Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1429 How about it, isn't it very obedient

"Wear yours... No need." Lu Wanwan thought for a while, and said to Li Jingchen: "Actually, my skirt will be clean after just wiping, so I don't need to take a bath, you can wash it."

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was about to run away, Wen Zhong quickly changed the subject: "I'm just kidding, there are nightgowns at home, and they are in the cupboard in the second room."

Although Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan seldom come throughout the year, Li Yuanzhong still prepared their daily necessities, which was the old man's most ardent hope.

After Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she said depressedly, "Master Wen, you should have said it earlier."

Isn't this deliberately trying to see her embarrassment?

Wen Zhong chuckled, he probably knew why the master and the old lady liked the young mistress so much, because she was really cute.

Li Jingchen said immediately: "Steward Wen, just leave it to me, you go and guard my grandparents."

"Yes." After Wen Zhong replied, he withdrew.

After closing the door, Li Jingchen turned around and said to Lu Wanwan, "Do you wash first, or should I wash first?"

Lu Wanwan humbly said: "You wash it first, you stink."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen intentionally gave her a firm hug, and amidst her low voice, said with a mischievous smile: "In this way, you won't be very fragrant."

This time, Lu Wanwan was sure: "You just stained my skirt on purpose! You are so hateful!"

Li Jingchen lowered his head, looked at her and said, "Who made you want to see me laughing just now?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, so he knew...

"Just now I saw me picking up water pipes from the trash can, how did it feel?"

Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would come over again, so she hurriedly said, "I just... want to help you pick it up, but I know, you must be reluctant to let me do this kind of rough work, okay?"

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "So you just stood aside and laughed?"

Lu Wanwan said: "You must have read it wrong, I am sure I did not snicker."

Li Jingchen tightened his big hand around her waist, and left two dirty spots on it: "I knew you wouldn't admit it."

Lu Wanwan couldn't bear it anymore and patted his hand away, saying: "Stop making trouble, go take a shower."

Li Jingchen glanced at the door out of the corner of his eye, and said specially: "Then you stay in the room and wait for me to come out."

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan nodded.

She didn't want to appear in front of everyone smelly.

When Li Jingchen took a shower, she stood on the soft carpet, put her hands on the railing of the balcony of the room, and looked at the scenery outside the courtyard.

At this moment, she heard An An's excited little voice from downstairs——

"Will, squat down!"

"Will, shake hands!"

"Will, high five!"

Lu Wanwan looked down and found An An and Li Xiuqi playing with Will in the yard.

Will is a Rottweiler, looks majestic, and is a good hand in guarding the house. At this time, while playing with the two children in front of him, he wags his tail like a propeller. Not as fierce as before.

Li Xiuqi stood with his hands folded, and asked An An who was squatting on the ground: "How is it, is Will very obedient?"

An'an held Will's dog paw, which was not much smaller than her own, and said, "Well, it understands my instructions, it's super obedient!"

Li Xiuqi couldn't help laughing and said: "Let me just say, Will just looks fierce, but he is actually very obedient, oh yes, Huai An, you have to get up quickly, or else..."

An An just pinched Will's meat pad and played: "What else?"

"Otherwise, you will be..." Before Li Xiuqi finished speaking, Will suddenly threw An An down like crazy!

"Ouch!" An An yelled strangely because she didn't know where to knock her head.

Seeing this scene, Lu Wanwan leaned out in shock, and the snow on the railing fell down with her rubbing.

Seeing the snow falling, Li Xiu immediately raised his head, his delicate face was red from the cold, and he accidentally saw Lu Wanwan's face, and couldn't help calling: "Auntie?"

After Lu Wanwan quickly glanced at him, she cast worried eyes on An An who was pressed down by Will on the ground, and asked, "Are you all right?"

Li Xiuqi just wanted to say it's okay, but he immediately realized that maybe the eldest aunt was not asking him, but Huai'an.

The next second, a small hand stretched out from under Will's belly, and shook Lu Wanwan: "Mummy, I'm fine! Will is playing with me!"

After An An finished speaking energetically, she raised her hands and rubbed Will's dog's head angrily.

In return, Will was more excited and flattering to lick.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan felt relieved and smiled at them.

Li Xiuqi was stunned.

The way Lu Wanwan smiled was as beautiful and dignified as a classical European oil painting.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Wanwan looked at him and asked softly, "What about you? Did the snow just hit you?"

So she noticed it...

At this moment, in Li Xiuqi's eyes, Lu Wanwan was not only as beautiful as an oil painting, but also had a holy radiance, which made him want to get closer.

"Auntie, I'm fine!" And he could finally say out loud what he wanted to say.

"That's good. If you two have had enough fun, go back to the house quickly. It's too cold outside." Lu Wanwan continued.

An An got up and hugged Will, as if hugging a heater, he buried half of his face in Will's black fur, and said to Lu Wanwan comfortably: "Mommy, I'm not cold at all! "

"That's you, what about Xiu Qi?" Lu Wanwan said meaningfully.

Li Xiuqi has been in poor health since he was a child. I'm afraid he can't be exposed to the cold outside like An An?

"Xiu Qi?" An An heard the words, subconsciously looked at Li Xiuqi, and saw Li Xiuqi took another breath.

When An An saw this, guilt appeared on her face, and she reflected: "Xiu Qi, I'm sorry, I had too much fun with Will and ignored your feelings. I've had enough fun, let's go into the house quickly !"

Li Xiuqi didn't expect that Lu Wanwan even noticed this, and couldn't help being moved: "Auntie, I'm fine."

"It's okay, you're already sniffling!" An An was in a hurry, and couldn't care less about playing with Will, she quickly got up from the ground, grabbed Li Xiuqi's hand, and was about to enter the house.

Seeing Huai'an grabbing his hand, Li Xiuqi's eyes warmed slightly. Even his biological mother would only use his weak body to gain sympathy from his great-grandfather, but the eldest aunt and Huai'an were only worried that he would not will get sick.

However, before they entered the house, they heard a man's voice outside: "Excuse me, is this the home of Mr. Li Yuanzhong?"

Li Xiuqi and An An turned around together, looked at the man outside the courtyard, and found that it was a man in his 30s, wearing a suit and leather shoes, holding two bags of gifts in his hand, looking inside eagerly.