Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1414 Your True Character Is So Bad

"So you've been investigating me all this time."

Xinrui figured it out, no wonder Lu Wanwan has always been lukewarm towards her, it turned out that it was because she never believed her appearance!

I am still too immature, thinking that I can deceive everyone by borrowing the appearance of a child!

"Then are you still willing to take me in now?"

Lu Wanwan asked back: "Do you want to stay?"

Xinrui said: "Until there is no better place to go, I want to stay."

After a pause, Xinrui asked: "Am I being too selfish when I say this? Will you be angry or sad after hearing this? Maybe I should put it another way—"

'I hope to stay and learn more here before being adopted by kind people', doesn't that sound much more comfortable? "

Lu Wanwan said: "You are still a child, you don't need to talk to adults so obliquely, the first time you express it is very good."

Xinrui nodded: "Really? That's good, then I want to talk like this from now on, don't you mind?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I don't mind, but aren't you worried about affecting your popularity?"

Xinrui was stopped by Lu Wanwan's questioning, and she couldn't help pressing her forehead against Lu Wanwan's stomach depressedly, and said angrily: "Whatever! I don't expect those idiots to give me diamonds, banknotes, why do you want to do it for them? , Pretend to be your real self?"

"Whatever you want." Lu Wanwan gently touched the back of her head, and said, "Be gentle, I still have one in my stomach."

what? !

Shocked, Xinrui raised her small hand and touched Lu Wanwan's belly under the coat. After feeling a roundness, Xinrui screamed: "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

She thumped so much just now, and accidentally hit Lu Wanwan's stomach with her hand, why didn't she know how to push herself away!

"It's fine, it's healthy." Lu Wanwan said, "Do you want to say hello to it?"

After confirming that she didn't cause trouble, Xinrui scoffed at Lu Wanwan's proposal: "No, it doesn't know who I am now, so it's useless to beat me."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan didn't force her.

Xinrui said immediately: "Can you let me go? I don't like people hugging me!"

Lu Wanwan felt pity in her heart, it seems that Xinrui, like Yisong, doesn't like being touched by others, it's just that Xinrui pretended better.

After releasing Xinrui, Lu Wanwan looked at the scar on her face and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Xinrui rolled her eyes at her: "It doesn't hurt, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan squeezed her little mouth.

Xinrui said "Bah, Bah, Bah" several times: "Why are you pinching my mouth?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I just discovered that your real character is so bad."

Xinrui snorted twice: "Do you regret it now?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Well, I regret it."

Xinrui's eyes darkened, and she pretended not to care.

Lu Wanwan bent down, gently supported Xinrui's slightly swollen cheeks with the palm of her hand, and said, "I regret not being able to rescue you sooner."

"……"Hate!This woman is so gentle, it's really foul!


In the evening, outside the courtyard.

Lu Wanwan stayed with Xinrui for an afternoon, before leaving, she said, "I hope you will continue to be a disciplinary committee member."

Xinrui felt that Lu Wanwan valued her in her words, as if she was no one else.

Thinking of this, she reluctantly agreed, "Then if I make them cry, don't blame me."

"I don't blame you." Lu Wanwan said with clear rewards and punishments: "But you have to remember, like today's self-willed depravity, I heard it once and hit you once, remember?"

Xinrui rubbed her cheeks that had already been medicated, and muttered: "...Remember."

"Then I'll come and see you next time." Lu Wanwan said, and got into the car.

Xinrui stood where she was, watching Lu Wanwan's car leave.

After a long time, she turned around and entered the house.

Since she was a child, it was the first time someone told her to use her personality to conquer the opposite sex instead of her body.

Perhaps, she should give it a try and let them know who they really are.


At the same time, the Li Group.

In the secretary's room, after Zhou Yang took a glass of water from the water dispenser, he turned his head and handed it to An An behind him: "You must be exhausted after working as my attendant for a whole day today?"

An An was secretly beating his legs. Seeing Zhou Yang turn around, he quickly reached out to take the water glass: "I'm not tired."

"Nonsense, I'm tired."

Zhou Yang leaned against his desk, rarely showing tired eyes: "Fortunately, starting from tomorrow, we will be on vacation, and President Li will have more time to accompany you."

After An An took a sip of water, she whispered, "That's what he told me too..."

Zhou Yang noticed his slightly awkward expression, and couldn't help but said: "Actually, you may not look at the tall buildings of the Li Group, but deep down in the heart of President Li, he is a very lonely person. As his subordinate, I would like to say that if you can If so, I hope you can spend more time with him."

An An raised his eyes, and saw Zhou Yang raised the cup in his hand to him, and asked, "Is that okay?"

An An was silent for a long time, and finally clinked glasses with him: "... yes."


At some point, Li Jingchen's figure appeared outside the secretary's room, and said to the little guy sitting inside: "Huai'an, you can go."

His voice was a little hoarse, probably because of too much entertainment today.

"Cough." Zhou Yang coughed lightly, and stuffed a box of throat lozenges from under the table into An An's hand.

After An An took it subconsciously, she looked down and found that it was a box of throat lozenges.

He looked at Zhou Yang with question marks all over his head, but saw that Zhou Yang had already stepped forward and talked to Li Jingchen.

"How is he doing today?"

"Very good! An'an even learned to buy meal tickets in the staff canteen by herself and line up for meals."

After listening to Zhou Yang's words, Li Jingchen looked past the other party and landed on An An's face, and asked, "Are you still leaving?"

An An wanted to put down the lozenge, but being urged by Li Jingchen, she subconsciously brought it along.

Seeing An An holding a familiar box in his hand, Li Jingchen's voice was slightly hoarse: "The lozenges for me?"

"...Well." An An handed the box of throat lozenges to Li Jingchen for Zhou Yang's sake.

Li Jingchen took the box, poured out two pills, threw them into his mouth neatly, and said, "Let's go."

An An quickly waved to Zhou Yang: "Uncle Zhou Yang, goodbye!"

Zhou Yang smiled and said to him, "Goodbye."


On the way back, An An looked at the lights gradually coming on on both sides of the road, and at the side face of Li Jingchen with his eyes slightly closed, and suddenly felt a little moved.

At this time, the car ran over the stones and bumped a bit. Li Jingchen opened his eyes and looked at An'an for the first time, but he just caught the little guy's panicked gaze that he had no time to retract.

Because of his throat discomfort, Li Jingchen loosened his tie with one hand, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"