Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1413 What is your true face?

At the end, Xinrui blamed Lu Wanwan, "You are clearly patriarchal!"

"I, patriarchal?" It was the first time Lu Wanwan heard such an evaluation, so it was a little strange.

"That's right! Otherwise, why can Yi Song learn how he wants to shoot and fight, but I can only be a disciplinary committee member? Besides trouble, what else can this position bring me?"

Xinrui is an exquisite egoist. In order to make money, she even sold her soul to Dong Yi's orphanage. Hui would recommend himself, saying that he would join Lu Wanwan.

However, when an egoist can only make selfless contributions to others, that feeling is even more uncomfortable than killing Xinrui!

Lu Wanwan looked at her and said calmly, "You think I value Yi Song, that's why I allowed him to learn how to shoot?"

Xinrui raised her chin and asked, "Isn't it?"

Lu Wanwan walked towards her: "I asked Yi Song to learn shooting because he had a vision for the future. Remember when I brought you to the treatment center, I asked you what you want to be when you grow up?"

Xinrui was stunned for a moment, only to hear Lu Wanwan continue: "Yi Song said that he learned weapon fighting and shooting so that he could be a bodyguard when he grows up, but you said that you want to continue learning dance so that you can be my son." bride."

Lu Wanwan said, shaking her head: "You always just want to be a man's accessory, so dancing is just a tool you use to please men. It was like this before, and it will always be like this in the future."

"Is there anything wrong with pleasing men?" Xinrui said surprisingly: "Men themselves are stronger than women! What's the shame in being their appendage? You are right, I didn't learn to dance because I like dancing , but I want to use it to gain benefits from men, I..."


Before Xinrui finished speaking, she was slapped in the face by Lu Wanwan.

Xinrui's pretty face was immediately slapped crookedly, anger quickly gathered in her eyes, she turned her face and asked, "Why did you hit me?"

Lu Wanwan stared at her fixedly, her charming little face at such a young age was covered with several slap marks, which was very pitiful, but the anger in Xinrui's eyes was called Lu Wanwan's. Wan Wan turned serious and said, "If you were my daughter, it would be light for me to beat you like this!"

I don't know whether she was intimidated by Lu Wanwan's serious expression or by Lu Wanwan's words, Xinrui couldn't answer for a while.

"But I'm not...I'm not your daughter!" After a while, Xinrui said slowly: "I don't have such a good life, I can be your daughter!"

"Every time, I can only stand where I am, watching you bring your son to the treatment center for inspection, watching the teachers praise him for being smart and cute, he can win everyone's love without any effort,

Unlike me, I have to try my best to please the people around me, let them like me and look at me!Why do I like to watch those boys fight for me?Because only in this way can I feel that I am important! "

Behind Xinrui's narcissism is her inferiority complex, she almost pathologically wants to be liked by everyone, but because Yisong doesn't do that, Xinrui becomes hostile towards him.

"Do you know? All the kids here are envious of your son, but they are destined not to be him, and I am the same! But I am the only one who is not convinced, because I have the same beauty and brains as your son, but the old man God made me a toy for grown-ups! I just want to...survive better!"

Xinrui's eyes were red, I don't know if it was because of anger or grievance, but no matter what, Lu Wanwan believed that her emotions at this moment were real.

Lu Wanwan gently hugged her into his arms, stroked her soft long hair, and said, "Survival is your wish in Dong Yi Orphanage, but here, how to live is the key." The essential."

Xinrui struggled vigorously: "Are you slapping me and giving me another sweet date? I'm not those idiots here, I won't do what you do!"

However, no matter how much she struggled, Lu Wanwan always hugged her tightly: "I let you be the disciplinary committee member and let you endure the interruptions of other children. I want you to learn to integrate into the group! I want you to know , How to deal with your peers correctly!

Yes, the boys here like you, but they just want to make friends with you. They may not have any decent gifts to please you, but the way they look at you and smile at you is clean and pure Doesn't contain any lust!They are different from the guests you have encountered before! "

Xinrui paused as she struggled, and she thought of the shy appearance of those idiots who piled up delicious and interesting things in front of her in order to please her, but didn't even dare to touch her little hands.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head, looked at her and said, "Xinrui, I don't want you to be disappointed with them again and again in the process of being a man's accessory, and then disappointed with life, and become a servant who only knows about Israel." girl."

Xinrui bit her lower lip, she wanted to tell Lu Wanwan that she didn't care, as long as there was money to make!

However, she heard: "Have you ever heard the phrase 'the color fades and the love runs away'? Those who serve by beauty will change their love once they get old and fade. I hope you can be attracted by the opposite sex in the future." What I like is not your skin, but your personality, do you understand?"


Does she still have such a thing?

Xinrui suddenly felt uncomfortable, almost making her breathless.

She didn't know what was wrong with her.

Perhaps, it was like a spine that had been broken for a long time was suddenly reattached by the doctor, causing her pain and making her faintly try to stand up again.

Lu Wanwan gently lifted her chin, and found that Xinrui's tear-soaked eyeballs were black and bright, just like the black pearls that would only be revealed after washing away the sand.

"There is a saying, you are right, you are a beautiful and smart girl, no worse than my son, but we can't choose our own birth, but we can choose how to go in the future, what do you think?"

Xinrui's heart skipped a beat.

It turned out that Lu Wanwan made her a disciplinary committee member to exercise her ability and let her learn to be a normal child.

But because she had been aggrieved for too long, she showed her true form in front of Lu Wanwan, and talked back to her time and time again...

"Did you be disappointed?" Xinrui frowned suddenly, and then became expressionless again: "This is the real me."

Lu Wanwan said calmly: "To be honest, I have long wanted to see your true face and what you look like."