this bank card accidentally fell into my coat pocket when I was bending over."

As the man said, he took the bank card back in an embarrassing manner.

Bai Fei smiled and said, "Really? Then you have to be careful next time, don't fall in again, otherwise we will think that you are here to bribe."

The man looked at Bai Fei with some anger. In his eyes, Bai Fei was just a security guard. He was polite to Li Xiuqi because he was Li Yuanzhong's great-grandson. What kind of onion is this fool?

"When did you security guards take charge of interrogation in addition to body searches? I don't know, I thought you were the police!"

Bai Fei sneered and said, "If I were a policeman, I would take you back to the police station for questioning right now."

The man choked, looked at Li Xiuqi, and said with a smile: "Little friend, since you have been searched, can you let me in?"

Bai Fei said: "I advise you to think again, if you let this kind of person in, there will be trouble."

Li Xiuqi then thought about it, and apologized, "I'm sorry Uncle Cai, I can't let you in."

The man was shocked: "Why?"

Li Xiuqi said: "Because the gifts you brought are too precious."

"..." The man's smile faltered, and he said, "Little friend, I've said it all, this is Maotai worth hundreds of dollars, it's worthless."

"Then you smashed one of the bottles." At some point, An An came behind Li Xiuqi and said together.

The man's smile twisted, who is this brat?To let him smash the Moutai? !

Li Xiuqi looked back and asked, "Huai'an, why did you come out?"

"You haven't come back for so long, I'm worried about you." An An said bluntly.

Li Xiuqi warmed his heart and said, "I'm fine, this Uncle Cai is here to give a gift to great-grandfather."

"I've heard it." An An said, looked at the man outside the courtyard, and said lightly: "Didn't you say that your Moutai is worthless? Then you smash a bottle and show us."

The man suppressed his anger and asked, "Why should I smash it?"

An An said: "If you don't smash it, you have a guilty conscience."

This stinky brat! ! !

After nearly half a minute—

An An said: "It seems that this wine is indeed too expensive, you are not willing to smash it, right?"

The man looked at An An, and asked angrily, "Who are you? What's your relationship with Mr. Li?"

An An said bluntly: "It doesn't matter who I am, but if you try to bribe, how can we let you see him?"

Li Xiuqi opened his mouth, always feeling that what An An said was a bit unreasonable.

The man had nothing to do with them through the iron gate, so he could only emphasize: "Before I came, my grandfather told me to meet Mr. Li and get in touch with them!"

"To get in touch, let your grandpa come in person." After speaking, An An said to Bai Fei: "Uncle Bai Fei, please see the guests off."

"No problem." Bai Fei smiled and nodded at An An.

He really appreciates An An's ruthless character!

An An then turned her head and said to Li Xiuqi in a relaxed tone: "Let's go inside, don't catch you cold later."