Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1420 They Can Always Find It

An An didn't know how to make good tea, but Li Xiuqi didn't know how to make tea just now. He smacked his lips and asked, "Xiu Qi, when did you learn how to make tea?"

Li Xiuqi replied: "Grandpa Wen taught me by hand. He said that the tea ceremony has a long history, and the spirit in it is worth studying and learning."

Suddenly, Li Jingchen asked: "Do you know the profound meaning of the spirit of the tea ceremony?"

Li Xiuqi quickly looked at him: "Back to Uncle, I know that the spirit of the tea ceremony contains the profound meaning of Xiu, Qi, Zhi, and Ping."

An An showed a surprised expression: "Xiu, Qi? Isn't it your name together?"

"Yeah." Li Xiuqi nodded with a smile.

Li Jingchen played with the teacup, and said lightly: "Then do you know that the focus of tea ceremony practice is not the skill, but the heart?"

Li Xiuqi subconsciously felt that his uncle was laughing at him at such a young age for wanting to practice the spirit of the tea ceremony so beyond his control.

But looking at the expression of the uncle, it doesn't look like it.

So Li Xiuqi replied: "Grandpa Wen told me the same thing, but Grandpa Wen also said that to practice tea heart, you must start with tea skills. The two are inseparable!"

Li Jingchen frowned.

Li Xiuqi became a little nervous, afraid that he might say something wrong.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that Li Jingchen would scare Li Xiuqi to death, but finally couldn't bear it, and said, "Okay, don't scare him, isn't he saying it well?"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen looked at Lu Wanwan helplessly. If he didn't pretend to be fierce, how could he test whether Li Xiuqi had made progress recently?

After hearing Lu Wanwan's words, Li Xiuqi finally became less nervous.

An An said at this time: "Xiu Qi, get up."

Li Xiuqi doesn't mind being "dwarf-headed" at this moment: "I'm short, and sitting cross-legged to make tea is indecent. It's more elegant and convenient to sit on my knees."

Lu Wanwan asked: "Is this also what Wen Guanjia taught you?"

Li Xiuqi looked at her, and slowly replied: "Well, Grandpa Wen taught me a lot, and I am very grateful to him."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Are you still used to being here?"

Li Xiuqi nodded and said, "Well, I'm used to it, thank you auntie for your concern."

Lu Wanwan blinked and suddenly asked, "What did you call me?"

"Aunt..." Li Xiuqi replied cautiously: "Is there something wrong? I saw that you and Uncle are wearing the same wedding ring."

"That's not a wedding ring!" An An said suddenly.

Li Xiuqi was stunned: "Ah? That's..."

An An pouted, explaining that there is no silver 300 taels here: "It's just an ordinary gift!"

"..." But how can anyone give a gift, is it a diamond ring?

Isn't that what a marriage proposal means?

Only Huai'an lied to himself...

After shaking his head, Li Xiuqi said, "But I don't know what to call your mommy other than my eldest aunt."

"Call me auntie!" An An glanced at Lu Wanwan's young and beautiful face, and then changed her words: "You can also call me sister."

"Then wouldn't our seniority be messed up?" Li Xiuqi said, straightened up and said, "I'd better go and see if great-grandmother found something."

In fact, Li Xiuqi just wanted to find an excuse to get away, because he could clearly feel that when he called Lu Wanwan "big aunt", his big uncle was in a default state.

And once he changed his name to Lu Wanwan "Auntie", the uncle would probably throw a death ray at him.

So, let's go.

"Me too..." An An originally wanted to go with him, but after thinking about it, she didn't know Tang Qiong that well, so she sat back and said, "Then go quickly, I'll wait for you here."

"En." Li Xiuqi nodded and went upstairs.

An An thoughtfully said, "Mum, Xiu Qi has learned a lot here."

"Yes." Lu Wanwan touched An An's head and said, "Because Li Xiuqi is surrounded by great elders. It's a strange thing that he didn't learn new knowledge, right?"

Li Yuanzhong is the patriarch who taught Li Jingchen. Under his strict teaching, he would either die or be reborn. There is no third possibility.

"Well, Mommy is right." An An suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Before, I was worried that Xiu Qi was timid. Today, it seems that I am the timid person."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Why?"

An Anning said divinely: "When Will pounced on me just now, I backed up. In fact, as long as you observe, you will find that it is on a dog leash. No matter what, it will not be able to pounce on me."

"When in danger, it is instinct to back off."

"But Mommy stepped forward to protect me. This is also instinct, right?"

Lu Wanwan thought dumbly, this child really has the spirit to break through the casserole and ask the truth: "It is indeed instinct, and a mother is strong."

Therefore, he must learn to be strong and brave, and not let Mommy stand in front of him!

An An thought silently.

Just then, the second floor.

Li Yuanzhong straightened up from under the bed with great effort, and asked the old butler who was digging the carpet behind him: "Wen Zhong, haven't you found it yet?"

Wen Zhong put down the rug, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Master, I have searched all over, but there is nothing Madam is looking for! Could it be...she misremembered again?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanzhong supported the edge of the bed, stood up with some difficulty, took the faucet crutch handed over by Wen Zhong, followed the sound and walked towards the bathroom, and said to Tang Qiong who was rummaging through the boxes inside, "Honey, let's stop looking for it." Is it okay? It’s just a photo, we can take it another day?”

Pushing away the things in the cabinet, Tang Qiong said, "No way, that's a photo of Jing Chen and us when he was in high school. I remember I put... where did I put it? You and Wen Zhongkuai helped I am searching!"

After one second, two seconds, and three seconds passed, seeing Li Yuanzhong still staring at her, Tang Qiong couldn't help asking, "Did you find the photo?"

Li Yuanzhong said politely: "Honey, I was wondering... Will we leave this photo in City A?"

Tang Qiong's eyes were in a daze: "City A?"

Li Yuanzhong nodded: "Yes, this is City S. We bought a house temporarily. The photo you are looking for is in the old house in City A. Keep it safe."

"Really?" Tang Qiong thought desperately.

Li Yuanzhong walked over to hold her hand with his cane: "We are all tired after searching for so long, let's go to have a rest, think about it slowly."

Tang Qiong suddenly withdrew her hand, covered her pocket and said, "No, I have always carried this photo with me."

"That was..." before!

Before Li Yuanzhong finished speaking, Tang Qiong went on to say: "I know! I must have forgotten to take out Jing Chen's photo in my clothes. I will look in the closet, and you can look in the washing machine. can always be found..."