Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1425 Sometimes, not fighting is also a kind of fighting

Li Xiuqi still remembered that Grandpa Wen Zhong told him that sometimes, not fighting is also a kind of fighting.

At the beginning, he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

But in the dead of night, he slept in his room, recalling his terrible parents, the things they did wrong, the people they hurt, enough to send their family to hell!

Slowly, Li Xiuqi understood.

He can't make it public, at least not in front of the next Patriarch!

And Huai'an was appointed by his great-grandfather as the next Patriarch!

And he has no right to be unwilling, offering loyalty to Huai'an is the only way out for him when he grows up.

However, Huai'an has already achieved better results than him, and there is nothing wrong with him being Huai'an's deputy.

Li Xiuqi suddenly stood still, turned his head, and said meaningfully: "Huai'an, you have to keep being so good."

Otherwise, Li Xiuqi was afraid that a dark side of disbelief would grow in his heart, after all, the blood of Li Xiangchen and Bai Qingluo flowed in his body.

An An fell silent after hearing this.

Recently, he has heard a lot of talk about asking him to inherit the family business, which inevitably makes him think about it, and of course, it is more daunting.

Ever since he started to look squarely at Li's Group and Deepwater Harbor, Li Xiuqi could no longer say "what's so great about them" with contempt and disdain.

On the contrary, they are remarkable, and Li Jingchen who manages them is even more remarkable.

Because of this, he dared not easily respond to the expectations of the Li family, because this responsibility was too great, and even related to the economic lifeline of the entire S City.

Thinking of this, An An said: "Xiu Qi, let's talk about this matter later."

Li Xiuqi just wanted to express his attitude first. Hearing that An An didn't want to talk about it, he said, "Well, then I'll take you to meet Will first, so that next time you come, he won't bark at you."

An An nodded: "Okay."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen.

Lu Wanwan was standing in front of the refrigerator, and while preparing the ingredients, she asked Tang Qiong: "Madam, what do you want for lunch? I'll make it for you."

Tang Qiong said with a smile: "Wan Wan, it's rare for you to come here, let grandma do it, grandma's cooking is delicious, do you remember, grandma also has a vegetable shed in city a, which grows a lot vegetable."

"I remember, you still took me to choose." Lu Wanwan said.

Seeing that she still remembered, Tang Qiong smiled even more happily: "It's a pity that grandma hasn't had time to farm the land yet, otherwise you can eat fresh vegetables."

Lu Wanwan knew that Tang Qiong wasn't out of time, but out of mood.

What the old man thinks about every day is when will his children and grandchildren come to visit?

After Lu Wanwan collected her mind, she asked, "You haven't said anything yet, what do you want to eat?"

Tang Qiong couldn't compete with Lu Wanwan, so she had to say: "What do you take, what does grandma eat, don't choose."

Lu Wanwan saw a box of "Norwegian Salmon" written on it in the frozen layer, and couldn't help asking, "Then can I make you a salmon?"

The processed salmon has no fish bones and has a smooth taste, and people who eat fish have a much lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

Tang Qiong nodded: "Okay."

After Lu Wanwan took out the box of salmon, she brought some ingredients for everyone, and then said, "Is this enough?"

Hearing this, Tang Qiong glanced at her cautiously, as if she wanted to say something.

When Lu Wanwan turned around holding the ingredients, she happened to see Tang Qiong's tangled expression.

Lu Wanwan didn't ask Tang Qiong what's wrong right away, but returned to the refrigerator after putting the ingredients in the vegetable sink to thaw, and asked, "What does Mr. Li usually like to eat? Tell me too." .”

Hearing this, Tang Qiong's lips trembled. How did Wan Wan know that she wanted to say something, but didn't dare to say anything?

Seeing that there was no reply, Lu Wanwan couldn't help turning her eyes away and asked, "Madam?"

Touching Lu Wanwan's clear eyes, Tang Qiong came back to his senses and said, "Yuanzhong has lost several teeth in the past two years, and now he likes to eat soybean and pig's feet soup... He said that there are vegetables and vegetables in it. With meat, it is convenient to eat and balanced in nutrition.”

Lost several teeth?

Lu Wanwan didn't pay attention.

She always thought that Li Yuanzhong was in good health.

After finding a bag of soybeans and a bag of fresh pig's feet, Lu Wanwan said, "At noon today, let's all have soybeans and pig's feet soup."

"As long as you young people don't get bored," Tang Qiong said hastily.

"It's okay." Lu Wanwan said lightly, and finally closed the refrigerator door.

"Grandma is here to help you!" Tang Qiong looked very energetic, almost wherever Lu Wanwan went, her old man would follow her to work.

Lu Wanwan wanted to persuade her to rest, but on second thought, the old man would think of the past when he was free, so let her focus on the present.

"Okay, grandma can wash this handful of celery for me, can you?"

Tang Qiong immediately rolled up her sleeves, saying that there was no problem.

In the process of choosing celery, Tang Qiong babbled beside Lu Wanwan: "Grandma has been sick for a while, Yuan Zhong and Wen Zhong don't know what's wrong with the master and servant, and suddenly nothing happened. Willing to let me do it, I want to cook, Yuan Zhong closed the kitchen door, and he almost ordered the kitchen inside, I wanted to wipe the floor, Wen Zhong shook the mop around by himself, I wanted to clean the windows, repair the kitchen. Qi just moved the stool and stood up to wipe it by himself, and I was like a rich old lady, living a life of reaching out for clothes and opening my mouth for food."

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan smiled: "They are all men, if you want to do it, you can let them do it. You have worked hard for this family all your life, so it's time to rest."

But Tang Qiong said: "However, it's not good for people to be too idle and too comfortable. It's easy to think wildly."

Lu Wanwan's movements froze, and she said after a while: "When spring begins, let Jingchen take you outside to look at the flowers and pick greenery. If you are bored here, you can also ask Jingchen to take you there. Li Zhai, experience a different life."

Tang Qiong couldn't help laughing and said, "That's good! After so many years, I'm tired of seeing the old faces of Yuan Zhong and Wen Zhong."

Lu Wanwan couldn't laugh or cry: "Is it really okay for you to say that about them?"

There is one thing to say, Li Yuanzhong's appearance is still very capable of fighting, Lu Wanwan guessed that when he was young, he must have looked very tough, just like the tough guys in the Northwest.

Tang Qiong showed a meaningful smile and said, "When you reach grandma's age, you will understand what grandma means."

What Tang Qiong meant was that when Li Jingchen reached Li Yuanzhong's age, Lu Wanwan would also despise him.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing and said: "At that time, I will be old too, and no one can dislike anyone."

After Tang Qiong was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes with a smile: "It seems that you have already identified Jing Chen."