Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1418 You need comfort more than me

After Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, she asked, "Wait, An disagree, you mean Li Jingchen didn't marry me?"

An An said seriously: "Of course! Mommy is a girl. If you don't get married and give birth to a child, what is it called?"

"That's called getting on the bus first, and paying the fare later." Li Jingchen's voice sounded calmly.

An An turned her head abruptly, and asked in an awkward tone, "When did you come down?"

"Just now." Li Jingchen said lightly.

Seeing that he was going to sit next to Lu Wanwan, An An hurriedly said: "Don't overhear me talking to Mommy, sit farther away."

After Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, he said, "You have no right to decide where I sit."


An An wanted to say something, but her small body was pulled over by Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan said helplessly: "Okay, An'an, don't let him run away all the time, tell me, what do you want to do with Mommy?"

I don't know why, An An always loses her composure in front of Li Jingchen, not as calm as when facing other people.

Perhaps, this is called one thing down one thing?

Reminded by Lu Wanwan, An An took out her mobile phone, clicked on the text message Li Xiuqi sent him, and said, "Mommy, look at this!"

"Let me take a look." Lu Wanwan looked over her head, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Li Xiuqi's text message said that Tang Qiong's memory is declining, and recently there has been memory confusion.

Most of these symptoms occur in the elderly, and if they are not done well, they will become Alzheimer's in the future.

Lu Wanwan's heart became heavy.

After all, Tang Qiong and Li Yuanzhong are different.

Thinking of Tang Qiong's love for her in the past, Lu Wanwan's eyes slightly warmed up.

"Mommy, are you crying?"


Lu Wanwan wanted to turn her eyes away, but it was too late.

"Mummy, don't lie to me, the corners of your eyes are red."

An An stretched out her fingers, and carefully touched the corners of Lu Wanwan's eyes. When she found that it was wet, she couldn't help but blame herself: "If I knew Mommy was so uncomfortable, I wouldn't have shown you the text message."

Lu Wanwan squeezed out a smile: "Mummy just remembered the past, that's why it happened."

An An couldn't help asking: "Mum, do you still have feelings for them?"

More than just feelings?

Li Yuanzhong tried his best to match her marriage with Li Jingchen.

In the end, this benefactor who changed her destiny also became an enemy who abandoned her.

Whenever she thinks of Li Yuanzhong, Lu Wanwan doesn't know what mood and attitude to face him with.

But now...

Li Xiuqi's text message is reminding her that Li Yuanzhong is getting old, and Tang Qiong's memory is getting worse...

Maybe in a while, Tang Qionghui won't even remember her.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan took the initiative to ask: "An'an, Mommy wants to visit Mrs. Tang, would you like to go with me?"

In this way, the problems that bothered An An were solved, and he didn't have to worry about it anymore, because Mommy had already made the decision for him.

"I am willing!"

Lu Wanwan smiled softly: "Thank you, baby."

An An looked at her distressedly: "As long as Mommy doesn't cry, I can do whatever you want!"

Lu Wanwan kissed his little cheek, and said: "Okay, Mommy won't cry anymore, baby, don't worry!"

"Hmm!" An An just laughed.

Seeing this, Li Jingchen on the side silently crumpled up the tissue and threw it into the trash can on the side.


After breakfast, Lu Wanwan took An'an to the room to get dressed, and went back to the room to change into a skirt and a loose coat.

In a blink of an eye, Li Jingchen picked up the car keys on the desk and asked, "Send you a ride?"

Lu Wanwan asked curiously, "You want to visit them too?"

Li Jingchen's eyes flashed: "No, I just worry about you and my son."

"Liar." Lu Wanwan stepped forward and raised her hand to caress Li Jingchen's cheek: "Just now when An'an was in the living room and showed me the text message Li Xiuqi sent to him, I didn't forget to observe your expression and found that you were Trance."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Is there?"

Lu Wanwan's red lips parted lightly: "Yes."

Li Jingchen asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Lu Wanwan smiled: "Because, if you are not in a daze, you will definitely rush to comfort me with An'an, unless..."

Li Jingchen then asked, "Unless what?"

Lu Wanwan said sharply: "You need to be comforted more than I do."

Anyway, both Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong are relatives of Li Jingchen, and they are also one of the few people who treat him well.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Jingchen put his hand on the back of Lu Wanwan's hand, and said with a smile, "You still understand me."

"I know you as well as you know me." Lu Wanwan said.

After Li Jingchen grabbed her little hand, he turned his head and kissed her palm, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect grandma's memory to fade so quickly. Over the years, I have been deliberately ignoring Li Yuanzhong, and in the end I also ignored grandma. gone."

Lu Wanwan heard his remorse, and couldn't help comforting her: "Actually, it's not too fast. It's been seven years since your grandma was forced to fall down the hospital stairs by Li Xiangchen and Bai Qingluo. What did the doctor say?"

Li Jingchen recalled in a deep voice: "The doctor said that grandma might be unconscious and become a vegetable."

Lu Wanwan said: "That's right, but grandma still woke up. It wasn't until this year that her old man's memory began to appear confused. This is already a blessing in misfortune, isn't it?"

Li Jingchen stared at her with deep eyes: "Well, at least...she is waiting for you and An An."

Lu Wanwan stood on tiptoe, grabbed his shoulder, patted him and said, "It's been seven years, and it's time for you to let go of your hatred for your grandfather."

Li Jingchen froze, and asked eagerly, "What about you?"

Lu Wanwan whispered in his ear, "I will try to let go, just like I did to you."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen couldn't help but hugged Lu Wanwan tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into the bone marrow and become a part of his body!

"Don't push so hard... you're squeezing the baby!" Lu Wanwan hurriedly reminded him, fearing that he would be too excited and hurt the fetus.

"En!" Li Jingchen responded, and relaxed a little.

After Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she said, "Didn't you say you wanted to send me and An'an off? Hurry up and change your clothes."

"En!" Li Jingchen still responded.

When people's emotions fluctuate violently, they either talk more or talk less.

Obviously, Li Jingchen at this time prefers the latter.

Lu Wanwan laughed and said, "Are you dumb? You only come and go."

Li Jingchen didn't say no this time, but lifted Lu Wanwan's chin instead, and kissed her affectionately on her lips.

After a long time, a kiss is over.

Li Jingchen put on the coat again for Lu Wanwan, and buttoned the chest button. During the process, his fingers trembled slightly, and he said with deep eyes: "It's getting late, let's go."