Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1426 Are you trying to kill me?

Lu Wanwan blushed slightly, and lowered her head to clean the squid in her hand.

Seeing that she was silent, Tang Qiong shut her mouth in embarrassment.

For a moment, only the beeping of the faucet filled the two of them.

"Well, I recognize him."

Suddenly, the sound of water mixed with a slight female voice sounded beside Tang Qiong's ears.

Tang Qiong paused in choosing vegetables, and silently wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand before continuing to work.


After washing the vegetables, Tang Qiong discovered unexpectedly: "Why doesn't this water go out for a long time?"

"Let me take a look." Lu Wanwan came over to take a look, and found that only half of the water in the vegetable washing pool had seeped in for a long time, and the other half was floating in the pool.

Lu Wanwan quickly said: "Please let me check the water pipes below."

"Okay." Tang Qiong stepped aside.

Lu Wanwan opened the cabinet door and found that the water pipe connected to the vegetable sink was overflowing with water, and it was blocked at all, so the water above could not go down.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan said: "It should be that the sewer is blocked."

"How could this be?" Tang Qiong said in shock: "This new home has only been renovated for less than a year!"

Lu Wanwan thought for a while: "I don't know, but didn't you just say that Mr. Li locked himself in the kitchen to cook and almost blew up the kitchen? Maybe... Maybe it's because he performed supernormally."

"..." Tang Qiong thought about it, and there was some possibility, so she said, "I'll go find him now and ask what's going on!"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Well, you'd better ask, what's stuck inside."

Not long after Tang Qiong left, he brought Li Yuanzhong with him.

"What's the rush? Didn't you see me talking to Jing Chen?"

At first, Li Yuanzhong was quite confident, and even angry at his wife for disturbing him, until Tang Qiong pointed to the flooded vegetable sink and asked, "Did you throw something in it?"

After Li Yuanzhong frowned, he said, "There is nothing."

Tang Qiong asked: "Then why is it blocked?"

Li Yuanzhong subconsciously said: "How do I know, you are not the only one who cooks in the kitchen..."

Tang Qiong showed a puzzled expression: "No, you have been busy in the kitchen all this time."

After Li Yuanzhong said "uh", he asked, "Is it really me?"

Lu Wanwan was worried that they would not be able to tell, so she simply asked, "Did you throw anything hard and insoluble recently?"

Li Yuanzhong met Shang Lu Wanwan's gaze, and his voice automatically dropped two steps: "...Does the bone count?"

Lu Wanwan asked: "How big is the bone?"

Li Yuanzhong raised his hand and made a circle: "It's as big as an egg."

After being speechless for a moment, Lu Wanwan broke him down and said, "Your gesture is bigger than an egg."

Li Yuanzhong said embarrassingly: "I think it can be stuffed, so I stuffed it in."

After pursing her lips, Lu Wanwan asked, "How much did you stuff in?"

Li Yuanzhong's eyes wandered: "Three or four yuan."

Lu Wanwan asked sharply: "Three or four yuan, isn't it enough?"

Tang Qiong couldn't help but stare: "Aren't you telling the truth?"

Under the pressure of the two women, Li Yuanzhong tightened his grip on the leading crutch, and said frankly, "Seven yuan!"

Lu Wanwan shrugged Tang Qiong: "That's no wonder."

Tang Qiong couldn't help lecturing: " don't know how to dump the bones into the trash can?"

Li Yuanzhong blushed: "The opening of the sink is so big, but you can't take things down, what a waste!"

"Then it's blocked now, what do you think should I do?" Tang Qiong became more and more angry as she said, "And they chose to block it on the day Wanwan and they came. Are you trying to panic me to death?"

Li Yuanzhong was very depressed: "I'm not all for you..."

Some time ago, he noticed that Qiong'er's memory was confused. For example, once he saw Qiong'er add salt to the dish, but then forgot, so he added it again, and asked him to eat more when serving the dish. Point, almost killed him.

After that, for the sake of everyone's health, Li Yuanzhong decided to cook himself.

Although it's not delicious enough, at least you don't have to worry about being salted to death!Spicy!Sour!

Seeing them pecking at each other, Lu Wanwan couldn't help saying: "Don't quarrel, you two, it seems that the pipe dredger won't work. You can go and see if you have a wrench or something. Remove the water pipe below and see if the bone is stuck in it."

Hearing this, Tang Qiong's first reaction was: "Remove the water pipe? How dirty is that!"

Li Yuanzhong looked at Lu Wanwan's fair and clean face, and couldn't bear to say: "Yes, it's so dirty, I'll call the decorator and ask them to come and fix it."

"Today is New Year's Eve, everyone is going home for the New Year, so don't bother them? I'll take a look first, and if it doesn't work, I'll call the decorator, okay?"

Lu Wanwan spoke so softly that people couldn't help but want to nod and agree: "Okay, then it's up to you, I'll get the toolbox."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan nodded.

After Li Yuanzhong left, Tang Qiong immediately grabbed Lu Wanwan's hand, trying to pull her back: "Wanwan, this kind of dirty and tiring work, just leave it to their men to do it."

Lu Wanwan said, "It's okay, I probably know how to clean it up."

Tang Qiong couldn't help asking: "How do you know?"

"After divorcing Fu Shuo, I took An An to rent a house outside for a period of time. During this period, I encountered many small problems, including this." Lu Wanwan said, looking at the water pipes.

Tang Qiong's eyes were moist again: "Wanwan, I've suffered for you..."

"You must not say that." Lu Wanwan interrupted her: "I am very happy to learn to take care of myself."

While they were talking, Wen Zhong arrived with a toolbox.

"Eldest young mistress, the master asked me to bring you the toolbox."

Seeing that only Wen Zhong came over, Lu Wanwan couldn't help guessing: "Did Mr. Li secretly call the decorator?"

Wen Zhongdao: "You misunderstood, the master just called someone to pay New Year's greetings."

However, the old housekeeper's excuse was not very clever, Lu Wanwan quickly asked: "With his status as an old man, does he still need to take the initiative to greet others?"

After Wen Zhong said "uh", he said in a discussing tone: "Young Mistress is very smart, so don't make things difficult for me as a housekeeper?"

After Lu Wanwan took the toolbox, she said to Tang Qiong, "It seems that Mr. Li can't trust me."

Tang Qiong's expression suddenly changed!

Wen Zhonghan came down: "No, no, the master is afraid that the eldest and young mistress will work too hard, and besides, he caused this disaster, so he has to think of a way to make up for it?"

At this moment, Li Jingchen's voice sounded from behind them: "What happened?"

Lu Wanwan turned around and explained to him the reason why the vegetable sink was blocked.

After hearing this, Li Jingchen took the toolbox from Wen Zhong without saying a word, and said, "I'll do it."