Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1411 You Are Actually Saving Them

After leaving the staff restaurant, An An suddenly said: "Uncle Zhou Yang, take me to another place, I don't want to take a lunch break."

Zhou Yang gave him a strange look. Logically speaking, An An should not be interested in these things, but why now...

However, An An was willing to take the initiative to learn about the company, and Zhou Yang naturally welcomed it: "Okay, but if someone asks, how are you going to introduce yourself?"

An An said: "I just said, just be your little follower!"

Zhou Yang laughed and said, "I don't dare to do that."

An An said sweetly: "There is nothing you dare not to be. Uncle Zhou Yang is the chief secretary. In the company, he is under one person and above ten thousand people. It is my honor to be your little follower."

After Zhou Yang heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Who taught you these words?"

"I figured it out myself." An An recalled: "When the sister who taught me to buy meal tickets just mentioned you, she immediately showed respect. By the way, I wanted to invite her to have dinner with us, but She was afraid of being regarded as a relationship seeker by you, so she rejected me."

Zhou Yang looked normal and said, "It's normal for her to think so."

An An said firmly: "But I know that Uncle Zhou Yang is not such an unkind person."

Zhou Yang touched the back of his head and said, "An'an, I am amiable in front of you, but in the company I am famous for being a smiley tiger. Every year, many new employees come to make friends with me. You know what their final fate is? what?"

An An guessed: "They won't be... dismissed?"

"That's not possible." Zhou Yang said: "But I will tell the leaders of their departments about their lives, so that they will be named and criticized, and they will have to write a self-criticism. After a long time, they will not even dare to have dinner with me. , An An, do you think Uncle Zhou Yang is very hurt?"

Looking at Zhou Yang's self-deprecating look, An An shook her head: "No, I know that Uncle Zhou Yang did this to correct the company's atmosphere."

Zhou Yang's smile became more genuine: "I'm glad you think so."

An An looked at him sympathetically: "But in this case, Uncle Zhou Yang will offend many people, right?"

Zhou Yang did not deny it: "Well, such things are always inevitable."

An An couldn't help comforting: "Uncle Zhou Yang, don't be sad, I know, you are actually saving them."

"Huh?" Actually Zhou Yang wasn't sad, but An An's words made him want to find out: "Why do you think I'm saving them?"

An An said: "If you accept their gifts today, they will dare to ask you to do things for them tomorrow. If your boss finds out, with his terrible personality, they will die even worse. "

Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard his serious analysis.

Seeing this, An An's expression changed into a ignorant one: "Uncle Zhou Yang, what are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

Zhou Yang laughed enough, and then said: "An'an, you are right. I laughed because I didn't expect that I had no shortcomings at all in your heart. Is it because you have a good impression of me, or do you have a good impression of President Li? Are your prejudices too deep?"

"I..." An An choked.

Seeing that he was speechless, Zhou Yang said gently, "Okay, you can think about this issue after you get back."


Psychotherapy Center.

After finishing preparations for Xiao Mian's adoption, Lu Wanwan got up and left the office to burn incense on Xie Rou's spiritual tablet.

"Dean's mother..." Lu Wanwan stood in front of Xie Rou's tablet, her voice soft and soft: "You have a spirit in heaven, you must bless the children here to grow up healthily, and find a responsible family to adopt them."

After a meal, Lu Wanwan looked at Xie Rou's posthumous photo through the rising smoke, and said, "As for me, don't worry, I have forgiven Li Jingchen according to your last wish, and brought An An back Li Zhai lived with him, he said he would propose to me and let me be his wife again, I didn't say it, but I actually agreed in my heart."

"Look!" Lu Wanwan suddenly raised her left hand, revealing the diamond ring between her fingers, smiled at Xie Rou's posthumous photo, and said, "This is the diamond ring Li Jingchen gave me. He was going to propose to me. But I thought he was insincere, and he let me do it, not angry at all."

At the end of the conversation, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "He is no longer the domineering Li Jingchen I met six years ago, and I am no longer the Lu Wanwan who was at his mercy six years ago."

As she said that, Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand, fondled the kind face in the posthumous photo longingly, and said softly: "Mother of the dean, don't worry, I won't let him fail me again."

"Bang" sound——

Suddenly there was a commotion outside.

Lu Wanwan turned around and came out, but two children were scrambling for a small train, and the small train was dragged in half. The two children each held the locomotive and the tail, and the parts in the middle were scattered all over the floor.

The smaller child hugged the locomotive directly and cried out: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-train-train??

The older child stared at the parts on the ground, frowned and said, "I've said it all, I just borrowed it to see, you have been refusing, so I did it."

The smaller child cried again and again: "This is my Christmas present. I don't even want to play with it myself. Why should I borrow it from you?"

A trace of guilt flashed across the face of the older child, and then he squatted down and picked up all the carriages on the ground: "Okay, I'll give it back to you."

"It's called return? It's all broken!" The smaller child stared at his tears and said, "You have to pay me for a new little train! Otherwise, or I will..."

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan was about to stop it, but the smaller child choked out: "Otherwise I'll tell the disciplinary committee that you broke my little train!"

Hearing this, the older child also became angry: "Okay, you go and talk! I didn't do it on purpose, and the disciplinary committee will definitely give me justice!"

"Go!" The smaller child turned around immediately, but accidentally bumped into Lu Wanwan who was standing by the door.



After seeing Lu Wanwan, the two children invariably hid the broken train behind them, with guilty looks on their faces.

"Don't hide, I've seen it all." Lu Wanwan said, stretched out a hand to each of them, and asked gently: "Do you want me to help?"

As a result, a weird scene happened.

The two children shook their heads in unison.

Lu Wanwan frowned slightly.

In the next second, the older child said sensiblely, "Dean, I don't need to bother you with such trivial matters. We can go to the disciplinary committee to deal with it."