Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1415 Do you want to say that he is very hard

"It's nothing..." What An An didn't say was that he just felt that Li Jingchen was so busy every day, and he could still go home on time, which moved him a little.

"En." Li Jingchen believed what he said was nothing, and closed his eyes again.

An An couldn't help but glanced at his side face again, wondering if he often catches up on sleep on the way home?In order to show a good state for Mommy and him?

This is purely An An's overthinking.

Today is the busiest day of the year for Li Jingchen. He has to meet representatives from various parties and deliver different speeches, so as to have the effect of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

Normally, he wouldn't entertain so many people in one go, so naturally, he wouldn't be as tired as today.

I don't know how much time has passed——

The driver parked the car firmly at the door of Li's house, and reminded him loudly: "Young Master, we're here."

Seeing that there was no reply from behind, the driver turned his head in confusion, and said, "Young Master..."

"Shh." An'an raised a finger, signaling the driver not to wake him up.

Li Jingchen opened his phoenix eyes almost at the same time An An spoke.

"Are you there?" He seemed to be a little unconscious, and his eyes looked a little hazy and innocent.

An An looked at him curiously, and said, "Well, here we are, can you get off?"

"Why not?" Li Jingchen looked at An'an, the mist in his eyes quickly faded, and became deep and sharp: "You think I'm asleep?"

Is not it?An An tilted her head.

"I'm just closing my eyes and resting my mind. Don't think I can't do it anymore." After speaking, Li Jingchen opened the car door and got out of the car.

An An got out of the car after him, and rarely agreed: "I know you are closing your eyes and resting your mind, but I didn't say anything."

After hearing this, Li Jingchen stopped and waited silently for An An to catch up before entering the house with him.

At this time, Lu Wanwan was already waiting for them at home.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, she showed a welcome smile and said, "You are back."

Li Jingchen nodded: "Wan Wan, I took him to the company today."

"I've heard about it." Lu Wanwan said, looking at An'an gently: "Is it interesting?"

An An replied: "It's not interesting at all."

Lu Wanwan showed a regretful expression: "That's it..."

Li Jingchen also focused slightly.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, An An explained: "Because every uncle and aunt in the company is very busy, including Uncle Zhou Yang, they don't even have time to go on errands, so it's not interesting at all."

Lu Wanwan said: "Today is the last day of the holiday, it's normal for everyone to be busy."

"Yeah." After An An came over, she whispered to Lu Wanwan, "Especially him."

"Him?" Lu Wanwan glanced at the man behind An An.

An An nodded, and said seriously: "Well, he is very busy! When I entered his office in the morning, I heard Uncle Zhou Yang report the itinerary for the whole day to him, and I felt dizzy."

After analyzing the meaning of his words, Lu Wanwan asked, "Do you want to say that he is working hard?"

An An faltered and said: "It's more difficult than I imagined... It's hard work."

Lu Wanwan found that no matter how much she said, it was not as strong as An An went to take a look in person: "Well, Mommy knows, you love him so much."

An An instantly frowned and said, "That's not it!"

How could he feel sorry for the man who snatched Mommy from his father? !

He just had a little, yes, just a little sympathy for his voice.

"What isn't it?" At this moment, the sofa that Lu Wanwan was sitting on sank, Li Jingchen sat down casually beside her, put one hand on the backrest behind Lu Wanwan, and asked possessively: " What are you whispering about?"

"Your voice..." After hearing his hoarse voice, Lu Wanwan felt distressed in her eyes. It seems that what An An said was right, and Li Jingchen is indeed very busy.

"It's okay, just take a rest tonight." Li Jingchen said indifferently.

Lu Wanwan said "um", but silently remembered this matter in her heart.



"Wanwan, you can wash..." When Li Jingchen came out of the bathroom, he found that Lu Wanwan was not in the room, so he couldn't help but pause.

He thought that Lu Wanwan was with An'an, so he didn't think much about it.

Half an hour later, the door of the room was hastily pushed open by a white hand, and a little woman walked in from the outside, holding a hot bowl, asking Li Jingchen for help: "It's so hot! Come and help me!" "

Li Jingchen took a big step, and soon came to her, and asked, "Wanwan, what is this?"

Lu Wanwan handed him the bowl while explaining: "Snow pear stewed in rock sugar, drinking it is good for your throat."

Li Jingchen paused when he took the bowl, and after a while, he asked, "You were not here just now, so you were getting this for me?"

Lu Wanwan puffed her fingers until the heat from her fingertips dissipated, then raised her head and said, "Yes, I stewed it myself, and you drank it all for me, not a drop left."

Li Jingchen took a deep look at her, and said in a low voice, "OK."

"Okay, drink it quickly, hold it all the time, isn't it too hot?" Lu Wanwan showed a puzzled expression.

Li Jingchen laughed: "It's because it's hot, so I want to let it cool for a while?"

How anxious was Wanwan to heal his throat?

"That's right, then you can deal with it yourself, I'm going to take a shower."

After Lu Wanwan gave some instructions, she was ready to take a bath.

Regarding the way of getting along like an old couple, Li Jingchen gave a satisfied "hmm".

Twenty minutes later, Lu Wanwan came out fiddled with her long hair, and the first sentence was: "Li Jingchen, have you drunk?"

"Drink it." Li Jingchen picked up the empty bowl at hand and tilted it in her direction.

Lu Wanwan asked casually, "How does it taste?"

Li Jingchen said: "It's too sweet."

Lu Wanwan wondered: "Too sweet? I only added two pieces of rock sugar."

It was the care she gave him, which was too sweet.

"Tomorrow, if your throat is still not good, I'll stew it for you again. This time, only a piece of rock sugar is enough." Lu Wanwan summed up her experience.

Seeing her serious and cute appearance, Li Jingchen couldn't help but put his arms around her waist, pulled her in front of him and said, "I'm sorry for you."

"It's nothing." Lu Wanwan said: "By the way, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, do you have any arrangements?"

"My arrangement is..." Li Jingchen suddenly hugged Lu Wanwan and sat on the desk behind him, looking at her with burning phoenix eyes: "Nesting eggs on the bed with you, how about it?"

Lu Wanwan put her hands on her hips and said, "What 'hatch eggs', I'm not a hen!"

Li Jingchen let out a muffled laugh: "You look more like you with your hips akimbo."