Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1417 Anyway, He Firmly Disagree

After Li Jingchen snickered, he scratched the tip of Lu Wanwan's nose, and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I saw you sleeping soundly, and couldn't bear to wake you up, that's why I procrastinated until now."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan felt less guilty in her heart, but said quickly, "Then let's get up quickly and go find An An!"

Li Jingchen guessed: "That kid should not be so stupid, he has been waiting for me on the top floor."

"That's not necessarily true." Lu Wanwan knew his son better than him.

After the two got up and washed up, one walked downstairs to the living room, and the other took the elevator to the top floor.

The person walking downstairs is Lu Wanwan.

It was Li Jingchen who went to the top floor.

They decide to split up and see who can guess right.


top floor.

Seeing that An An is really here, a trace of surprise flashed across Li Jingchen's eyes, then he raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Do you know what time it is?"

An An raised her head when she heard the words, and the depression flashed across her face: "I should ask you this question, right?"

"It's 9:20 now." Li Jingchen glanced at his watch and asked, "If I don't show up, do you want to wait forever?"

An An held her chin with one hand, and said distressedly: "No, I just happened to be thinking about something, and I wasn't waiting for you on purpose."

Seeing that An An's expression didn't look like being brave, Li Jingchen asked, "What's the matter?"

After An An pursed her lips, she said, "Li Xiuqi sent me a text message."

Li Jingchen's expression was slightly condensed.

An An was afraid that he would misunderstand that Li Xiuqi had other plans, so he said, "He wants me to visit his great-grandfather and great-grandmother."

Li Jingchen asked, "That's all?"

An An nodded: "Well, nothing else."

Li Jingchen's expression eased, and he said: "If you want to go, I can take you there. If you don't want to go, I won't force you."

An An hesitated: "I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't know whether I should go."

Li Jingchen said: "in principle, you shouldn't go, but in terms of family affection, you should go."

An An asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Jingchen analyzed: "According to reason, Li Yuanzhong and I are inseparable from the reason why your mommy fell into the sea back then. It's normal that you don't like him, but in terms of family affection, he is your name. Great-grandfather, you should go and meet him."

"Well." An An frowned lightly, becoming more and more distressed: "I'm even more confused after you say that."

Li Jingchen said simply: "If you are in trouble, ask your mommy if she has any good suggestions."

Even though Li Jingchen has great powers, his understanding of the word "family affection" has always been weak, and he really can't help An An.

"Okay then." After An An got up, she saw the tennis racket beside her, and asked belatedly, "By the way, why did you release my pigeons this morning?"

"Why do you say?" Li Jingchen smiled meaningfully, like a fox that has stolen the meat.

An An was laughed so hard by him, but he quickly remembered the scene of Li Jingchen pressing his mother on the sofa in the living room to kiss, and he blushed when he realized it.

It turned out that this was the reason why Li Jingchen released his pigeons!

Thinking of Li Jingchen's inexhaustible energy, An An suddenly sympathized with Lu Wanwan, and couldn't help saying, "Don't bully my mommy."

"I don't bully her, so how can you have a younger brother or younger sister?" Li Jingchen's words were purely to test An An's next reaction.

"" An'an's eyes widened suddenly, her breathing became rapid, and Fei Ye said, "No way!"

An An's reaction was within Li Jingchen's expectation, but he still wanted to ask, "Why not? Are you afraid of falling out of favor?"

"That's not true! You haven't married my mommy yet, so you're not allowed to put a child in her belly! bad for her reputation!" An An was so anxious that she couldn't speak smoothly.

Li Jingchen waited for him to continue.

I didn't expect that An'an's talking and talking were all related to Lu Wanwan.

"What about you?" Li Jingchen asked abruptly.

"What?" An An was taken aback.

Li Jingchen discussed with him seriously: "Let me ask you, do you want a brother or sister?"

"Of course I want it!" An An said without thinking.

As soon as Li Jingchen felt joy in his heart, he heard An An go on to say: "I have been asking my daddy and mommy to give birth to younger brothers and sisters for me since a long time ago, and it turned out..."

Li Jingchen's handsome face darkened, and he interrupted unbearably: "Okay, you don't need to say any more."

An An jumped anxiously: "Hey! Why are you like this? You wanted to ask me. I'll tell you the truth, you're not happy again."

Li Jingchen patted his little face with the back of his hand, and said with a smirk: "You said that I was unhappy when you cuckolded me, so instead of making me unhappy, it is better to make you unhappy."

An An was discouraged: "Isn't there nothing?"

Li Jingchen paused, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes, because Fu Shuo's charm is not enough."

"That's not it!" An An retorted subconsciously, but she didn't contradict Li Jingchen again.

Li Jingchen then put his arms around his chest and said in a confident tone: "Okay, since you want a younger brother and sister so much, then your mommy and I will work hard."

An An stared at him for a long time, then suddenly sighed weakly: "You are really annoying, do you know that?"

"I know." Li Jingchen looked at him from top to bottom, and said with contempt: "But you can't do anything to me."

"..." When he said that, he became even more disgusted!

But the strange thing is that An An doesn't dislike having a younger brother or sister in the future, probably because it's Lu Wanwan's blood, or maybe he approves of Li Jingchen from the bottom of his heart.

But on the surface, An An said very arrogantly: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going downstairs!"

But when An An turned to leave, Li Jingchen breathed a sigh of relief behind him.

He thought that An'an would react violently because of his words, and even go to Wanwan to make a big fuss.

but no.

He actually only cared about Wanwan's happiness, fearing that Wanwan would lose her reputation.

It seems that what Wan Wan said is right, the son trusts him more and more and forgives him.


Downstairs living room.

Lu Wanwan was drinking morning tea when she suddenly saw An An rushing out of the elevator and heading towards her.

Lu Wanwan felt guilty for a while, and then greeted as usual: "Good morning, baby, have you been waiting for a long time today?"

An An blurted out: "Well, he said, he was busy having younger brothers and sisters with you, that's why he let me go!"

Lu Wanwan took a sip of tea and almost didn't spit it out!

She carefully looked at An An's face, and seeing that he didn't look angry, she asked, "Then... what do you say?"

"Of course I firmly disagree!" An An clenched her fists and said viciously.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan felt even more guilty.

After An An paused, she continued, "How could he ask you to have a baby for him without marrying you? Anyway, I firmly disagree!"