"Yes." An An took out the change from her pocket.

"Okay, I'll take you there." After the woman finished speaking, she led the way.

Seeing this, An An felt that even without Zhou Yang, he could do it, so she grabbed the change, followed the woman, and walked towards the window selling meal tickets.

After buying the meal ticket from the aunt at the window, a sense of satisfaction welled up in An An's heart. He couldn't help but look up, and said to the woman in front of him, "Thank you sister for teaching me."

Seeing his sweet talk, the woman took him to line up for dinner again, and said as she walked, "You're welcome, in our company, you have to learn to be self-reliant in everything, no one will feed you food, even Secretary Zhou, As soon as there is work, I have to finish it immediately, and I don't care about you at all."

An An couldn't help but ask, "Don't you feel pressured to stay in such a company?"

The woman said without thinking: "No, watching more and learning here, striving to be the best, can quickly improve my personal ability. It is no exaggeration to say that working in such a company for a year is better than my company outside. Work for three years."

After An An was silent for a while, she suddenly asked softly, "What do you think about Mr. Li, sister?"

"What do you think?" The woman showed an expression of admiration: "Li is always the god in our hearts!"

The corner of An'an's mouth twitched. Are you sure you haven't been brainwashed for this evaluation?

Seeing An An's expression, the woman couldn't help but smile slightly: "I'm joking, but Mr. Li is indeed a very courageous leader. The people below love him very much, and hope he can lead us to another peak."

"Oh..." An An nodded, it seemed that the other party really admired Li Jingchen.

"Our only pity is that Mr. Li has no children."

Hearing this, An An felt a "thump" in her heart.

Probably thinking that An An is just a child, it doesn't matter if she says something wrong, the woman said to herself, "President Li has such a good gene, it would be a pity if there is no next generation to inherit it."

An An pursed her lips, and said hypothetically, "What if his child doesn't want to inherit his company?"

The woman said without thinking: "Then it can only be said that 'it' is not worthy of being President Li's child."

An An was taken aback: "What?"

The woman lowered her head and looked at him: "In order to win the ruling power of the company, Mr. Li did not hesitate to betray his relatives.

If his child refuses to inherit the business empire he has worked so hard to succeed, it can only be said that this child is not as stupid as Mr. Li's child.

Since ancient times, the tiger father has no dogs, so I believe that Mr. Li will not give birth to such a bloodless child. "

An An subconsciously avoided the woman's sight, and after a while, she walked up unwillingly, but the woman had already turned her gaze away and concentrated on waiting for the meal.

After finishing the meal, the woman held the plate and turned to An An and said, "Okay, I'll bring it to you, and I'm leaving."

An An said "Hey": "Sister, won't you have dinner with me?"

The woman refused with a smile: "No, you are Secretary Zhou's child. If I sit with you, Secretary Zhou will see me later and think I'm trying to get close to him on purpose. This is called avoiding suspicion in the workplace, I understand. Yet?"

"Understood." An An found that people here seem to want to rely more on themselves than on relationships.

The next second, the window rang out from the window asking the auntie Dafan: "Little friend, what do you want to eat?"

After looking away, An An stretched her arms and handed over the meal ticket: "Auntie, I want to eat this, this, and that."


Two 10 minutes later—

A figure hurriedly appeared in the staff canteen.

An An kept looking at the entrance and exit. When he saw someone coming, he immediately raised his hand and shouted, "Uncle Zhou Yang, you are back!"

Zhou Yang walked over quickly and said, "I'm sorry, An'an, for keeping you waiting."

An An thoughtfully said, "It's okay."

Zhou Yang wiped the thin sweat from his forehead, and asked without panting, "I'm going to cook for you now, what do you want to eat?"

An An said: "No need, Uncle Zhou Yang, I'm full."

Zhou Yang thought he heard it wrong: "Are you full of air?"

An An shook her head and said, "I went to the window to buy a meal ticket, and paid 10 yuan for a staff meal. I was very full. By the way, it was a department sister who taught me."

"That's it." Zhou Yang understood: "It seems that even without me, you can take care of yourself."

"It's okay." An An scratched her head modestly.

Zhou Yang then asked: "How is it? Is our staff meal delicious?"

An An nodded like a slap in the face: "Yes! The 10 yuan staff meal includes meat, vegetables, fish, and soup. It's the cheapest meal I've ever had."

Zhou Yang chuckled lightly: "Because this is one of the company's benefits to employees. If you eat here, you will never have to worry about not being full."

"But the price is so high now, if you do this, you will lose money, right?" When An An was renting a house in Jiuxi Tiandi, she often heard Lu Wanwan talk about the price increase of food today.

Zhou Yang was half-joking, and said half-seriously: "I'm glad you're starting to care about the company's expenses, but don't worry, the money lost by President Li running the restaurant will be earned back from another place, but if you can't keep the employees Stomach, that is tantamount to losing their people and hearts, and they are the foundation of the company, right?"

An An couldn't refute: "Yes!"

"That's it." Zhou Yang rubbed his little head and went to cook.

Leaving An An thoughtful.

The sister who took him to buy meal tickets just now said that this company needs to learn to be self-reliant, and no one will feed him food. His first reaction was that this company is very impersonal.

However, if this company is really impersonal, why does it set the price of employee meals so cheap?


After finishing his lunch, Zhou Yang wiped his mouth and said to An An: "Since there is no one in Mr. Li's office now, shall I take you to rest inside?"

An An asked, "Uncle Zhou Yang, what are you doing at such a time?"

Zhou Yang said: "Sixty percent are working, forty percent are trying not to work."

An An asked strangely: "Why do you try not to work?"

Zhou Yang said in a sarcastic tone, "Because the [-]% of the people who are working will wake up the [-]% of the people who are trying not to work."

An An was silent after hearing this, and asked after a while: "Uncle Zhou Yang means that [-]% of the people who are not working will feel a sense of crisis when they see [-]% of the people who are working, so even the lunch break is too late. Didn't sleep well, did you?"

Zhou Yang was very happy that he understood: "That's right."

In this regard, An An's understanding of Li's Group has improved again.