Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1416 It's Not Your Fault

Lu Wanwan looked down, and found that she looked like a hen whose eggs had been stolen.

"Li Jingchen, do you lack virtue?"

"Haha!" Li Jingchen's laughter suddenly became louder.

Lu Wanwan saw that his Adam's apple was trembling, and suddenly her mind became hot. She grabbed the back of his neck with her hands, leaned over, bit his Adam's apple, and sharpened her teeth in retaliation: "I let you laugh!"

After Li Jingchen said "Well", a half-painful and half-happy expression appeared on his face.

"Wan Wan..." He clenched his hand and then loosened it, loosened it and clenched it again, and after a while, he patted her head lovingly and restrained, coaxing: "Don't make trouble."

Hearing his voice, Lu Wanwan was even hoarse than before drinking rock sugar stewed pears, she couldn't help but let go of her white teeth, and looked at him dumbly: "I'm sorry... I played too much, I forgot that your throat is uncomfortable ..."

Li Jingchen gave a wry smile. What he feels uncomfortable now is not his throat...

Seeing Li Jingchen looking at her resentfully and not speaking, Lu Wanwan felt even more guilty: "Well, how about I rub it for you?"

Li Jingchen avoided her little hand, and said with restraint: "No need."

Lu Wanwan looked at his red and sexy Adam's apple from being bitten, and said, "Don't be angry, I promise it will be very light this time."

"No, no." Li Jingchen grabbed her hand that was about to mess around, afraid that she would think too much, and gave a reason in time: "Adam's apple is my sensitive point, if I keep pushing it, something will happen, huh?"

Lu Wanwan retracted her hand resentfully, and asked, "Why do you have so many sensitive spots?"

You can't touch your waist, you can't touch your lips, that's fine, now you can't even touch your Adam's apple?

Li Jingchen looked at her with deep eyes, and said: "My sensitive point is not on me, but on you, as long as you fan the flames, it will start a prairie fire everywhere, understand?"

After Lu Wanwan was stunned, she blushed and said "oh".

Li Jingchen said strangely: "I was the one who was teased, why are you blushing?"

As he bent down to examine her movements, under the neckline of his gray bathrobe, a little of his lean chest was revealed, with a sultry aura.

"It's nothing." Lu Wanwan turned her face away, picked up the empty bowl that Li Jingchen had placed next to her, and said, "Put me down quickly, I still have to wash the dishes."

"I'll just go and wash it. Dry your hair obediently. Don't catch a cold."

After Li Jingchen pinched her long, half-wet hair, she went out with an empty bowl.

Once his breath disappeared, the temperature on Lu Wanwan's face gradually dissipated.

In fact, why didn't Li Jingchen grow up on her sensitive points?

As long as he said a few more words just now, it is estimated that her body will be weak.


The next day.

The morning halo, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, scattered on the men and women whose limbs were intertwined on the bed.

I saw Li Jingchen embracing Lu Wanwan sideways, his big honey-colored hands intertwined with her beautiful fair hands.

He clearly woke up, but when he looked up and saw that Lu Wanwan was still sleeping soundly, he lay back down again, enjoying the wonderful time of intimacy with her.

As for An An, it was even worse at this time.

He is still waiting on the top floor for Li Jingchen to play tennis with him.

As a result, I waited left and right, but I couldn't wait for anyone, so I could only wave the empty racket boringly.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

An An took it out and saw that it was a text message from Li Xiuqi, which said——

[Huian, great-grandfather and great-grandmother missed you again last night, do you want to visit them? ]

An An must have acted as if he hadn't seen it before changing it.

But after so much, he hesitated.

He recalled the scene where Li Jingchen agreed to fly to City Y alone to accompany his father for a week, and wondered if he shouldn't be so "stingy" and exclude Li Yuanzhong from his life?

What's more, Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong are still so old.

Moreover, the future will only get older and older, until the old teeth fall out, unable to walk, and even unable to express themselves.

While thinking about it, a text message jumped into his eyes again——

[Although my great-grandfather told me not to force you, I have thought about it for a long time, and I still want to tell you that six years ago, my great-grandmother was caused by...someone to fall down the stairs of the hospital. After that time, her body deteriorated It's not as good as before, and her memory has become even more chaotic recently. While she still remembers you, why don't you take some time to come and see her? ]

It was still from Li Xiuqi.

He is now living in the home of Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong, and he knows everything about them.

An An pinched the phone. To be honest, he didn't have deep feelings for Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong, let alone accepting them as his great-grandfather and great-grandmother. When they meet for the first time, they will hug each other and cry, instead of looking at each other disliked.

However, he now regards Li Xiuqi as his friend.

It makes sense to visit the elders of one's friends, right?

An An didn't know if he was doing psychological construction for himself, or if he really thought so, but he lowered his head and replied——

[Xiu Qi, I will make time to go there. ]

After thinking about it, I would like to add one more sentence——

[I try my best. ]

After a while, Li Xiuqi replied to An An with a surprise [OK! ! ! ]Character.


at the same time.

Feeling the little girl in his arms move, Li Jingchen propped up his upper body, looked at her tenderly and said, "Are you awake?"

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she opened her eyelids, but was caught by the light from the window, and quickly closed them again, turned around and buried her small face in the man's chest.

Li Jingchen's heart softened, and he stretched out his hand to twist a strand of her long hair that was spread on the pillow, and while brushing her cheek back and forth, he said dotingly: "It's 9 o'clock, it's time to get up, little lazy pig."

After Lu Wanwan frowned, she muttered, "No, it's hard to rest today..."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Don't care about your son?"

"What son?" After Lu Wanwan said something, she suddenly opened her eyes: "What time is it?"

Li Jingchen said firmly, "9 o'clock."

Lu Wanwan panicked slightly: "Then when you and An An exercise together..."

Li Jingchen said, "Around 7 o'clock."

Lu Wanwan quickly pushed him: "Then why don't you go quickly?"

"You've been hugging me and acting like a baby, what do you want me to do?"

Obviously Li Jingchen was obsessed with beauty and was reluctant to let go of her, but now he beat her up, blaming Lu Wanwan for acting like a spoiled child.

It was also thanks to Lu Wanwan not knowing why, otherwise she would have died of anger.

"I thought we didn't have to go to work today, so I turned off the alarm clock before going to bed last night. I didn't mean it."

"Anyway, it's too late, so I'll let An An blame me for not making the appointment." Li Jingchen pretended to be distressed, but in fact he said darkly.

When Lu Wanwan heard this, she felt even more guilty: "I'm sorry...I'll explain to An An later, it's not your fault."