Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1419 Didn't scare you?

Although Li Jingchen drove the car himself, the mercenaries who protected him were indispensable along the way. They had to ensure the safety of the employer's family at all times.

After nearly an hour's drive—

Li Jingchen parked the car at Li Yuanzhong's mansion, and said to Lu Wanwan, "Wanwan, we're here."

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she unbuckled her seat belt, turned her head and said to An An, "An An, are you ready?"

"Get ready." An'an has already finished the psychological construction for herself: "I'm just here to see my good friend, and come to visit his elders by the way."

"..." Lu Wanwan found out that both Li Jingchen and An An were both blunt and disgusted, but they didn't move at all.

"Let's get out of the car." Li Jingchen said.

After the two and one got out of the car, Li Jingchen rang the doorbell outside the courtyard.

At some point in the yard, a Rottweiler was raised. Its big head was resting on its two thick forelimbs. Half of its body was crawling in the kennel, and the other half was lying on the snowdrift. With thick black fur and muscles all over his body, even in the twelfth lunar month, this Rottweiler can still sleep peacefully.

After the doorbell rang, the Rottweiler's ears suddenly stood up, and after the eyebrows of two small white spots moved, it slowly opened its dark brown eyes...

After seeing the three "strangers" outside the yard, the Rottweiler immediately raised its head and looked at them vigilantly.

"Since when have dogs been raised here?" An An murmured, wondering if Li Xiuqi's timid character, would such a big dog frighten him?

Li Jingchen shook his head, saying that he didn't know either.

He remembered that the last time he came, he still came to warn Li Yuanzhong, take care of Li Xiuqi, and don't let him do anything that is not good for An An.

While the father and son were thinking, the main door facing the courtyard was opened, and a little man's head poked out from inside.

"Xiu Qi is out!" An An immediately called out.

As a result, the sound irritated the Rottweiler, and it rushed over and barked at An'an through the courtyard gate!

The child's height and sharp fangs made An'an subconsciously take a step back.

Lu Wanwan immediately reached out to protect An An.

Li Jingchen's eyes turned cold, and when he was about to ask the mercenaries to deal with this vicious dog, a small hand suddenly grabbed the dog's chain and said, "Will, be quiet, they are our own."

Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan and An An outside the courtyard looked around, only to see a small pale hand wrapping the dog chain around his thin wrist. The Rottweiler strangled its neck, immediately lowered its big head aggrievedly, and looked towards The little master went.

"Hey, Will." Li Xiuqi patted the big dog's head, pointed to the kennel and said, "Go in."

Following Li Xiuqi's instructions, the Rottweiler named "Will" walked towards the kennel while wagging its tail, and sat down into the snow.

Seeing that it stopped barking, Li Xiuqi finally let go of the dog leash and went to open the door for Li Jingchen and the others.

"Uncle, Aunt, An An, didn't you scare you?" Li Xiuqi asked hastily.

"No." An An looked at him and asked excitedly, "Xiu Qi, when did you get a dog?"

"What happened a few days ago, Grandpa Wen was afraid that I would be bored during the winter vacation, so he gave me a Rottweiler. It's called Will. Don't look at his fierce barking. In fact, he is only three years old, and he has no malicious intentions..." Li Xiuqi He said this because he was afraid that Li Jingchen would be unhappy and deal with Will.

An An understood: "I know that Will is so fierce to us because he is looking after the nursing home. By the way, when did you become so courageous that you dare to pull such a fierce big dog?"

Li Xiuqi's fair face flushed slightly, and he said modestly: "Fortunately, Grandpa Wen said that Will has been trained by a dog trainer, so he can understand commands. I tried it for the past two days and found that he really understands. command, feel free to pull it.”

"Oh." After An An nodded, she said, "Anyway, it was thanks to you just now."

After hearing this, Li Xiuqi looked nervously at Li Jingchen. In fact, there was another reason he didn't say, that is, when he came out just now, he found that his uncle looked at Will with extremely cold eyes. He didn't even think about it because he was afraid that Will would cause trouble. Run over and drag Will away!

After noticing Li Xiuqi's eyes, Li Jingchen asked loudly, "Why are you here to open the door? Where's Wen Zhong?"

After pursing his lips, Li Xiuqi said respectfully, "Go back to uncle, I heard that helping great-grandmother find something."

Seeing that Li Xiuqi seemed no longer as timid as before, Li Jingchen asked again: "What?"

"I don't know, uncle, please come in first." Li Xiuqi said, opened the courtyard door, and while turning sideways, silently stepped on the dog chain on the ground to limit Will's agitation.

Seeing this scene, Li Jingchen felt that Li Xiuqi was more pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, Will was very obedient and stopped barking at Li Jingchen and the other three.

Li Xiuqi was glad that he took back Will's dog's life.

After entering the room, Li Jingchen said to Li Xiuqi in a low voice, "Go and tell Li Yuanzhong that we are here."

"Okay, Uncle." Li Xiuqi said, glanced at the direction of the sofa, and said courageously: "Please sit down first, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Lu Wanwan wanted to say no, but Li Jingchen held her hand at this moment, signaling her not to speak yet.

Lu Wanwan received his gaze, and although she didn't know what he wanted to do, she still believed in his silence.

Afterwards, Li Jingchen led Lu Wanwan to sit in front of the sofa, and then said to An An, "Come and sit down."

"Oh." An An felt that something was weird, but she still sat down beside Li Jingchen.

Li Xiuqi immediately stepped forward, knelt down in front of the coffee table in front of them, lowered his head, took out a whole set of tea making tools from below, began to add water, and cook the tea...

An An finally understood where the blame was. He was sitting and enjoying Li Xiuqi's labor, especially when Li Xiuqi was still kneeling in front of them. Although it was for the convenience of making tea, An An still felt awkward.

But Li Xiuqi seemed to be used to it, his every move was skillful, and he still had a trace of calmness, as if nothing outside could affect him.

Looking at it, An An's heart suddenly calmed down. It was not until a cup of bright oolong tea was placed in front of him that An An came back to his senses.

"Uncle, Auntie, please have tea." Although Li Xiuqi was kneeling, his back was straight and he looked very energetic.

After Li Jingchen glanced at him, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.

Just one sip made Li Xiuqi's eyes brighten and his heart excited.

"Thank you." Lu Wanwan said to him, picked up the teacup, tasted it, and said: "Good tea."