Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1424 He also enjoys the right of inheritance

"You mean..." Li Yuanzhong froze for a moment, then looked at An An.

An An tilted her head: "What are you looking at me for?"

After organizing his words, Li Yuanzhong tried his best to show a kind smile, and said, "An'an, great-grandfather, please ask you one thing."

"Wait—" An An immediately ran to Li Xiuqi, pointed at him and said, "This is your great-grandson! You have something to tell him."

"Me!" Li Yuanzhong obviously didn't have a heart attack, but at this moment, he realized what "angina pectoris" is.

Li Xiuqi was obsessed with the bad things Bai Qingluo did back then, when An An suddenly named him, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Huai'an, at this time, let's not tell you and me, great-grandfather has something to ask of you."

"He begged me, so I have to agree?"

"This..." Li Xiuqi couldn't imagine that someone could reject Li Yuanzhong, anyway, he didn't dare.

"Don't you think great-grandfather is very pitiful after great-grandmother has become like this?"

An An nodded: "Poor."

Li Xiuqi asked again: "Then can you help them?"

An An asked back, "You want me to help them?"

"Did I say I hope it will be useful?" Li Xiuqi has always been hopeless about his own words, because almost no one has adopted his opinions.

An An said without thinking, "It's useful, because we are good friends."

The dark cloud that had just risen in Li Xiuqi's heart because of Bai Qingluo dissipated instantly because of An An's words: "Okay, I beg you! Listen to what great-grandfather has to say, and then decide whether to agree to him, is that okay?"

"Well... yes." After An An nodded, she turned to Li Yuanzhong and said, "Xiu Qi is my good friend. He hopes that I will listen to you carefully. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

An An's tone of "I'm all for my good friend" made Li Yuanzhong look at Li Xiuqi one more time. He probably never dreamed that one day he would rely on Li Xiuqi.

At this moment, he was suddenly glad that he had Li Xiuqi by his side.

"Great-grandfather just hopes that you can come here more this winter vacation." Li Yuanzhong was afraid that An'an would disagree, so he winked at Li Xiuqi: "Just treat it as if you are here to play with Xiuqi, and I promise not to interfere with you casually." How about freedom?"

Li Xiuqi immediately interjected: "That's right, Huai'an, we can still study together and make progress together!"

Thinking of Tang Qiong's topsy-turvy look when she spoke just now, An An actually softened her heart.

This kind of soft-heartedness does not distinguish between objects, even if she sees the appearance of an old man she doesn't know in a nursing home, An An will still feel soft-hearted.

"You let me go back and think about it."

Li Yuanzhong was not rejected on the spot, and he was already relieved: "Okay, you go back and think about it carefully! After thinking about it, great-grandfather will send the army to pick you up at home, and I guarantee that no one will dare to play tricks!"

When Li Yuanzhong said this, his arrogance was exposed, which made An An subconsciously believe that he could do what he said.

Thinking of An'an's coming, Li Xiuqi also felt a little more anticipation in his heart. He was eager to improve and leap forward, and Li Huai'an was undoubtedly a good partner and opponent, and he could always learn something by staying with him !

Thinking of this, Li Xiuqi almost couldn't wait to say: "Great-grandfather, I will take Huai'an to visit around!"

Li Yuanzhong rarely gave him a good face: "Well, you go, remember to come down at meal time."

"Yes." Li Xiuqi nodded respectfully, then turned around and asked, "Huai'an, do you want to come with me?"

An An nodded. Li Yuanzhong and Li Jingchen were both transformed by ghosts of thousands of years. When he stayed with them, he always felt that every minute would be counted, and it was more reassuring to follow his friends.

"Well, let's go."

The two little guys communicated as they walked away——

"Xiu Qi, I found that you have made great progress during this period of time."

Li Xiuqi asked happily: "Really?"

"Hmm! It seems that cultivating around powerful people can indeed increase one's knowledge."

Li Xiuqi said happily: "I think so too. Both great-grandfather and Grandpa Wen are people of great wisdom, but great-grandfather is stricter to me, and Grandpa Wen is gentler to me. If there is any problem, I will always ask Grandpa Wen first." If he can't, I'll ask my great-grandfather again, by the way, Huai'an, how have you been doing during this time?"

An An shared with him: "I'm okay, I'm practicing pen calligraphy recently, and learning to play tennis..."

Li Xiuqi was a little shocked and said: "You have started to practice pen calligraphy now? Our class has not even popularized ball-point pens. By the way, show me your hand! It's calloused? You must be working hard!"

An An said modestly: "It's okay."

Li Xiuqi continued: "There is also tennis. I watched the game on TV and said that this is a high-intensity training. It must have been taught by your uncle, right?"

As it turned out, An An had to admit, "Well, he did teach me."

Li Xiuqi couldn't help casting envious eyes at him: "Huai'an, I really envy you."

"Envy me?"

"Well, you have easily gained the attention of the Li family, and you can also get the personal teaching of your uncle. He is an amazing man. If you stay by his side, you will definitely learn a lot of knowledge by your ears and eyes. In the future, you will inherit the Li's group and Deepwater Harbor..."

An An interrupted in shock: "Wait, what are you talking about inheriting?"

Li Xiuqi said calmly, "It's Li's Group and Deepwater Harbor."

An An looked at him and said, "The Li Group was founded by your great-grandfather, and you also have the right to inherit."

Li Xiuqi shook his head: "Huai'an, I understand what you mean, but this is different. Since the generation of Li's group was passed down to the grandfather, it has taken a slant and almost declined.

It was the uncle who turned the tide and took over the Li Group, not to mention that he later founded the Deepwater Harbor. These are all his achievements.

Unlike that... the man who gave birth to me will only bring shame to the family, and my inheritance rights have been automatically canceled when his conspiracy was revealed. "

When saying this, Li Xiuqi looked a little lonely, but he didn't show unwillingness or resentment.

"Xiu Qi..." An An tried to comfort him: "My mommy said that the next generation will never be hurt, as long as you learn well, you can still join the company."

"If you inherit the family business then, I think I'll be happy to be your second-in-command, but we'll have to wait until we grow up."

When he said this, a longing smile appeared on Li Xiuqi's pale face.

An An was taken aback, why did Li Xiuqi, who always liked to compete with him for the first place, suddenly wanted to be his deputy?

Li Xiuqi saw An An's doubts through An An's eyes, so he explained: "Great-grandfather said, he hopes that we brothers can unite and work together for the development of the family, rather than fighting for each other and fighting each other."

And this is also Li Xiuqi's chance to turn around. He knows that the eyes of all the core members of the Li family are waiting to see his performance. Once he has a different heart, they will deal with him without hesitation!