Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1421 Leaving Here Alone and Lonely

Li Yuanzhong wanted to say to his wife, "You have misremembered", but the words came to his lips, and he swallowed them back: "Okay, if you want to look for it, I will look for it with you."

"Well, then you go quickly." Tang Qiong hurriedly bypassed him and walked towards the wardrobe.

Li Yuanzhong's face was dark, but he didn't get impatient or say anything to hurt his wife. Instead, he turned around and opened the door. Just as he was about to go to the balcony to check the washing machine, he saw Li Xiuqi coming to the door and shouting eagerly. Voice: "Great-grandfather!"

"Come back to me later." Li Yuanzhong said.

Li Xiuqi hurriedly said: "I can't wait, great-grandfather, uncle, aunt and Huai'an are here!"

Li Yuanzhong stared blankly: "You said... who is here?"

"Uncle! Aunt! And Huai'an!" Li Xiuqi could only repeat.

Li Yuanzhong's first reaction after hearing this was not happiness, but suspicion: "You didn't lie to me?"

Li Xiuqi was so self-doubting because of his gaze: "I didn't lie to you, Uncle and the others are sitting in the living room downstairs, and I, I just made tea for them."

Li Yuanzhong knew that Li Xiuqi didn't dare to tease himself, but he was still surprised: "But why did they come?"

Li Xiuqi didn't dare to say that he secretly sent a text message to An An, telling him about Tang Qiong's recent situation.

Great-grandfather had a strong personality, and even when he was old, he didn't want the younger generation to work for him, so even though his great-grandmother's memory had been messed up recently, Li Yuanzhong didn't reveal a word to others.

"Great-grandfather, today is New Year's Eve, and tomorrow is Chinese New Year." Li Xiuqi reminded softly.

"Yes, Jingchen and the others are here to visit us for New Year's greetings." Li Yuanzhong, who had figured out the "reason", finally showed a smile.

At the same time, Tang Qiong's sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets came from behind——

"Where are the photos...Where are the photos of my family Jingchen? Why can't I find them?"

Li Yuanzhong hurried to her side and said, "Honey, don't look for it! Jingchen, Wanwan and An'an are here! If you want a photo, I'll take you to them to take a ready-made one."

After Tang Qiong was stunned for a moment, she subconsciously said, "Don't lie to me, why did Jing Chen and the others come?"

Seeing his wife finished speaking and going to look through the closet again, Li Yuanzhong could only hold her hand and said, "Why don't they come?"

Tang Qiong seemed to be a little more sober: "It's been many years, and they haven't come to pay us New Year's greetings. You know the reason!"

Tang Qiong's tone of "it's all your fault" made Li Yuanzhong feel a pain in his heart.

If retribution really existed in this world, he hoped that he would be punished, not his wife.

At this time, Li Xiuqi who was standing outside the door suddenly said: "Great-grandmother, what great-grandfather said is true. Uncle and the others are really here. Don't believe me, come down with us to have a look?"

Tang Qiong turned her body and looked at him: "Really?"

Li Xiuqi nodded: "It's absolutely true!"

Wen Zhong said in time: "Madam, Master Xiu Qi will not lie to you."

Only then did Tang Qiong give up the original plan and said, "Go, go and have a look, go and have a look!"

The speed of speech is faster and faster, and the tone is also more urgent.

Li Yuanzhong was afraid that she would go too hastily, so he hurriedly said: "I'll lead you, let's slow down."

In the end, Tang Qiong smiled and said: "I should be holding you, and you are still on crutches."

"So you still know." Li Yuanzhong smiled wryly.

His legs and feet are inconvenient, but his wife didn't care when looking for things. If Li Xiuqi hadn't appeared just now, he would have to go to the balcony to look through the washing machine again.

In short, it's good for Qiong'er to wake up, lest Jing Chen's hatred for him will deepen after he finds out later.

Downstairs living room.

An An was chatting with Lu Wanwan, while Li Jingchen was listening, he looked up the stairs from time to time.

I saw Li Yuanzhong holding Tang Qiong's hand and slowly walking out of the room.

Li Jingchen's eyes froze.

For a moment, he impulsively wanted to stand up and support the two trembling old men, but thinking of the decision Li Yuanzhong forced him to make back then, Li Jingchen's mind faded again.

Seeing the veins on the back of his hand, Lu Wanwan suddenly said, "Go if you want."

Li Jingchen looked at her instantly: "Wan Wan..."

Lu Wanwan said: "Your grandma's condition is not very good, isn't she?"

With her support, Li Jingchen would no longer be a man if he hesitated any longer. He suddenly got up and walked towards the stairs.

"Mummy..." An An hesitated to speak, he was afraid that Mummy would feel wronged.

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "It's already here, so we can't just leave without doing anything, right? In this case, we might as well not come."

An An nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, Tang Qiong let go of Li Yuanzhong in surprise, and walked downstairs quickly, holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

"Grandma." Seeing this, Li Jingchen, who was at the bottom of the stairs, took a few big steps to the middle of the stairs, and reached out to catch Tang Qiong.

"Jingchen!" Tang Qiong held his hand firmly, and asked in surprise, "You're here! Are you all here?"

Li Jingchen looked at her old and kind face, and his voice slowed down: "Well, we are all here."

Tang Qiong "made an inch" and asked, "Aren't you leaving today?"

Li Jingchen didn't agree right away: "I have to discuss this with Wan Wan before making a decision."

"Okay, okay..." Tang Qiong responded, touched her pocket again, and muttered to herself: "Have you been waiting for a long time? Grandma has been looking for something just now."

Li Jingchen had been hearing her say this all the time, and finally couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

Tang Qiong hurriedly said: "It's the photo you took with us in high school! I remember I always carry it with me..."

Photos from his high school?

so long ago...

After Li Jingchen's eyes fluctuated for a moment, he said, "Grandma, let's stop thinking about photos. The stairs are dangerous. I'll help you down."

"Hey." Tang Qiong happily agreed.

When she walked downstairs and saw Lu Wanwan and An An on the sofa, she immediately pulled Li Jingchen's hand, and asked softly in his ear: "Jingchen, how did you convince Wanwan to come and give us New Year's greetings?" ?”

Li Jingchen said truthfully: "Wan Wan offered to come and see you."

Tang Qiong was stunned and asked, "Really? She doesn't blame me for driving her away for Bai Qingluo?"

Li Jingchen was in a daze. What grandma was referring to was the year when he and Wanwan were newly married. He took Wanwan to visit them in City A. At that time, Li Xiangchen also brought Bai Qingluo there.

As a result, when Li Yuanzhong took Wanwan and Bai Qingluo to climb the mountain, Bai Qingluo deliberately fell off the cliff and accidentally miscarried, and turned around and blamed Wanwan for not holding her.

At that time, Tang Qiong blamed Wan Wan for losing her great-grandson, and Wan Wan could only leave City A alone and lonely.

I still remember that was also Chinese New Year.

Just like today.