Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1423 Do whatever you are asked to do

Since his father was imprisoned, grandma has hardly mentioned Li Huaguang, as if she didn't have her son.

But now, grandma mentioned him so naturally.

Could it be that she remembered Li Huaguang before he was imprisoned?Just like remembering his high school photos, they are all very long and beautiful things.

Thinking of this, Li Jingchen's mood sank, but on his face, he said with restraint: "No, you can say whatever you want, I'll listen."

Tang Qiong fell into memories: "I remember... when your dad was born, he was bigger than ordinary babies and had a lot of milk. Once he bit me, he wouldn't let go.

Your grandpa liked to spank his little butt back then. When I saw it, I scolded your grandpa. As a result, your grandpa secretly bought a baby bottle. While I was away, he added milk powder and boiled water to it to feed your dad.

The boiled water was cold, your dad was vomiting and diarrhea after drinking it, and kept crying, your grandpa had to send him to the hospital, but when the doctor picked up your dad, your grandpa's clothes were stained with feces, you said , Did your grandpa do it to himself? "

Li Jingchen couldn't laugh, and he had no feelings for Li Huaguang.

Li Yuanzhong couldn't bear to listen to it, and stepped forward, persuading: "Okay, Qiong'er, let's not talk about the past, okay?"

Tang Qiong said depressedly: "But these things have been popping into my mind recently. I always feel that they are reminding me of something... I am afraid that if I don't say it, I will forget it one day."

When Lu Wanwan heard the meaning of these words, she always felt a bit like a "revolving lantern".

Just like before the dean's mother died, she often recalled things from a long time ago and shared them with her with relish.

Lu Wanwan thought for a while and said, "Old lady, don't worry, if you forget, Jing Chen will remind you."

Tang Qiong said dejectedly: "But Jing Chen doesn't come here often."

"He will come often in the future."

As Lu Wanwan said, she looked at Li Jingchen: "Oh?"

Li Jingchen said "um".

Lu Wanwan said again: "I will urge him."

Tang Qiong is no longer confused now: "It would be better if you and An Anneng are together."

Lu Wanwan didn't expect that her own words would trap her too.

"If I'm not busy with work, I'll come and see you."

Let go at night!

She finally let go!

Tang Qiong's expression became emotional and excited, and also full of sadness: "You don't blame me anymore?"

Lu Wanwan was surprised: "What do I blame you for?"

Tang Qiong looked at her with self-reproach: "Blame me...for Bai Qing's miscarriage, because of the New Year's Eve, driving you away from City A?"

Li Xiuqi, who was standing behind Wen Zhong, narrowed his eyes after hearing this.

His mother really did too many crimes!Not even he could refute it.

After Lu Wanwan was slightly startled, she exchanged glances with Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen's eyes were full of helplessness.

Lu Wanwan understood, and said to Tang Qiong: "You didn't drive me away, I came back to City S because I couldn't stand the grievance myself."

"If I had been more fair then, you wouldn't have been wronged."

Lu Wanwan felt that it was better to state the facts by herself than to lie to the old man.

"I was young at the time. When encountering such a thing, my first reaction was not to fight back, but to run away like throwing away my helmet and armor. It gave people the feeling that I had caused trouble and fled with a guilty conscience. Now Think about it, if I am wronged by Bai Qing, I can call the police immediately and let the police help me investigate the truth, maybe I can be innocent."

After a pause, Lu Wanwan continued: "As a member of the authorities, I can't solve Bai Qingluo's trap in the first place. How can you see the truth clearly when you are not at the scene?"

Lu Wanwan's words greatly comforted Tang Qiong.

She really didn't want to do that!

It was Bai Qingluo who sacrificed the child in her womb to deceive her!Caused her to misunderstand Wanwan!

Lu Wanwan glanced at Li Xiuqi lightly, saw that his face was full of shame, and couldn't help but change the subject: "By the way, we want to have a meal here at noon. I don't know if there is any food at home? If not, we will let someone go purchase."

Tang Qiong was taken away by her: "Yes, every time Wen Zhong goes out, he buys a lot of ingredients."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Then take me to see what dishes are available. I will cook at noon."

"Okay, grandma will take you there!" Tang Qiong didn't forget to grab Lu Wanwan's hand before getting up, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Lu Wanwan turned her head, glanced at Li Jingchen, and signaled him not to worry.

After they walked away, Li Jingchen asked, "Aren't you going to do something for grandma?"

Li Yuanzhong knew that Li Jingchen was asking him, so he said: "I asked the doctor, and he said that your grandma has broken her head and is over 80 years old. If you have another operation, it will kill her."

Li Jingchen frowned: "Then let grandma go on like this? You have been playing house games with grandma, looking for a photo that might not exist at all? Reminiscing about a scum who didn't know how to reform in prison ?”

Li Yuanzhong excitedly said: "Do you think I think so? If there is a panacea in this world, then I will find it for Qiong'er no matter what I say!"

Li Jingchen snorted coldly: "That sounds nice."

Seeing that Li Yuanzhong's expression became a little embarrassed, Wen Zhong couldn't help but said: "Young master, please allow me to be fair, the master really tried his best. Before you came, the master was busy running around in the room. His legs and feet are not good. Okay, but as long as the old lady says a word, he will put down his crutches and help her find photos."

After hearing this, Li Jingchen said with a half smile but not a smile: "Whatever grandma tells you to do, do you? And you said it's not a play?"

Wen Zhong felt that Li Jingchen was deliberately finding fault, and couldn't help but protect the Lord and said earnestly: "Master, I thought you came to add joy to this family, but I didn't expect that you came to add trouble!"

"Okay." After Li Yuanzhong stopped the old housekeeper, he said almost depressedly: "Jingchen, if I don't listen to her, then the person lying under the bed will be your grandma. How can you let me bear it?"

For this reason, Li Jingchen's tone softened a bit: "If we don't come today, will you never tell me about grandma's condition? Until after grandma dies, you will tell me in a regretful tone that grandma was killed by me dragged to death?"

"I never thought about it that way, I just don't want to be misunderstood by you again..." Li Yuanzhong said seriously.

Li Jingchen looked at Li Yuanzhong's drooping eyebrows, which made him look a few years older. Coupled with Tang Qiong's incident, Li Yuanzhong's spirit was scattered all at once.

The towering tree that he used to rely on when he was a child is now very old, which is a pity.

After regaining his senses, Li Jingchen said: "Isn't the panacea you mentioned just now available?"